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Posts posted by puppylove

  1. I don't know what your worst symptoms are, but I am nauseous 24-7. Sitting, lying flat, standing it doesn't matter. It is very debilitating, I could not imagine having a job while feeling this way. Just because you sit down does not mean your GI tract will move faster, the blood will stop pooling etc. I really hope it works out well for you!

  2. Depending on how old you are I suggest Dr. Abdullah in Reston, VA. He is a childrens cardiologist but he treats patients in to their mid twenties. He is awesome!!! I live 45 min. away from Charlottesville :) and I tried many doctors until I found him. I really hope you can find a good one, I know how disheartening it can be when every doctor you go to doesn't understand what you have or they think it's anxiety.

  3. I am just very curious because for a long time when I was feeling sick my parents and I didn't even know my symptoms could be relating to my heart or that I should see a cardiologist. My Dad's coworker's son had been having the same symptoms as me for a while and we are the same age. The first time I ever heard about POTS was when my Dad brought home an article about it that his coworker gave him. They were testing his son for it. Well his son has POTS. And I do too. :) Ironic I know! But I was just wondering how everybody else even learned about it because I just got SUPER lucky...

  4. That thing that happens when you get up too fast from sitting to standing- you know when it goes black around your eyes? Does anybody actually pass out from that? It happens so often and I don't pass out but I don't know if I should just ignore it or sit down when it happens? Also I have never passed out before but I get a different thing other than the going black sensation it's like the world is spinning and my knees buckle...

  5. I am literally constantly bloated. When I don't eat it stops but obviously I can't stop eating. Are there any medications that you guys find helpful for this? I don't think its from what I eat because it happens with every food- even the BRAT diet. I guess it's just from blood pooling in my tummy...?

  6. We have three other dogs too but they are older and a cat, fish, hermit crabs. Our house is kind of a zoo! :) I agree, having pets really makes me feel better! It is really hard to give the pup to someone else when you foster but it is so rewarding!! Its so cute because the last time we fostered my dogs got attached to the puppy and they were all sad for a while after she was gone!

  7. Sometimes when I'm feeling better my family will foster puppies for dog rescue groups. Its really fun and I LOVE it!! The thing is I have not been feeling so well lately but there is a little puppy that needs a foster home or he will be put down! So I have convinced my parents that we should foster again and starting Thursday I will be partly responsible for a 12 week old puppy until we find him a good home. At least if the puppy cries all night I will probably be up anyways. :). This should be interesting...

  8. Stand up and drop your arms at your side for 3-4 min. keeping your hands still. Now put one hand all the way up for 10 seconds. Now look at both hands. Freaky right?! Also can't you feel the blood leave your hand?! I freaked several of my friends out by showing them my purple hand next to my other hand!!

  9. Oh my gosh i am so happy right now I could cry or something!!!!! I just got back from my appointment with Dr. Abdallah and he is the best doctor ever. He did different tests on me than my other cardio and he explained the results and what my body was doing to make me have these symptoms. I finally felt like every word my parents and I said really turely mattered and he cared and he knew it was not anxiety :)! He said that several of the medicines my other cardio put me on are not beneficial and they are infact harmful to teens with POTS. He said I need full homebound schooling for now and he will get it for me. And my favorite part was when he looked me right in the eyes and said I will make you feel better. No doctor has ever said that to me before!! My parents are also estatic. It's like the light bulb has gone off and every thing has clicked in to place!

  10. Do you think you might be having adrenaline surges instead of panic attacks? What I used to think were panic attacks are really surges because they wake me during my sleep which panic attacks would not do. When do you notice it happens and are you anxious during it?

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