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Everything posted by RichGotsPots

  1. also found it odd that my temperature went from 101.5 F high on Sunday to now being 96.5 F, a bit low don't you think?
  2. UPDATE: since 7pm tonight my lungs have been really painfully hurting me when I breath. I've had to take baby breathes so they don't hurt as much. I really need to ask my doctor tomorrow if he tested for viruses... I hope I can sleep tonight and wake up much better off
  3. I wish but this is a different breathing issue. When I was hospitalized back in October for breathing issues they did an x-ray and no pneumonia, then I had a high resolution CT scan end of November that was all clear.. besides that, this pain feels different..
  4. Thanks for the info! I looked up Clindamycin and it's known even more than others to have diarrhea as a side effect even thought they all list that. But I think the key is eating solid food before you take it. I never took it. Over the years I have take almost every antibiotic on the market, but I dont remember any of their names because it's been so long. When I was young I had strep a lot. In my mid 20's I had tonsillitis. I was given two very strong antibiotics for it (the first one didnt work, luckily the second one did) and I remember on the first one I had to stay out of the sun, on the second it said to be careful with tendons. Recently I took Levaquin for a staph infection. My IGG levels are low so look like I'm prone to infection The thing that worries me is finding out what type of pneumonia I have..
  5. Thank you so much! I have here of that antibiotic because I had a staph infection back in January and they said it's good for that, but my doctor gave me Levaquin which was also supposed to be good. But I just reread the wiki on it and it's looks very good. I'll mention it to my doctor. Hope you are doing better, I read about Valley Fever and it seems awful, did your lungs hurt badly from it? Rich
  6. My breathing has definitely taken a turn for the worse, since 7pm It's been hurting a lot to breath. I'm trying to relax because I tell my dysautonomia is making pudding out of my anxiety comping mechanisms...
  7. I agree, hormones flux thought the day, usually peaking in the morning for some. Could be we have dysfunctional hormones but our bodies each handle the response differently, that's what accounts for the variability of symptoms among us at different times. I wonder if you put our hormones on a bar graph and monitor them all day would would it look like a musical Equalizer (http://equalizer.seebyseeing.net/) :-)
  8. If you don't mind; What medicine were you given, how long did it take to recover and how did they know it was only bacterial?
  9. Update #3: Chest xray showed Pneumonia. They don't have the blood work back or the urine testing or the strep test (they say the strep test will take a few days..) Meanwhile they gave me a Z-pack (azithromycin) 5-day supply. My fever finally broke I'm at 97.4 now, I still feel clammy. My Mom brought me some food so I'm going to try to eat more today.. They say Pnemonia can be caused by many things, I hope it's bacterial so the medicine will kill it. Has anyone been had a viral culture before? I don't know why more doctors don't order that to rule that out, even though you can have both viral and bacterial at the same time..
  10. I just found out I have Pneumonia I still have to get other labs back and a strep test that my doc says will take a few days (I never heard of that, when I was a kid I used to get a 1 hr culture and some time 24 hours). The doctor prescribe me a 5-day zpack (azithromycin) (I've used for strep a few times) (I'm allergic to penicillian) What medicine worked for you if you've had this before? Does anyone else have experience with pneumonia, especially while their POTS was flaring? What kind did you have Viral, Bacterial, Fungal or parasitic? Rich
  11. all I know is wheatgrass is supposed to be really healthy to juice
  12. in the hospital they gave me saline IV for 24 hours straight. Didn't help much after the 1st hour. I was peeing like crazy so I dont think it helped me retain any water any better then drinking water...
  13. "very high concentrations of potassium ion (which might occur next to a solid tablet of potassium chloride) can kill tissue, and cause injury to the gastric or intestinal mucosa" definitely make sure you are monitored closely by your doc... But they recommend that we eat 4 grams a day, while most of us in the USA eat 2 grams a day. Potassium is very abundant in food already..
  14. if you go to a good local chinese herbalist they will actually give you ingredients that you have to boil up, no capsules. That's one way to make sure the quality is better. I've always looked for gov't run studies on herbs, like German's Commission E, but in the end I haven't found any I would consider quality.
  15. I have this exactly but do you have trouble swallowing or breathing because of it?
  16. I've seen a case of EDS getting bad quickly so you should get a second opinion on that separately. No harm in getting 2 or 3 opinions.. also a lot of us are our own doctors, meaning we let the real doctors diagnose us and order tests and prescribe medicines but we go to appts armed with research and research everything doctors want to give or test us for. That's what's great about the forum. If you have a laptop I suggest you bring it to the hospital next time, they usually have free wifi internet
  17. Did you try calling Novartis Pharm Australia? They will tell you the best way to get it. If it's in australia already you shouldn't have to import it... Also ask them if there is any way for them to help get it approved. They want to make money so you'd be surprised..
  18. This is exactly why I don't get that most POTS specialist list I've seen only have a neuro or a cardiologist. We really need other specialist looking into our issues who will know about POTS.
  19. Mine is like the pain when you eat something dry and it gets stuck in your chest.. That's why I attribute it to dehydration. I don't think its Heart rate related at all. I'm so used to my high heart rate lol
  20. I bought two pairs on amazon.com one was $10 only a 20-30 compression, but it's really soft so I wear them in bed and bought another pair for $25 on amazon that was 30-40 compression...
  21. if traffic is slow or I'm going through a tunnel I open all the windows, fill the car up with fresh air before I drive up to them, then close the windows and click the button that will only circulate the air from inside the car.. lol
  22. i forgot to mention the germaphobe doc didnt look in my eye, they look very bloodshot and he said my ears are fine so then what why do they hurt??? still feel awful
  23. idk if it helps but i got into the habbit of putting on the fan when I put on my gas range. But that probably doesnt work lol
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