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Everything posted by enko

  1. lieze, thanks for replying I mean just being around smoke. I just don't stand cigarettes, not even when someone who was smoking passes near me. I get a headache, and if the concentration of smoke is higher my eyes start to burn and itch.. I can't even go for a cup of tea with my friends, I feel so awful after that smoke
  2. wow, this is really interesting! Thank you all, I'm reading this with pleasure and hope This is a bit off topic but since we're talking about allergies, is anyone here allergic on nicotine (cigarettes)?
  3. unfortunately same here.. I usually keep a bottle of water next to my bed and drink some when I wake up at night (2-3 or more times) and when I wake up in the morning. I can't really say that it helps about headaches, but at least I don't feel that thirsty..
  4. interesting article, thank you
  5. Did you see a doctor to check is everything ok (or anything broken)?
  6. I hope that it will go fine. Keep us posted
  7. Congratulations on clearing "It's all in your head" stage I still hope to get there soon
  8. Does anything help at all with your headache?
  9. I'm glad you feel better *hugs* Yes, people here are really helpful
  10. does something warm help? Tea, blanket..? My temp. is usually a bit higher than lower.. Sorry I can't help
  11. songcanary unfortunately I'm not scared about having TTT because my Doc thinks I don't need it I think they don't do that test in testing what I'll undergo (at some unknown time because they said they'll call when they'll find an empty spot to take me ).. I hate being on ice like that
  12. "perhaps"? Uh.. now I'm even more scarred.. It seems that my docs are just looking for another proof just to tell me that everything is fine with me Can POTS really pass unrecognized in this testing?
  13. Unfortunately I don't know I'm on ice too...
  14. I'm also going for that testing soon.. And I've also asked the same question here Check this and this. Good luck and keep us posted
  15. Next time I'm going to my Doc I should bring a laptop with me
  16. unfortunately I know just how you feel... I have symptoms of dysautonomia for over a decade and no docs listen to me: "It's just in you head" I only wish if they could be in my skin for just one of my days I hope that all of us will have some more luck soon to find someone who cares and know "what they are doing"..
  17. I do tend to have headaches for days.. it just doesn't want to go away Sorry I can't help more
  18. How is Doxepin and your BP? Mine is low, doesn't he make it even more low?
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