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Everything posted by issie

  1. I recently read that if we use a lot of salt, it decreases aldosterone. In fact, the article said that it would completely stop the production of it. I don't think that would be a good thing. So, it makes me wonder if all the salt is going to make us worse in the long run. But Florineff is given to increase salt retention when aldesterone is low. Salt, basically replaces the aldosterone ----?????? Am I understanding this correctly?
  2. I've been doing some search on this myself. Because I swear I look 7 months pregnant from swelling. I don't know if it's fluid or what. Don't have gas issues. Since I think I have the mast cell issues (just from reading and symptoms) I'm especially interested in whether or not to take the Tagament. Because it can decrease stomach acid and we do need the stomach acid to digest anything we put into our bodies. We will get malabsortption issues without the stomach acid and proper digestion. This could set us up for untold problems down the line. If I do a PH test I'm over akaline and all the research I've done on allergies, poor digestion, miagraines, vitiligo, hair loss, etc. can point to a lack of HCI and pepsin, enzymes that cause more acid in the stomach and are supposed to help relieve and "cure" all these issues. So, if you netralize the acid and aren't getting even the vitamins and minerals in your foods --- into your cells. You've got a whole lot of dysfunction going on. On the flip side if your ph is too akaline they say you'll never get cancer. But, you don't want to be real alkaline - just in the middle. Of course, this is a whole other issue from the acid in the stomach. (Got a little side tracked. Got so much in my brain to share.) Back to the h pylori -- pepto bismol will kill it. Bismol is what will kill it. Also, if you do quite a bit of olive leaf - a natural antibiotic, it may be real beneficial. It has helped people with lymes disease to get over it and cured mylaria when antibiotics didn't. Can't remember where I read that, in one of my health magazines. My husband has had real bad reflux and all the research I've read points to his need of more stomach acid - not less. Also read an article that suggested that it has something to do with the aldosterone. The need of more of it. I think that too much salt, unless you are sure that your adrenals or underproducing aldosterone -- may not be good for everyone. When I was doing alot of salt, I seemed alot worse. I've recently backed off and feel better. Still keeping my water content up and at times using electrolyte support. But not the massive salt on everything nor as many G2's. But, in so doing, I've noticed that I do seem more dehydrated. It's like the water doesn't get into the cells right, even though my whole body is swollen with too much fluid. Putting more fluid in when it's not going into the cells but into my feet, hands, legs and abdomen doesn't seem like the right thing to do. But, how do you get your cells to uptake the fluid not just go into your tissues? Any way, I think you're on to something and it will be wonderful if a dose of Pepto and an Olive Leaf is all we need to feel better. Keep up the good work in your searching.
  3. Part of it could be sleep apenea. I have it along with all the other issues. So, it is possible. Maybe you should at least rule that out since your doctor is willing to do one.
  4. For me, with Ehlers Danlos and Fibromyligia --- it was pretty painful. Not unbearable, but I really don't want to do it again. I'm super sensitive to pain.
  5. I'm confused too as to the terminology he used. Because a physiology shunt has to do with the heart, not the brain.
  6. If Mayo is a provider for your insurance, they probably will check to make sure it is paid before they do it. It never hurts to ask a question though. One of my test there was considered investigational and not the usual way of testing --- they did write it off.
  7. Unfortunatly, you are responsible for how your bill gets paid. Unless your doctor agrees to do an appeal, (they usually won't), it's up to you to do the appeal. I used to be an insurance biller and that's how it works.
  8. Insurance companies try to not pay things. You can put in an appeal and ask for another review. You have to do it in writing and submit your records showing the need for the test. Call the place and tell them you have an appeal in and they won't bother you for payment, until the appeal is reviewed. Tell them to make a note on your file. You may have to call if it takes awhile and remind them you are trying to get an appeal approval. Then if all fails, sometimes, they will write some of it off, or arrange for assistance etc. like the other person suggested.
  9. Shan, Hate to say it, but --- I think all your symtoms are POTS SYNDROME related. SYNDROME meaning there alot of other things that are connected to the illness, not just the tachy and BP issues. You have to sort of address ALL the many complex issues connected to it. You could possibly have CFS and/or sleep apenea. Both of these seem to go along with a POTS diagnosis. If you type in Breathe in the search engine, you will see that we have discussed that many of us don't do it right and do having breathing issues. So many have IBS and gastro mobility and digestive issues and if you have the possible Ehlers Danlos, it causes allot of pain --- all over and can be the reason for POTS. Have to do a quick note, more later. Hope this helps a little. You're not alone in this, we are all trying to figure it out. Issie
  10. I second the bio-identical. The regular estrogen/progestin's can cause all kinds of issues. The bio-identical for pre/post menapause is great. But, that won't help with birth control. Read books: What you doctor may not tell you about pre menapause and What your doctor may not tell you about menapause. Also, if you decide to do the bio hormones, Dr. Wrights book on Natural hormone replacement.
  11. Hawaiin chocolate with macadamia nuts ----- UMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! My fortunate husband, just got Hawaii in his sales territory. We went for about a 2 hour drive to see if I could do the 5 hour flight over ------ NOPE, no go. So he brought me back chocolates and perfume of plumeria -- my fav. So, I spray on the perfume and eat the chocolate and pretend I'm in Hawaii. LOVVVVELY!!!!!!!!!
  12. Nowwhat? It looks like you and I are the only ones coming up with this white matter issue and brain dysfunction. Still don't know what mine means either. However, they did find a brain tumor on me also that is in the lining of the brain. But, I swear it is affecting me and my memory. Also, I've had two TIA, which are the mini strokes that can't be detected on the scans, but give you the symptoms of a stroke and in my case has caused me to not be able to do math. This is real bad because, I was a book keeper. It hasn't gotten much better either and it's been 2 years now. I have to have MRI, MRA's every year to watch the tumor and hope that some more things will come to light. Also, I have Chairi 0 with a little over a 3mm drop. I think the compression of my spine with the arthritis and the Ehlers Danlos affects the blood flow and the brain function too. But, that's just me thinking. Also have severe sleep apenea and think that lack of oxygen has an impact. Guess we just have to wait for science.
  13. I had a recent experience. I was on my way to a Bible meeting and having a bad day. I was trying to use my walker and not my wheel chair (because I broke my ankle/leg really bad). Every time I would stand up I would start to walk to the car, I would have a POTS attack and lose my breath, feel really faint and go totally pale. My husband sat me down twice and it took about 20 minutes each time for it to pass. Then I felt totally wiped out. I had to get to the Bible meeting because I was committed to help someone do a presentation on stage and we had rehearsed and I didn't want to let her down. I wanted my chair because I was so afraid that by the time, I got up and walked up on stage --- I'd have another attack and wouldn't be able to talk. My husband assured me that I would be okay and able to do it. I managed to do it and keep myself settled down and survived the stress of it all and was able to talk. We did however, sit on the front row, so the walk was not too long. When I was finished, I got back to my seat and the tremors started in my hand and leg. Stress will set me off. I was so sure I'd have a bad attack and lose my breath and not be able to do it --- but I pressed forward and was told I did a good job.
  14. Were your iron levels too high too? Allot of the time when you're told that you need to donate blood or have blood drawn it's because of hemochromatosis. Too much iron in your blood. I don't know if it causes the hematocrit to be too high. Haven't researched this in a long time. I do have a friend who has hemochromatosis and he can't eat red meat or cook in iron cookware, etc. He also has to have blood drawn every month or two to keep his iron levels down. I was just wondering if there is a connection?
  15. Yes, it is homeopathic. It shouldn't bother you. Be sure and don't drink or eat 15 minutes before of after taking it. Take as directed on the label and let us know what happens. It should be very subtle. Homeopathy is very diluted. It won't have the strong wam that herbals do. I'm interested in it myself. Keep us posted. I would try it in the a.m. to start with. Because you are trying to get energy, it may not be good to take it before bed. You will just have to experiment and see when it is best for you. Look up homeopathy and familiarize yourself with the principles of how it works. It's like taking a small amount of a vaccine and it helps your body to start working on its own. Some rememdies you need only occasionally, others much more frequent. Some of the ones I'm on I plan to use for a few months and then do a break and then use again. See what your body is doing and if it will reset itself. Hope it helps you.
  16. I just read an article about B12 somewhere. It said that allot of people don't take up the oral form of it properly and that it has to be given in a shot form for them to metabolize it. It is supposed to help with energy and aniema. Folic acid is now beginning to be understood to help with depression that doesn't respond to RX's. Also, B6 is helping allot with muscle disorders. If you take a B vitamin, you must take a complex in addition to the specified B that is recommended or you will create an imbalance.
  17. One of THE BEST things I've ever taken for my blood sugar -- either high or low --- is GTF chromium. My doctor told me to take it and I hardly ever have issues any more. I take one a.m. and one p.m.
  18. It looks like the adrenal supplement you bought is a homeopathy product. Does it have like 6X or 6C type dosages? If that's the type of product it is, you probably won't have any adverse reaction to it. With homeopathy, you must not eat or drink anything 15 minutes before or after taking it -- or it becomes null and void. (It won't work.) Give a little more detail and I'll try to help with this one.
  19. For some people, especially us POTS people, D-ribose could be too energizing. It could possibly create a hyper state. If you took a very small amount, you might could get away with it, otherwise ----zoom, zoom, zoom ---that's what your body will do. This is also true with CQ10. I found it to be almost too energizing and L-Carnitine too. These are things that help with micro stuff though. If you're deficient in that, then these would probably be beneficial. I'm glad you guys are starting to look into alternatives. Although there is allot to learn, it's worth the energy. If someone else can learn these things and recommend products --- you can do it for yourself.
  20. I feel that this is true. But, what about us that don't react well with medicines, or we paradox with them? I haven't found a way to increase serotonin that doesn't cause undue distress in other ways. Any suggestions? I didn't do well with 5HTP or St. Johns Wort either. We know there is a serotonin deficiet, but is it because there is an increase of the other hormones, that imbalance the seratonion. Maybe they need to be surpressed and then the serotonion will come up on it's own or at least balance itself out.???????
  21. Ginger helps with nausea, not so much with a nervous stomach. Ginger can burn too, it is a warming herb. If you are already too warm, it will make you allot worse. For some people, peppermint will cause heart burn. You need to make sure your gut ecology is good. Use probiotics. There is one other herb (but I hesitate to suggest it ---- because what's good for one, isn't for another) but, Lemon Balm is very soothing for me. (I have to get the tinture, because the pills are too strong.) Also, there are homeopathy products that help with anxiety and stress. (Belladonna --is phenobarbital -- in homeopathy form is very mild but may help. There are many homeopathy possibilities. You must know the nature of the person before you know which one for them to use.) Do you know if you are alkaline or acidic? Baking soda neutrilizes acid. Alot of times, instead of needing to decrease acid, we need more acid. Research is finding out that for those with acid reflux and heartburn, they don't have enough stomach acid to properly digest their foods and it is causing more issues with all the Tagament and Pepcid. Instead possibly apple cider vinegar or HCI and pepsin. At the very least enzymes with your food. Then if all else fails, you probably need a script for either a muscle relaxer or a mild sedative, to help your stomach to relax and release. It's possibly a food allergy too. If you have a limited diet, it makes me wonder if that is already the case. If you are eating the same thing every day ==day in and day out === you could have developed an allergy to what you've been eating. There is a food rotation diet that helps you to figure out food allergies and try to eliminate them. You are supposed to rotate your foods every 4 days, and not eat any of that particular food for 4 days. You can have all you want on that one day, but not eat it again for 4 days. You may find that you have developed a sensitivity to the foods you are eating. I have a friend with Crohns and he found coconut oil and colostrum to be sooooo healing and soothing for him. He has managed to get off his steroids and uses these two things and also glutithione.
  22. Kava has been said to be horrible for those with the hyperadrenal type of POTS. Of course, we do seem to paradox react to things. It's so frustrating.
  23. Okay, now I'm intrigued. Please explain this in lay terms. I'm finding that I can't do allot of salt ---- it does make me feel worse. There are times when I need a little extra, but not like what has been recommended. I do feel like I have the hyperadrenergic form, my test indicate this too, although they never officially told me this.
  24. I have noticed if I eat bacon full of salt!!! I feel so bad and never knew why... Haven't been DX as hyper or low flow so I don't know... It could be the nitrates.
  25. Me being the "naturalist" that I am, I'm trying some different things right now myself. I want to try them out more before I post what they are and if they are effective or not. Also, as some of you have experienced ----what's good for one, is not good for another. We are all so complex and we have to make sure of ALLLLLL the issues before we can decide or not which herbal, vitamin, homeopathy etc. will be beneficial. That's why we have to educate ourselves on all the possible outcomes of taking something and then decide if it's right for us. I feel this way about medicines too. Sometimes the side effects are worse than what you're trying to help. I have however already posted about: Ginger and Turmeric --- for pain, just keep in mind that ginger thins the blood, so it should be discontinued if a surgery is coming up, also shouldn't take with blood thinning meds. Ginger also helps nausea. Olive Leaf --- is a natural antibiotic --- possible help for Lyme's disease etc. Vitamin D --- helping issues with muscles, pain and energy Apple Cider vinegar --- helps with digestion, first first thing I reach for with a sore throat, has been said to kill strep in 24 hours. I believe it --- that's all I took for it and got over it in a week. Quercetin ---- natural antihistamine --- may help with Mast Cell and other allergies Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C -- the combination together, I have found, will help you get over a food allergy in about 20 minutes. Full spectrum Vitamin E -- helps with hot flashes and keeps your skin younger Fish Oils --- helps brain fog and depression also pain. Is real good for your heart. Can also thin the blood. Red Clover --- helps hot flashes, has estrogen type effect. These are the things, I use and know they work, for me, in the way I've indicated. Some of these things I take on a as needed basis, not all the time. Herbs have to be stopped after so many weeks and a break taken, then you can go back on them. Vitamin D, can be toxic and you need to know you are low and keep a watch on your levels. Other than Ginger and Fish Oil having the blood thinning properties, that's all the precautions, I know of. Unless, one of the herbs is in a family of foods that you could react to. I'm experimenting with some homeopathy and finding it to be very beneficial. This really has to be something you educate yourself about. Different personality types of people and varying symptoms indicate a different remedy for the same illness or issue. So, not something I really feel like just throwing out there. There are many books written on homeopathy and the different components of them and I'm finding them to really help with my pain issues. More later, as the research continues. Just do keep in mind what firewatcher said. These "natural things" are medicines and you must be careful not to combine them with RX's that may intensify the effects or cause too much of an overload of that particular substance. DO EDUCATE YOURSELF ---COMPLETELY --- before you mix any "natural" substance into your mix of prescriptions or other supplements. Your liver and digestive system MUST break down everything that goes into your body. If you don't need it, it over taxes the body even more, and our bodies have enough taxing. But, in my case, I'm finding some of these things to be very beneficial and helping me more than the meds I've tried, thus far.
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