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Everything posted by extern14

  1. It's def. not for everyone!
  2. Kari, That is very funny. Good for you. I would get something that means a great deal to you. I have been a Mickey Mouse fan since I was 5 (now 30) so I have a tattoo of Mickey Mouse. I would highly suggest that you do put thought into it because you do want it to be special. Start looking online at designs. Think about some of your favorite sayings or quotations. It's fun, really! I love mine. I look at it everyday and smile! Thanks for responding.
  3. Just a silly question for a change. Thanks for answering!
  4. I can totally relate. I spent three years going from doctor to doctor and all them telling me that I was depressed and was stressed and that was all. It was so frustrating. I have not gone to the ER so I have not had the experience of them telling me that it was a panic attack but having a POTS diagnosis now may change that. However, I can just tell you that you know different and everyone on here knows different so don't think twice about it. Although, I think most of us are a little depressed but that is because of the POTS not the other way around. It may get better. Hang in there.
  5. Sorry. Don't know anything about the Albany area. Good luck, though. And I about to move too so I know that I will feel my POTS even more. Take care of yourself and only do what you can do. Know your limits!
  6. I don't have that tall skinny female stereotype. I'm in my BMI range but more on the heavy side as opposed to the underweight side. Wouldn't ya know the one good things about POTS I don't get?! Great poll!
  7. Yes, I think it is very common. I experience it daily. I cannot move my head fast and car rides are very limited. There is also a lot of TV that I cannot watch because of the filming. It makes me too dizzy. It makes perfect sense and I think we can all relate.
  8. I have this throughout the day as well. I, too, notice it when I have done too much or drank too much caffeine or if there has been an incident. It usually goes away after awhile. I meditate and it will go away after that. If you just close your eyes and take some deep breaths and just calm your mind and body, this will sometimes help it. I attribute it to POTS and just another one of the wonderful symptoms that POTS brings! Hope you feel better!
  9. My heart goes out to you and is also with you. I am in a similar situation. My husband and I are divorcing and I am having to move back in with my father and step-mom back home in IL. I currently live in Texas with my husband. I have no idea how I am going to have the strength to go through this but I realize it is the best thing for me, for him, and for us. While it may one of the hardest things I have to go through, I know I have to go through it. I know I am strong enough and I know you are too. We each have an amount of strength in us that we don't even realize. I know you have the strength and the courage you need. You may have to dig deep. I don't know if you journal or not but I would highly recommend journaling. It has helped me through some of my darkest times. I know you are with your parents and I hope you have a great support in your family and, if so, take comfort in that. Embrace their love and support. Realize that things may be horrible right now but you will get better. Your life will get better. You will live. If everything seems like it is at the lowest point, then it can only get better from here, right? I am here for you. DINET is here for you. You are NOT alone. Keep the faith!
  10. Thank you for the information. I really appreciate it.
  11. I too have this fatigue. There are days where I could sleep for 20 hours and still be tired. My POTS doctor hasn't diagnosed me with CFS but I am pretty certain I have it. I already take Florinef and it doesn't seem to help all the time for it. Sometimes, POTS just has a way of doing what it wants no matter what you throw at it. I would see if you could get a CFS diagnosis though. Hope you get better. Hang in there.
  12. We all know your frustration at not being able to find what is wrong and how to fix it. My journey was for three years and we are still learning about what I do have and what medications to take. I know being patient is something that you have already but continue to be patient. It sounds like you are on the right track. The heart rate jumping is a classic sign of POTS but as for the pain you have, I'm not sure. I know I don't have that sort of pain but I do have vision problems. Like most people with POTS, there is usually a few other things that are complicating the POTS or making it worse. So keep plugging away. Hopefully the cardiologist will give you some answers! Good luck and we are always here for you!
  13. Sorry you don't feel well. Hope the medicine ends up helping. Get better!
  14. I will come to your party as well. I think we all need one of those from time to time. Hope your tests come back with something positive! Hang in there. I will bring sea salt - ya know as a condiment for all of us!
  15. Nikki, I have the exact same problem. The dizziness & vertigo stay with me all the time but, of course, gets worse once I stand or walk. I have only been tested for POTS and a few other tests so I know there must be something more to this than just having POTS. My symptoms stay with me all the time not just when I am standing. I went to an ENT and he told me that I was depressed and stressed. So now what? I hope you get your answers. I am in the same boat you are!
  16. Very interesting. Thanks for posting this. I am always looking for new ways to improve. I would love to have my life back! I don't feel that I have had all the testing to see what it is I really have and then how to treat it. I will definitely look into this. Thanks!
  17. I have a beautiful dog and cat who are always by my side when I am down and out. On the days when I can't get out of bed, they will both be on the bed with me keeping me company. I also have a stuffed bulldog toy that my husband gave me. He cuddles with me when things get really bad!
  18. I completely agree. Shopping is not something I do well. Usually, my husband goes out and buys my clothes and then I try them at home. I can't take the shopping trips. Too hard.
  19. I completely understand why you are bitter. I would be bitter too. I am so sorry you lost your Mother and sorry you lost her this way. I am with you on the weight. I used to be really skinny (too skinny) and now I am the heaviest that I have ever been in my life. People tell me to exercise. Yeah, like it's just that easy. I try everyday to but there are days when I can only go 5 minutes instead of the recommended 30 or 60 minutes a day. It's hard. Plus, we have to eat so much salt and drink so much water that I feel like a water balloon! Try to stay a health weight with the amount of salt and water we take in! I hear you, hun! Just know you are not alone and just do what you can. The most important thing is to maintain your mental health!
  20. We give our good doctors some baked goods. My husband is a great baker so he will bake some brownies or cookies. My doctor was very thrilled and said that was the first time that any patient had given her anything from Christmas. Just the fact that you are thinking of them and getting them something will surely be enough. Trust me, they will be grateful for whatever! Still it's very sweet of you. Merry Christmas!
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