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Everything posted by lizb

  1. Please send my best wishes to Flop, I am sorry she is not doing so well, hope she feels better soon. I am quite new to the Forum, so she may not know me, but I just wanted to send my thoughts and prayers. Take care Flop Liz B xx
  2. Hi there, yes I have the same effect, if my feet are hot it makes me feel lightheaded and my legs also feel weird. It would be interesting to know just how many symptoms this complex condition has!!!!! I was at the hospital for a Short Synatchen Test today - not sure if I have spelt that right - but I know you'll know what it is.... so I am now waiting on the results- feel as though that is all I do these days have tests and wait, what am I waiting for I ask myself? a reason for the way i feel, hoping they will say the tests are clear, then I think so whats wrong with me!! - think I'am feeling a bit frustrated by it all and feeling sorry for myself tonite. Sorry for rambling on just needed to get that of my chest. Anyway, it helps to know hot feet affects other people. This will be my first Summer, although in Scotland it does not get that hot, but i am starting to thing what will I wear when it gets warmer- as I have to wear compression stockings I worry about that another day Liz B
  3. Thank you to all who replied, I also went on the the Internet and found out much of what you said, it is helful however to hear from someone who has had the test. A bit likecommunicating with someone who's had POTS. Ta much Lizbx
  4. Hi there, not posted in a while, working hard, then when I get home I am soooooo tired. Well i had an app with my cardiologist today. She is sending me for a Short Synacthen Test next week. I was wondering if anyone else has had this test and if so, can they give me any info. Ta much LizB
  5. Hi yes I have the same symptoms, my legs feel like that there are lead weights tied to them. Some more identification! Tonight my arms feel the same, think that might have been caused by carrying shopping. take care LizB x
  6. Sorry to hear your feeling so low take care and I hope it passes soon. Luv and hugs Liz Bx
  7. Hi CJ, Welcome, I live in Scotland and. When I was diagnosed, none of my family and friends had heard of POTS..... I found this site and it has been a god send, members are helpful and very supportive. I use the site as often as possible and although I am new to this condition, I have had load of identification with members. Initally, I thought that my symptoms were not that bad, and maybe the DR had got it wrong. However, after reading personal stories. various topics, and posts, I accepted that YES I do have POTS and having this Forum has helped immensly. I learned to manage my symptoms better and as someone already said, compression stockings are great, I wear them all the time. Keep in touch with the members and you'll learn lots about this "hidden illness", that's what someone else described it as and I think that is soooooo true. Take care LizBx
  8. Hi Amby, That's exactly the way I felt It's not that we want to have POTS!! it the fact that all the symptoms are real and we start receiving the right treatment and try and move on with our lives to the best of our ability on a day to day basis. I am having a good day, hope your day is good as well. Take care, LizBx
  9. That's awful!! Sorry you feel you have been let down by your DR. but they say when "one door closes another door opens" and maybe the second door will be the right one, hope it is... I am grateful I have a good Cardiologist but I was so disappointed when I received a letter telling me my app was moved to 30th May it was orginially 20th March, so gutted but at least I have been dx so I just have to try and be patient and think that someone must have needed the appointment more that me. Keep your chin up. Luv LizB
  10. Just wanted to say that my thoughts are with Poohbear and hope she gets well soon. "it's always darkest before the dawn" LizB
  11. Thanks to everyone who replied, it really helps with the denial. I have read all the different topics and by identifing with the symptoms others have I now accept that I do have POTS. I have also accepted that I have to wear compression stockings everyday, because I thought " I'll not wear them today!! " BIG MISTAKE... I could hardly stand for a few minutes without the pooling in my legs, tachyacardia, and I had to lie down to get blood back up the way!! So yes I really now accept that I have POTS and albeit is may not be as bad as others but I have had to make big adjustments to my life and somedays are better that other, today is not a good day feeling very depressed. But I will work on it and this forum really helps Luv LizB
  12. Hi there, glad you have found a new Dr. I have a really good GP and Cardiologist and it makes such a difference. I hope the TTT appointment is arranged sooner rather then later and you get your dx soon. I Take care LizB
  13. This forum is amazing, I was just speaking to my friend telling her how I really need to attend the dentist but was dreading it in case I had a POTS attack. After my friend went home I logged on and the first one I read lists a site where I find a full script on Dental treatment considerations, I could not believe it. I am a great believer in a higher power and this just confirms that he listens. A sincere thank you to the people who have given of their own time and attention to detail to set this support network up and also to all the members who post thank you all. Take care LizB
  14. Hi there, yes I get this feeling I put it down to stress as I work in Social Services, Child Protection Unit but it usually happened at times when nothing much was going on in my life. It's good to know I'm not alone and it could be a symptom of POTS. LizB
  15. Hi there, good topic, I can stand for about 5 minutes after that I get a "pop" like feeling in my chest then everthing goes to my legs and if I dont' sit down immediately the tachycardia starts and I have to lie flat until the feeling passes, which can take up to 20 - 30 minutes to settle but afterwards I feel like I have been run over by a tank LizB
  16. Hi Heather, welcome I have just recently joined the forum and I have found it a great support. I have experienced days of extreme fatigue but to date I have not been bedridden. The symptoms of this illness varies from one individual to another and as you will find with this forum, everyone is so supportive. The forum has helped me feel less isolated especially, when I am having a really bad day. I am sorry I can't offer you any words that would inspire or help you cope with your symptoms but I found that the more advanced members are excellent at passing on their experiences and giving some hope that ,yes, somtimes things might get better. I try to stay positive and just take one day at a time. On my bad days I think "this to will pass" Take care, Lizb
  17. Hi everyone, just wanted to ask if anyone had experience of changes in their voice sounds. Sometimes I sound like a man!! Is this something to do with POTS or do I need to go and get some HRT, quick!! lol not on anything at the moment. I know this may sound trival, but I am trying to get the whole picture of POTS and eliminate things that have absoutly no connection to this syndrome. Can I just say that this forum is great, I read everything Liz B x
  18. I am glad you were able to make a decision. I think once you make the decision it makes you feel so much better. Hope everything goes well and I wish you a speedy recovery Love LizBx
  19. Hi Melissa, My name is Liz and I am new to the forum but I just wanted to pass on my thoughts and prayers for you and hope you get the help and support you need to aid your recovery. Take care, love and hugs to you. love LizBxx
  20. Hi there, I had a hsty 22 years ago and I kept my overies and I never looked back. I didnt have POTS at that time, well I don't think so. At the time I was 28years old but it was the best decision I made. I had suffered from pelvic inflammatory diease for 2 years and no matter what medication the Doctor's gave me, it was like a boomerang, it just kept coming back. Decision like these are difficult to make. When I am faced with a difficult decision, I ask myself " can I live with the consequences of this decison" this usually helps me make up my mind. Wishing you a safe operation and a speedy recovery. You are in my thoughts Liz Bxx
  21. lizb


    Hi there yes it is good to have a fellow Scot online, and thanks also to all for welcoming me be on board. Well. my POTS are fine today, just as well, I received a telephone call at 10:30am this morning informing me that my daughter, the baby of the famly, had collapsed outside her home, with her two children. I was like "supergirl" I spun round in the living room and the next thing I knew I was up outside my girls home. She is OK it turned out she had tripped while running for a bus, maybe now she will learn to drive!! She was taken to hospital and treated for suspected broken arm and is a bit battered and bruised, but she is home and thank God her and my two granddaughter are fine. This was a big change, as it is usually me who is wiped out and taken away in an ambulance when we are out shopping, but at least she is washed and dressed, I looked like a mad women with my hair all over the place and as we all know a symptom of POTS is pale palor, well I looked like a Ghost!! but nevertheless, I coped and I am still feeling fine. Lizb xx
  22. lizb


    Hi, my name's Liz, and I'm from Scotland. Just recently joined the Forum, finding it very supportive and informative. At present I am OK I lost a day off work yesterday because my BP was sooooooo low, could'nt even get in a shower, need to invest in a chair!! Speak to you all soon. Liz B x
  23. Hi Sue. so sorry you had to put your pet cat down. I know how it feels I had to make this decision a few years back. I had my cat (Suzie) for thirteen years. It is just like losing a part of your family. Take care LizB
  24. Hi thanks to everyone who replied, it is good to be able to take part in these discussions as not one of my family or friends had ever heard of this condition, so it's good to communicate with people who know what I am talking about. Hi Katherine, The reasons that led to a TTT was three years ago I was admitted to hospital with severe chest pain. The medical profession went down the route of heart diease as my two younger brothers died of massive heart attacks aged 33 and 46 years old, as did my father at the age of 74. My mother also died of heart related problems. So I went on a round of tests all inconclusive and prescribed medication that only made me feel worse. In 2006 I started having problems standing, sitting and getting that strange feeling in my legs. One night I became ill while out shopping and subsequently ended up in hospital. I was referred to my present cardiologist, who is really good, not like to ones who said I was having a "panic attack" and i was emotional because of what happened to my young brothers. During my last visit I explained to her how I was feeling but it was when my partner said that I go GREY when I am not feeling well she then asked me if I had ever had a TTT and I said no!! So I got a TTT and it was positive. Liz B
  25. Sorry, not quite got the hang of replying, i'll get better!!! Liz B
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