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Everything posted by icesktr189

  1. UGH they are horrible! They always hit at night time really bad and I am usually kept awake all night. I helps for me to go out in the cool air and walk around. Praying we all get some relief soon!
  2. I am debating whether or not to start it up again. My bp is all over the place, and sometimes when I feel terrible it can be pretty normal (120/70) I worry that my bp would go to high, but I can definitely tell that I dont have enough blood in my brain. Sorry about asking so many questions on here, my fiance is leaving in 3 weeks to another state for over a month, and I will be left alone with baby. To say at the least I am freaking out. I will have some help, but not like I do now. I am going to try a 2.5 mg dose. I just cant stand the scalp stuff and I get the goosebumps everywhere the entire 4 hours. But it will be better than I am now at least. Right now I have severe fatigue, dizziness, and kinda feel like you do right after you get off a roller coaster, that disoriented feeling all the time now. Oh cant forget those fabulous adrenaline surges that last all day long :] Does this med help with those and the dizziness? I would LOVE to be able to drive if need be. The florinef was giving me too many migraines, so i cannot take that anymore. Its either this or an SSRI, but the adjustment period takes longer than 3 weeks for me, so im PRAYING that this works.
  3. Yes I vet this when my adrenaline is going nuts or starting an ssri. Its just another annoying autonomic symptom
  4. Yes POTS quickly went downhill with allergy problems. My ears pop with pressure, I have severe sinus pressure and migraines. Also super dizzy and exhausted. I think tge allergies/mcad worsen POTS so much.
  5. I feel like i have a big ball of anxiety in my chest, like i cant relax it. Sorry sounds weird but i could probably make myself panic right now if i wanted to. Feels like someone shot adrenaline right into my chest. Its awful. Im not sure what to take for it either. I have klonopin but i dont want to be drowsy tomorrow.
  6. Any opinions on allegra? I worry that they will worsen my adrenaline surges
  7. Thanks! Do you have any side effects from the claratin or zyrtec? I hate new meds and am so sensitive nowadays
  8. Yes I am on my cycle right now! I never use benadryl because I worry it would maje me feel stoned. I still feel ichy and tingly. Even before this, I was itchy at night over my whole body. It felt like a really bad.bb panic attack but I was perfectly calm right before I ate it. Oh totally forgot but the yogurt had real strawberries in it. Its weird because I had strawberries a couple weeks ago.and nothing happened. I just feel so exhausted now. My hands and feet did itch and burn but my whole body did. Felt like my skin was crawling and I was out of breath. I have an epi pen because I was doing allergy drops for grass
  9. Usually I just try to ignore them because it happens everyday but the ichiness is new. So its true anaphylaxis? I have an epi pen but I think I would die before I use it
  10. I had a pretty rough day today. Cleaned a lot and went grocery shopping. When I got back, I was pretty tired but happy so I sat down and had a yogurt. Within 1 minute, I had a massive adrenaline surge and felt my face get really hot and tingly. Then I became ichy everywhere. I went outside to "cool" off and calm down. I dont believe it was a panic attack because it came totally out of no where and was related to me eating. I just dont understand the ichy part. Even 30 mins later I am still very ichy and tingly. The feeling was horrible though, felt like I was going to die. I have had these plenty times before, but never been ichy.
  11. I was 18 when I was diagnosed. Had symptoms since around 12 years old
  12. I actually think a lot of people here have found their root cause, whether its MCAD or EDS. Me personally, I believe 99 pecent I have an autoimmune disorder behind all this. I have way more symtpoms than just the "POTS" ones, and they all point to that. Still waiting to get into a rhemetologist after my ANA was positive. Dont give up looking, but know when to relax. I have had this for around 4 years and just begun looking for more answers. I just was not in the mood for it before i guess LOL. Also when my symptoms were good, i tend to not really care about looking further either LOL
  13. Thanks! I am eating two apples a day and its helping! Also adding a lot more fiber to my diet now. I am going to look for a pt and hope they know some about POTS. I have horrible insurance right now, so im limited in options I dont know about the testisterone problem, but it does make since why I dont have any. I barely move arond abymore. My heart goes so fast and migraines come soon after, so I limit my physical acrivity a lot. But if I notice adter working out that I am not making impeovements ill definently looj into it!
  14. Whatever works for me! Only issue might be my daughter. She is 13 months and i am hoping to have my mother watch her, but she might not be able to...
  15. Yeah I would definently take something to calm you down until you adjust. Just dont quit! I thought it would never end but it did. If it gets too bad ask to have liquid and go diwn a bit on the dose. I remember I had a horrible time sleeping and lived off the klonopin in the beginning. After 8 months I was a le to get off it. If by two weeks it doesnt get better, you should think about changing to another one. I had freat success with lexapro. My bp stabled out, didnt get adrenaline surges, was able to start driving and work part time. Really helped to get me out of a relapse thar was really bad. Good luck! Just remind your self that itgets a hundred times better
  16. Omg yes! Just give it two weeks and yakr klonopin. Exact thing happened with me and after a couple weekz it all went away. The first week was the worst. Its adrenaline issues going on until your body adjusts. By one month I was a new person. Dont give up! It will pass I had anxiety, flushing, limbs went numb, felt zoned out, racing thoughts, those were gone after week two.
  17. I cant drive either so my fiance would have to drive me. I live in chandler.
  18. I cant drive either so my fiance would have to drive me. I live in chandler.
  19. This is all POTS. When mine was goid for a year, it rarely happened. Now that I have relapsed it has turned into a daily thing. While these episodes are scary and uncomfortable, they are safe. If it happens for an exyended period of time they should be checked out, but they are usually just another abnoying symptom. Hope you find releif soon
  20. I get these everyday... The best thing to do is to try and stay calm. If you get anxious over them, it will make them ten time worse. When you get one, remind yourself its just adrenaline and it will pass soon. I use to take beta blockers to treat it, but my bp dropped too much on them . When they get really bad, I take klonopin. Works wonders for them
  21. I think it's definently a hit or miss with this med but I have been on it in the past with no reaction. I guess a med change is needed again ugh. Thanks! Oh and I developed my phobia of meducations after taking it for the first time
  22. Can someone please tell me what causes the severe itching when im trying to fall asleep?? I have had this problem way before my diagnosis. My whoke body iches and it drives me crazy at night. I end up taking a cool shower to ease it a bit.
  23. See mine isnt a burst of energy (i wish it was! lol) it feels like more adrenaline surges. It does stabilize my bp though. I have to take the three doses or i will crash mid day. My cardiologist is putting me on 2.5 mg at night time because i crash so bad. I was at 10 mg three times per day now I am at 5 which helps the crashes, but it does not work as well for my bp. I usually get massive headaches :/ I have been on and off of this stuff for 4 years, but it does not seem to make a difference. UGH catch 22. Relieves one symptom, and makes another one worse.
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