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Everything posted by icesktr189

  1. Im not really sure how it worked for me, I just remember I stopped passing out everytime I stood up. All my vitals evened out...it was not a quick thing though.
  2. Glad you are feeling a bit better! My moms house always makes me comforted too
  3. Oh I also take grapefruit seed extract for yeast
  4. Hey issie! Im no longer on diary but ive cheated a couple times and it didnt seem to do anything. Right now I dont have too much d, but I have very frequent bms. I think its also because my POTS is so.bad. Ive been laying off sugar but its hard for me. Lol im really hoping it isnt. My mom has had so many surgeries. My twin brothers pregnancy was her trigger. My uncles was multiple antibiotic use.
  5. I think my d is ulcertive colitis in the making. My mom and uncle had it and had their colons removed. Hopefully its not but huge chance there is
  6. Dirreah is very common with dysautonomia. Honestly, I have changed my diet so many times but no great effects except less migraines. I cut out gluten, sugar, caffiene and bad foods and didnt see much difference with my POTS. I do try to always eat healthy, but if I want a brownie or cookie I eat it. I feel like we have already given up so much that we shouldnt have to sacrifice those random indulgences
  7. Oh also has it helped tour symptoms and quality of life? I have a midorine back up if it doesnt work quick enough before my fiance leaves lol
  8. Hi! If I remember correctly, you had very little side effects from going so low? How was your anxiety levels in the beginning? That is yhe worst problem for me when I start I will be starting on 2.5 mgs so hopefully it will go more smoothly than last time. Thanks again for the prayers
  9. I took 10 mg of lexapro and klonipin in the beginning for the anxiety until it went away. I was completely bed bound, passed out everytime I stood up..ect. Bp in the toilet and hr very high. After four months on just this I was driving and working part time. Controled my adrenaline surges also. Anxiety for the first six weeks is VERY common, even for those without POTS. My cardoiologist believes it workz be because there are receptors in our stomaches and legs that it helps regulate. Also greatly improved my energy and brain fog. I was 90 percent better
  10. How long did you stay on them? There is an adjustment period. It takes 4 to 6 weeks for those crazy symptoms to stop. I had horrible anxiety in the beginning and it went away around the month mark. It stabilized my bp and hr so I could start working and driving again
  11. Im going on a very small dose ssri today because it compleyely got rid of my afrenaline surges before
  12. it did lower my anxiety, but it increased my migraines so much. I really wish I could have stayed on it :[
  13. You should definently go in to get tested first. Do you have a fever? I had chronic strep and had my tonsils/adnoids removed. Its horrible! It depends on how bad the infection is and what type of antiobiotic you take. Hope you feel better soon!
  14. If you think you have an autoimmune disorder, you should definently look into low dose naltrexone. All my family members who have crohns and ms have gone into complete remission from it. Go to lowdosenaltrexone.org
  15. Thanks for the replies! I was checked for EDS, but when I saw the geneticist, I was 9 months pregnant and pretty sick with POTS. She wanted to see how far I could bend down to touch my toes (not very far at that time) and really did not do a great assessment.She did however say I probably did have some type of connective tissue disorder. No blood work was done however. The only thing that makes me question it, is that I havent had any dislocated joints or breaks. I did figure skating and cheer, so I do question that. My symptoms are high palate in my mouth, very small jaw, very long fingers and toes. I can bend all my fingers all the way back to where they touch the back of my hand. It freaks my fiance out LOL. I am very long and thin. You can see all my bones, especially my hips, elbows, and ribs. I can put my entire hand underneath my rib cage. I have a very long torso too. I dont have stretch marks though. Never got any during pregnancy. I have horribe vision problems, mainly trying to focus my eyes. I do believe that MCAD and connective tissue problems are usually together. I have been taking claratin, and it helps a bit, but I have had severe POTS symptoms, so nothing is really working all the way right now. Sorry if I missed anything, my phone wont let me see what was written when i reply Oh also, I do think my wingpan is longer than my body. I just need to get back into a decent geneticist. Does anyone know any good ones in AZ?
  16. Thank you guys so much!!! I think I will just start the lexapro first, because the adjustment time is a lot longer. I usually know the first day how I will react with the midodrine, so I will just wait for that one. Is it pretty common to have a fear of medications with POTS? I never did before, but I guess after all the bad reactions, I have horrible anxiety about starting one. I am in counseling for it, but it takes SO long to overcome. Hope everyone is doing well, and Ill keep updates going! :] THanks again!!
  17. Im starting my lexapro and midodrine tomorrow... lord knows how this is going to go LOL. I have a lot of fear over this, but am happy to get my life somewhat back. I wish I could just take one at a time, but im on a time crunch right now :[ Any comfort will be greatly appreciated :] I already know I will have to dope myself up with klonopin before hand so that I will actually be able to swallow the pills to begin with. (I have medication phobia)
  18. Thank you! Thankfully I had one done recently, it shild mild pah, which I will be looking into more, but nothing with the aorta.
  19. I have looked into EVERYTHING... EDS, MCAD, CFS/ME... but the one that fits ALL my symptoms and explains even more is Marfan Syndrome. I fit ALL the requirements. Its explains why my vision is so bad and I can no longer focus my eyes. I am very tall for a woman (5'10') and very skinny. I have long, thin fingers. I have scoliosis. It just all seems to fit perfectly. I have no clue how to bring this up to my doctor though. What specialist deals with this?
  20. I am the worst i have been in a long time, and my usual blood pressure is HIGH for me! Its around 130/80 when i stand. I get so frustrated because i feel doctors only care about my bp and hr and not about all the other crazy symptoms. I too, have tons of symptoms when my bp and hr are good. There is not true correlation for me. I think that its also my ME/CFS acting up too.
  21. Just go to a pain clinic or a hospital. Say that you just stopped valium and you are freaking the eff out. Everytime my dad goes to the hospital he leaves with some type of benzo.
  22. at this point in time, you need to get an attorney. I am waiting to hear back from my appeal. They do all the work for you and you have a better chance at winning your case. please try not to get too upset, most people are denied the first time. My dad has spinal stenosis and had a denial the first time, and an approval the second time. It took a full year, but in truth, that is pretty short amount of time. Good luck and get the attorney as soon as you can. You should not have to pay a penny out of pocket until your case is won.
  23. The biggest issue here is to first deal with your anxiety. I am in the SAME position right now and find myself become obsessed over everything with my POTS. I am definitely NOT saying you dont have food allergies or physical things going on, but anxiety will make everything ten times harder than it should be. I am scared to death of starting my lexapro, but i know I have to do it. My anxiety is getting the better of me and taking a huge hold on my life now. Its from the stress that POTS has played in my life. Trust me when I say that once you can rid of it, you will feel SO much better. I cant wait to get back to living again, even with POTS. I hope you find relief soon and I truly know how hard it is to live everyday with fear. Its the worst feeling in the world. Please dont let your husband bring you down. Blow the words off even though its hard to do. Take care of yourself and know we are all here for you :]
  24. Thank you so much Julie! You have given me SO much awesome advise for awhile now LOL. I just dont know how to bring it up to my doctor because he probably has no clue about it. What specialist deals with this? Sorry I have been so spacey and all over the place, its just so crazy right now beacuse I am in such a rush to hurry and be better. Freak out mode has commenced LOL. I do have very bad allergies to grass but I dont really leave the house. I have sinus issues too. Is that pretty common with MCAD? The reason I fear benadryl is because i once took nyquil and had a HORRIBLE reaction. I know they are different class drugs, but any liquid thing that can make me tired makes me panic. (so annoying) thanks again!
  25. Hey macks mom, which one? I am starting claratin tomorrow but my bp issues are out of control. Still waiting to see rhemetologist. Who handles mcad? Do you have to have flushing? I rarely turn red
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