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Everything posted by potsgirl

  1. I think the walker with a seat is a great idea. If you also want one that's not so big and you can carry with one hand, I bought one of those shoulder wrap-arounds that are cushiony and soft. If you do just want to plop down, it'll keep you from the dirty floor and still give you comfort. I have the cushion (which is great for movies and more fluid activities) and a wheelchair. The walker/seat would be great for grocery stores, etc.
  2. I was at the Mayo Clinic in MN for 10 days. I remember having to go off my SSRI (Paxil) for a couple of nights before one of the tests, but that's it. Why don't you call your doctor there and express your concerns? They may be able to work something out with you, or at least give you peace of mind for the reason they want you to stop it, and that it won't harm you. Let us know what happens. Cheers, Jana
  3. Hi Alicia, There are very, very few days that I feel symptom-free and 'normal'. I feel the same way you do sometimes...Am I just lazy and not pushing myself enough? But I do try to push myself on most days, and then I usually overdo it and end up with a very bad day that I have to spend most of it in bed with flu-like symptoms and extreme fatigue, dizziness, syncope. I, too, used to be very active, and would love to be able to hike and work again. Here's hoping that we all have more 'good' days than 'bad'. Cheers, Jana
  4. I try to avoid garlic and onions when I can. They do havoc with my stomach. Have you read much about the low-oxylate diet? What are your thoughts on that? Jana
  5. Suzy, My appointment is at 1 pm! They gave me Amoxicillin to take...I just have to make sure to take it with food, and I can't take all 4, I usually try 2 1/2 - 3. Well, I'll sure be thinking about you when I go now. Let me know how you do! Cheers, Jana
  6. That's odd. When I went to Mayo I stayed on all of my meds, except if I had a test that required me to go off certain ones for a day or two. Do you know what tests they have planned for you when you get there? Are you seeing a cardio, neuro, someone else? Jana
  7. Stacie, I'm glad to hear that everything worked out for you and that you can go ahead with the procedure. Please let us know how it goes! Cheers, Jana
  8. Yes, I sometimes feel things like this, especially the more conscious I am of my breathing or other bodily reactions. Do you ever feel hyper or anxious during these times?
  9. Suzy, It's so good to hear from you again. I'm sending you positive energy and thought/prayers that you will get through this difficult time soon. A little levity, though, I just want through something similar with my dentist/cardio about a bad tooth that I have...I have to get a crown for a back left molar, and my appointment is also on the 29th! But I went through all the phone calls too, and finally got the right antibiotic. I think you probably should take an appropriate antibiotic before your dental work. I know it's so hard, ridiculously hard just to try and do something as simple as get the right antibiotic! It can really beat you down. But don't give up, I know you can get through it and be done with that freaking tooth once and for all! Let us know how you do, and many hugs, Jana
  10. I asked my doctor what she recommended for me in terms of stocking weight, and since it was a prescription, I order two pairs and got them for free. I also had a prescription for my wheelchair and my insurance company paid for all of it. Make sure you check with insurance, because they may well pay part or all of your hose and other prescribed items. Cheers, Jana
  11. Oh Ana, I'm sorry. I thought I had heard that Mirena did NOT have hormones. My apologies. Jana
  12. I have what I think is a pretty good system. I see a cardio who knows POTS and deals with my heart problems/pacemaker; I see a neurologist about my migraines, weakness on one side of my body, and seizures; and I see a terrific PCP who is more than willing to learn and give me the referrals I need. I'm very fortunate to have my current list of workable doctors that I like and I make sure they all have the same information from tests or office visits in their files. Doctor to add to your list if you're in or around Arizona: Dr. Gordon Ewy / Connie Doner, FNP Sarver Heart Center University Medical Center Tucson Dr. Ewy is the head of the heart center, and is the cardiologist who developed the new form of CPR. He's worked with numerous cases of POTS patients, and his FNP, Connie, is also very good. Not quite a Mayo set-up, but close. Cheers, Jana
  13. No, I've never heard of those. If they're working for you, great. Are they FDA approved? I've been on birth control pills for 20-some years now, and my PCP would like me to stay on them until menopause hits since I have osteoporosis of the spine. They have the lowest dose of estrogen I can take, since I have heart disease. If these drugs end up not working for you, another hormone-free option is Mirena. Good luck, Jana
  14. I get very blue feet and sometimes hands (if I wasn't such an Amazon, people would think I'm a Smurf), and am always pale. It contrasts nicely with the dark circles under my eyes from never getting a good night's sleep! Best, Jana
  15. I haven't taken any country to country flights since I've been diagnosed, but I travel fairly well on 4-6 hour flights. I keep very hydrated, try to move around as much as possible, and rest up the day or two before. I'm very fatigued once I get to my destination, and usually go right to bed. The next day I feel better, but still very tired. My family is scattered around the country, and my mom can't travel, so I refuse to give up seeing my family...I just can't go very often and I usually travel with someone. Besides, the change of scenery does wonders for my emotional needs. When are you presenting in October? I would love to come... Cheers, Jana
  16. How interesting! I'm an anthropologist/archaeologist, so Darwin's of great interest to me. Thanks so much for posting this. Cheers, Jana
  17. I've struggled with severe constipation for years, when some times I couldn't go for 7 - 8 days in a row. After heading to the hospital one too many times, one of the ER docs told me to try Senobkot. It's natural and lets you go easily. I've used one in the am and again in the pm for the last 3 years, and have had an 'easy' BM 95% of the time, on a daily. It's been a lifesaver, especially since I couldn't tolerate the other meds for IBS, like Amitiza. You can find the generic, Senna, at Target stores for about $4.00 per 100. Hope this helps, Jana
  18. I'm kind of in-between. I can usually get out a couple times a week, for perhaps an hour or so. I try to walk for 1/2 hour 3-4 times a week, just taking it easy. It's a priority to me, so that means it's usually the one thing I get out to do that day. The rest of the day I have to rest a couple of hours after lunch, and then hang out in my recliner and read, watch tv, or be on the computer. If I want to try to eat lunch out, that's the only thing I plan that day. Two days a week I call "stay at home" days, where I do nothing but rest, especially if I know I have a big day coming up. I don't like taking many drugs, and I'm very intolerant of them, but if they would help improve my quality of life, I would consider using them. Unfortunately, I can't tolerate Florinef or Midodrine. I do take an SSRI and Klonopin, though, and these do help. I agree with many of the others who have responded to, that every doctor I've had has said that the more you can sit up and not become deconditioned, the better you'll feel. I like the idea of propping yourself up with pillows as a start. Let us know what you try and what works for you. I hope you can start getting up and out slowly....A wheelchair works for me, too. Cheers, Jana
  19. Congratulations, Brye! Way to work with the meds to get to a better place. Keep going... Cheers, Jana
  20. Hi Alicia~ Yes, I do feel that my Meniere's is worse with my POTS. I'm not sure what to think about your vision issues, because I have them too, including nystagmus. I'm only taking Dramamine or Meclizine currently for the symptoms. I don't get it too often, but when I do have an attack, there's isn't really a position that makes it better. If I lay very still and don't move my head, sometimes that helps. Best, Jana
  21. Futurehope, You've summed up my feelings and frustrations perfectly. I worry that so many posters are too quick to assign everything to POTS that they don't get things checked out that they should. Sure, there are many things that can be attributed to POTS, but we may also simply suffer from other maladies that may be completely unrelated and need to be treated on their own. I know my dizziness, fainting, loss of balance/coordination, brain fog, migraines, intolerance to heat and cold, and poor sleeping are all usually POTS characteristics. BUT, if I have a change in my symptoms or something new, I get it checked out, just like I would if I didn't have POTS. Best, Jana
  22. I've struggled for years trying to find a pillow that doesn't set off my head/neck pain. I got a Memory Foam pillow for back sleepers, so there's a larger swell at the bottom, a smooth area for your head, and then a smaller swell at the top. I love it, and the Macy's near me had it on sale recently for $15 down from $60. Best, Jana
  23. Ladies, Due to a member of this Forum, I found out that my constant aching and burning around my vaginal opening is actually due to a condition called 'vulvodynia'. I had so many tests run for infections and none of them would ever come back positive. I didn't think I had an STD, since I've been with my fiance for 5 years, but it was driving me crazy that I had these nasty symptoms but no cause. You may want to look up vulvodynia on webmd.com or do a general search for it online. When I went to see a gyn specialist, it did turn out that it's what I have....Just an idea. Best, Jana
  24. Another reason it could be lasting so long is if it's tied to food poisoning. I had a nasty case of it and my diarrhea lasted 5 or 6 days. I had to have a colonoscopy done...Can you relate your symptoms to a possible food culprit?
  25. Thanks again for all of your kind thoughts and words. This Forum is such a support! Hugs, Jana
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