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My father had a heart attack


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My father had a major heart attack today. The cardiologist thinks he will survive since he went to the ER at the first sign of chest pain. They unblocked his LAD artery and put three stents in. I am headed back to the ICU. If you could pray for his recovery, I would greatly appreciate it.



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I'm so sorry to hear this. I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now. Thank goodness he recognized the signs and got help. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers- please keep us updated.

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:( unfortunately, I know what you're going through. My dad had a major heart attack 2 years ago; it was a long and slow recovery, but he is doing well now. I will pray for at least that good an outcome for your father.

Sending healing thoughts your way. Nina

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They did an ECG this morning and its not good. Only 15% of his heart is functional. They are hoping that when the swelling goes away more functionality will return. They like to see 50% so he has a long way to go. This is not over yet. Keep praying for him please, I beg you.


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Thank you for your prayers and kindness. My Dad is doing alright. He is not out of the woods yet by any means. He is awake and speaking and cracking a few jokes. My mother has been a rock through this. I will keep you updated as things progress. We will know more on Monday when another ECG is done.

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Tim, I will be thinking of you and your family and your dad. I remember, with my dad, trying to temper my hope with the realities of what the doctors were telling us...and also trying to keep upbeat when with my dad because he was so obviously scared (although he was not saying it--you could see it in his eyes and his expression) ;).

How are you doing, Tim? Has all this stress caused your POTS to flare up?

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They are talking about moving my father out of the Intensive Care Unit so that is good news indeed. We are not out of the woods yet, but he is getting better each day. I do not know if they are going to do another ECG today.

My brother in law's fiancee told me that her dad had a heart attack and only had 12% functionality left to his heart and he is alive and living a fairly normal life. He can't run a marathon or do any hard work, but he is coherent and in charge of his faculties.

The doctor thinks my dad was having the attack long before the chest pain occured and that is why so much damage took place. They stopped the attack within three hours of the first symptom which usually means a quick recovery, but the silent part of the attack is what did the damage. My mother who is a nurse told me a story of a lady who went to see her cardiologist for a regular checkup and when he hooker her up to the EKG he realized that she was having a major heart attack. She said all she felt was a bit of pain in her wrist.

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Thanks for the update. It sounds like good news, though we know he has a long road to recovery ahead of him. He is VERY fortunate he got to the hospital when he did. I have known a few fairly young people who ignored the warning signs and are not alive today because of it.

We will continue to pray for his continued improvement. I hope you are handling the stress of this ordeal and that your health will not be greatly effected. Best,


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It looks like my father is going to be OK. He is off the oxygen and IV's and he is getting up and walking. They are talking about sending him home on Thursday or sending him to a rehab facility for a week.

Thank you for all your well wishes and prayers. I think it helped him a lot.

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My father will be home tomorrow. The cardiologist was amazed he is doing so well. I think much of his heart function has returned although we won't know that for sure until three weeks or so until another ECG is done.

His clot or blockage was at the top of the lower anterior descending artery. A Heart Attack at the top of the LAD is known as "the widow maker". It usually kills the victim. So we are all breathing a big sigh of relife and looking forward to the implantation of a defibrillator. That will ensure his heart stays in rythm.

My father is very very lucky. Thanks to your prayers and the prayers of countless others.

Thank you all ;)


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