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noise sensitivity


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my ears are so hyper sensitive and i cannot tolerate any loud noises, even everyday noises hurt my ears, it makes life very very hard, but thank God my parents, whom i live with are very understanding, but i hate this and even the thought of noise makes me nervous and anxious, anyone else experience this? its very bad, thanks


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Dear Rahda,

I also have very sensative hearing. Luckly my problem goes in waves. I also have occasional ringing in my ears. Do you have balance trouble, cronic ear achs or "motion sickness" type trouble, especially when you sleep? I find that the sensative hearing is a real problem at night, I often jerk awake to sounds. My cat is often the culpret. I have trouble with cars and motorcycles outside. As to getting anxious, have you tried to meditate to relax yourself befor bed, it does help me some.

Good luck, Blackwolf

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When I was at my worst I could not tolerate loud noises. It was like someone scratching a chalkboard....incredibly irritatiting. It was like I was "oversensitive" to the world at that time. Bright lights irritated me as well. Interestingly, my sister had a condition during her pregnancy in which she was severely dehydrated, and she couldn't tolerate loud noises/bright lights at that time either. You're definitely not alone in this.


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Interesting. I never thought about the connection with this and dehydration. But when I was so terribly sick for many months running, my "noise allergy" was very strong. Now that my chronic dehydration is much better under control (along with numerous other symptoms), the only noise that still bothers me is when the TV makes that awful static noise, such as when you go to a channel that doesn't exist. Wow - that really gets to me.

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YES, YES, YES! This has bothered me pretty consistently since developing POTS. I hate it. Especially when my newborn daughter would cry and I would have to cover my ears with a pillow because the sound actually made me sick to my stomach. It got better after about three months, then went I went on Lexapro about six weeks ago it got bad again. It occurs even with normal volume sounds -- for instance, if someone is talking even a little too close to my ears, I start to get a vibration-like sound on top of that and it kills my ears.

I also have become hypersensitive -- my body overreacts to things that startle me, like sudden noises and such. I feel like I am about to have a heart attack because it will be all quiet at night, and something will fall off my dresser or something and I will jump about five feet. I try so hard to relax but I am just so jumpy.

Wish I had some ways to get rid of this, but I don't. Just try to take good care of yourself and avoid the noise when you can.


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Noise is something that makes me feel very jumpy. And the bad thing is: no one understands!!! :rolleyes: Most people think (or say) I'm overreacting and maybe it seems so but I really can't help it. Also the light (brightness I think) is difficult to deal with. It seems like I'm falling or what, I just can't walk right and have to grab everything to go on. So it's that strange POTS again. At times it's very difficult to handle don't you think?


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I have the same thing. I've always been able to hear things other people couldn't. I can hear dog whistles, and I can hear the whine from machinery that trained technicians have to spend years trying to hear. My mom is the same way. I was sitting in class one day in middle school and the room had glass windows and was made of concrete blocks. We were out in the country and there was a field next door and a bunch of hutners with hunting dogs. I didn't know the dogs and hunters were there and all of sudden I slapped my hands to my ears and started crying and screaming because of the pain from this high-pitched whistling. Nobody else could hear and thought I was making it up. The teacher saw the tears streaming down my face and sent me to the office to get soem tylenol and lay down to call my mom.

I'm also very sensitive to light as someone else mentioned. I don't have anything to help, just wanted to say me too, me too!

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me too, me too. Hypersensitivity is an understatement--my kids laugh at me because I am so jumpy with noises. I couldn't even listen to a TV except on the lowest volume when I was first ill. I have since bought some soft earplugs for those occasions when noise is unavoidable. I also bought new eye-glasses where the lenses turn colors (photosensitive) and it has helped with the light sensitivity.

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Just a note, I CANNOT stand dog whistles and Cameras charging the flash, it just about makes me sick. I also have trouble with bringt lights. Flashing lights-especially like work trucks, cop cars, etc., really get me. The worst is driving down the road and having to drive through the shadows of tree branches and sun lights :wub::wub:

Try ear plugs?

Good luck, Blackwolf

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I never had trouble with noise until POTS and at my worst even the smallest noise, like the refrigerater, dryer, or dishwasher would hyperstimulate me and my BP and HR would sore. It took months to improve but I still can't go to a movie, or mall and only grocery shop during "off" hours. Lighting can be the same way.

At home, my husband thankfully is willing to wear a headset to hear the TV at his preferred higher volume while I listen to it softly. In the car we never turn on the radio but for some reason I can handle listening to books on tape in the car.

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The T.V. drives me crazy because of the unpredictability of LOUD commercials coming on, usually when I'm in another room and can't get in there to mute them. My husband always has to have the T.V. on and is aware of my problem. He knows that when the commercials come on I will be begging him to mute them. Same goes for radio and the movie theatre. If I do go to a movie, I will stuff my ears with napkins or toilet paper. I do not care what I look like. It's dark in there anyway. The noise HURTS. Seems I've read somewhere that we're deficient in a vitamin? I just can't remember which one - probably a B vitamin?!

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