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I have a new job. About 3 months. Today there was a full member meeting. All employees to be there. I took my medicine just before leaving the house. Which is bad. Normally I don't leave the house for 20minutes - if I'm driving.

So I'm there, I'm sitting and I'm not well. Put my head down- can't pick my head up- 2 minutes maybe. I say "I'm gonna pass out"- and I did one better then that. :lol:

Convulsion's. Bad ones- apparently. At least 3 people called 911, we had police and paramedics galore. I was fine after maybe 15 minutes, and I did catch the end of the meeting.

I was very lucky- someone there was certified in some safety class and he had the tables moved away from my head had 2 people protect my head from slamming the floor plus I was caught mid aid because the girl across from me yelled, PAT IS GOING TO PASS OUT. The floor was carpeted too.

I was lucky- lucky , lucky.

I do however feel like crawling into a hole and hiding!

Hindsight is 20 /20. I had taken my Norpace early Friday, because I felt that I needed it. That has been oked by the Dr. That was 4:30pm and I took it again at 9am. Well its supposed to be every 11 hours. If I was on the controlled release , Norpace, then its every 12hours- only. But I'm on the generic, and not controlled release- so its every 11 hours.

Anyway I blew it!

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Pat s[ince this incident do you think there will be a way to get the SR tablets??? That is the one thing that holds me up. As far as being embarrassed, I tend to think of it one of 2 ways.

1. Look at how skilled and reactive your colleagues were

2. How much less would you have been embarassed if you let a fart rip?

This too shall pass. Plus I bet it made that meeting a whole lot more exciting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best, Miriam

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Well, first of all, don't blame yourself. We have so much to remember to keep ourselves going, but we're still only human. Most doctors probably couldn't even figure out how to modify their livestyles as much as we have to every day to keep ourselves at our baseline!

I am so sorry that you had to have such a bad day in front of your coworkers. In some ways, we're lucky that our illness is invisible (of course, this has its downside, too!). It can be so embarrassing to have our illness known or shown.

If I were you, I'd go right back into the workplace on your next working day, and make jokes about what happened. If your coworkers see that its no big deal to you, then they'll take your cues and respond in the same way. They are probably wondering how to interpret and integrate what happened.

Also - wow!!! - that is so amazing that your coworkers were so ready to respond and kept you so safe! They should be made to feel like the heroes they are. If you haven't already done so, you might consider a special thank you note or small gift to recognize them for their incredible instincts! :lol:

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Thanks Guys,

I did thank my spotters, "for saving my head". One girl told me her hands took a beating and I said -oh -are you ok? She laughed and said ,"you'll be hearing from my lawyer." And I saw her later and she said she was fine. I was thinking if the blows were at the knuckle joints - that could be bad.

And I worked yesterday- about 5 hours later.

And Miriam, you are right, I'd probably be just as embarrassed. If I farted. :lol:

I called the pharmacy and I am on a Generic sustained release. I don't know when that started. I was ordered Norpace CR at one point (no substitutes) by EP and I asked MD for generic script because of cost. The Ep also told me I could take the generic an hour early ie at 11 hours. Well its confusing to type out- but I was ordered the Norpace CR about 2 years ago. and told generic is not CR- but now it is-

I don't know??????

Its very helpful if I can be sure its working the full 12 hours because I can easily get a watch as set dual alarms- AM- PM. Not going out if I forget it. I need to ask how long after taking it I have protection- too.

My co workers have been wonderful. As I was leaving Jim said, "now Pat it was funny the first time- buts lets not do it again".

I told the boss- I'm sorry-he said that's no problem ,its one meeting I won't forget. He wants me to leave a pill in the office and asked if I need to take it with food- or what- in case something happens!!! WHICH IT WON'T!!

I need to find out if the guy that caught me- laid me down- if not that was the problem. I have only convulsed when caught. I did not have the heart to ask about that. Laying flat is key.

I'll find out.

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Guest tearose

It sounds like everyone was concerned and you should not feel badly at all!

Next time there is a meeting bring in two pillows and you will make everyone laugh and forget the seriousness of this incident!

Hey, you gotta live and learn and you are doing just fine! Don't use up your energy feeling badly.

I once passed out while sitting on a zazen cushion!

The occasional passing out happens to many of us and we just pick up and move on a litter wiser and a little bruised!

take care,


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I could tell when my HR was normal and presumably the Med had kicked in. And I do have great faith in my medicine, I know it works for me.

but thanks- suzanne and tearose

funny you should mention zazen, this month I have practiced zazen at "Studio Zen". Its free on Sundays. Only done it twice in my life, and tonight was one of those times.

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I am not protected when the med wears off, which would be the case for any med- I think. Once I'm past 12 hours- I'm unprotected.

here is some info


I'm ordering one of these.


And the doctor is ordering some immediate release norpace for use as needed if I'm ever late taking it again.

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