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I Got It!

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I just heard from my lawyer's office. I was approved for Social Security disability without having to go to hearing. (I don't know how I would have survived that anyway, being as I cannot sit for long.) I'm backdated to April, 2003. I cannot believe it, but I got it and the judge gave it to me without the hearing. He just reviewed my data. Yeah!

This is too good. (I had begun applying last June 2003, so it took a little over a year.)

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Yay!!! It's good to hear that the system actually works the right way for some people the first time through :P Thank goodness. I'm sure the back payments will help you lots to pay off any bills, etc...

Nina, smiling :P for you

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Congratulations!!! :P I know you are ecstatic!

I am in the process of waiting to hear something myself. I just filed last monday so I know it will be a good while. if you don't mind I 'd like to ask u a few questions:

1. where u denied the first time?

2. Did you have to get an attorney?

3. What state are you in?

4. Was POTS your only Dx?

5. Did you send in your drs reports or did the drs?

6. what all did they say(the reports)

Sorry for all the questions!!

Thanks for your help, I am just inthe dark with this whole thing and am wondering if there is anything else I can do to help myself other than pray, pray, pray!!!

I am so happy for you :P Congratulations again!! Chalk one up for us POTS folks!!

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I am thrilled for you. I know you must feel like a burden has been lifted and you are smiling a sweeter smile. It is wonderful that you were approved. I am still waiting, I have been going thru the disability stuff since March. I know there is hope. Wonderful news.


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I was denied 2 times. I am all the way to the Administrative Law Judge Hearing level which is the third level. I went to a lawyer immediately after my first denial. I would recommend doing that. I live in Maryland. I do not know yet on what basis the ALJ decided favorably, but it will be in the report I get in 30 - 60 days. My lawyer sent in forms with my signature on them requesting medical records. I was ALWAYS in a state of insecurity because my neurologist would not fill in a "functional capacity form" detailing what I could and could not do. Apparently, the lawyer thought the filled in FC form would really help me get the SSDI, but my neurologist always used the excuse of, "I see you here for 40 minutes. I do not know how you would do for 6 hours on a job. I can only speak for the 40 minutes I see you." Of course, his notes show that after sitting in his waiting area, my HR and BP were already up, and I always felt bad after any sitting or standing. I do not know if this helped or not, but I used to work for SS and they would be very accomodating to a disability if you felt you could still perform. I couldn't really get my former bosses to write anything either, (about things like I couldn't sit, stand, and I had to go to the nurses station cause I thought I'd pass out, etc, etc) but maybe the SSDI people spoke by phone to some people like my neurologist and former bosses. Also, I collected write-ups from my pastor and my mother detailing how I used to be and what I am capable of now (which is next to nothing). Also, the pastor said how I tried to go back and work for him and was too ill to do it. I don't know if that held any weight or not. I'll see when I get the paperwork. But there is hope for POTS people. I'm so glad about that.

I always felt that I would go all the way to whatever it took and stand and look a judge in the eye so that I could go down on record as saying I'm disabled and I can't work since that's the truth. Even if they denied me, I wanted there to be a record so they would recognize all the other POTS people that apply and realize that they have a problem. I'm rooting for you! Don't give up.

P.S. When you are filling in all the forms, you want to emphasize the difficulty of doing the things you do, not how well you can do other things. And never lie.

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Thanks so much for the info!! I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. I am SO very happy for you. I know what a worry it is when your income disappears. I never knew a "not so known" health condition could disable a person so much. My new motto is "One day at a time" sometimes "One hour at a time" I'm hoping that some day this will be widely recognized for the creature it is and many more people will be educated about POTS.

You are an inspiration to the rest of us. :P I will read your responses when I get down. And no matter what, I will NOT give up either-unless I have a miracle cure! :P

Thanks for being a "spokesperson" in the disability field for us POTS folks!!

God Bless and Congratulations. :D Now maybe you can relax a little bit and get some piece of mind with this whole thing.


I will keep you updated on my "case"

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This past year has definitely been a roller coaster ride for me. There was even one occasion that I was so discouraged that I called Social Security (my prior employer) and told them I wanted to come back to work (even though I knew I couldn't). I was getting pretty desperate that no one was believing how bad off I was. Before I made it back to work, I had to back track and tell Social Security that I was too ill to perform my job and I permanently resigned. What a down day that was! But I always kept all you people in mind whenever the going got too tough. I realized I was on a mission to educate the SSDI folks about POTS people and I wasn't about to let up no matter what happened in my particular case. And I still feel that way. Some of us can work, but the ones who cannot deserve to be heard and respected and believed and compensated for with SSDI especially if they have put the years in in the work force. We are a force and together we can make a difference!

The awarding of SSDI will not discourage me from pursuing a cause and fix for my condition and I am a firm believer that there is HOPE for me out there. This forum is invaluable for tips and insights into help with this condition. But whenever you're dealing with the autonomic nervous system, there are just so many different things that may not work right, so what may help one person, may make the next person real sick. But there are answers out there. And I'll find them, God willing.

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i have my hearing with the administrative law judge tomorrow at 2:30. I am a nervous wreck - nearly physically ill - i am so worried about it. I know that i am sick - my doctors have plainly stated that i am permanently disabled but i know how horribly wrong these hearings can go - wish me luck!!!!!

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khusonwv, My thoughts and prayers are with you. Remember, you are also representing other people who have POTS in the sense that the ALJ will be able to see with his own eyes what POTS means and what the effects are. You are doing something really important and necessary and you would not forgive yourself if you hadn't tried. You know the truth about your ability to work and you are there to represent the truth.

I know it is a very nervewracking experience and a lot depends on the judge (so my lawyer told me). Will you have a lawyer with you? Anyway, let me know how it goes. No matter what, it is important that you represent the truth and you are doing a very worthwhile thing both for you and for everyone else in the future who applies. I appreciate your time and energy and know how nervous you must be, but, hang in there and let us all know what the outcome is.

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I am sending much good wishes your way ;) I'm sure things will go fine. Please keep us updated.

How long have you been in the process of trying to get your disability? Do you have any other ailments as well? I just applied 2 weeks ago so I know I have a long road ahead of me but I am willing to take that road because I fought for so long trying to keep going at work and at home and realized that it was not possible after many trips to the ER, being sent home from work, not being able to function, etc.

Good luck!!!! Hope to hear from you tomorrow afternoon!


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Danelle - I first applied in Jan 2004 - denied twice - then got an attorney filed appeal and asked for it to be expedited due to the financial stressors of this. The judge is said to be rough but fair so we will see. I have a lot of different things going on physically which started in Sept 2001 after the birth of my second daughter. I was first dx with paraximal sinus vent. tach, afib, aflutter, and inappropriate sinus tach, syncopy etc. had a total of 10 cardiac ablasions and then went into brady and complete heart block - got pacemaker to control that - still have extremely low blood pressure - now with runs of high blood pressure - but my main problem in progressive muscle loss - i fall alot (daily) and am basically very weak all over - they are not sure why - although a dr in NY thinks that POTS is actually a disease of the muscles ( who knows). Now my lawyer and i just need to convince a judge that this is not in my head.......

I will let you know how it goes - i have been told that he will not tell me tomorrow that I will have to wait for a letter... :unsure:

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