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I live in PA and laws may be different, but I presented with seizures. My license was suspended, needing to be 6 months seizure free. Every TTT I had they tacked on another 6 months. I had 4 TTTs all with faint.

Does everyone lose driving privelges after fainting during TTT?

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It seems to generally depend on you and your doctor. Most states that I know of have similar laws regarding seizures. There are some of us here unable to drive while others of us have no problems driving. I thought I might lose my license after my seizure episodes in June, but because it was caused by a medicine I'm no longer on, my doctor trusted my judgment in saying that I could drive. There are POTSies who have convulsive syncope which looks similar to seizure, but if there's something else causing the seizure, I imagine that it needs to be figured out before deciding that it's OK to drive. If you faint when you're sitting down, maybe that could mean you're at a much higher risk for doing so while driving. If you've never had problems with driving and your symptoms don't interfere, then maybe you should talk to your doctor, especially if they're basically telling you that since you have POTS and faint, you can't drive period. Maybe some of our other PA residents or those with similar issues can help with this one.

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I did not lose my DL following fainting.

I was advised by the EP Cardio that I should not drive for 6 months following a spontaneous faint.

He did not relate this requirement to the TTT.

With a seizure in both NC (where my lawyer Dad lives) and in AR driving is forbidden for a year following a seizure.

There are no laws regarding fainting in these states.

However, there doesn't seem to be any checks and balances.

For instance, the EP told me not to drive for 6 months, but no one knew that.

He didn't tell the DMV or anything.

I said nothing to anyone because I thought it overkill and I need to drive in order to do my job.

Thankfully, all is well and I made it through the 6 months with no fainting and no accidents!!!

I don't think it legitimate to restrict driving based on fainting solely as a result of a TTT, but that's just my opinion.


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If you have warning signs before the syncope, you should not lose your driving license. Results of tilt table test should have no merit on driving license. For seizures, most sates require that you be seizure-free for at least 6 months before resuming driving. However, as someone pointed out, a physician is not legally obligated to notify the authorities that you're driving against their advice. A doctor can urge you not to drive if you have seizures, and they can document that in your chart. If you get into an accident due to a seizure disorder, and if the authorities obtain your medical record where it was clearly stated that you should not be driving, then you would be responsible for the accident, not your physician.

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Pat, here is what is on Vanderbilt's site regarding NCS and driving:


"Driving Issues Related to Syncope

Patients with mild neurally mediated syncope have no restrictions on driving private vehicles and should have a 1 month event-free period before driving commercial vehicles. Mild neurally mediated syncope is characterized by mild symptoms (usually without syncope), occurs with warning, usually occurs only with standing, and occurs infrequently.

Severe neurally mediated syncope is characterized by severe symptoms (usually syncope), occurs without warning, occurs in any position, has no clear precipitating causes or occurs frequently. These patients are allowed to drive private vehicles after 3 months of documented control of the condition and commercial vehicles after they have been symptom free for 6 months.

Untreated patients with severe neurally mediated syncope are completely prohibited from driving."

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I had a seizure enduced from my ttt and they didn't take my dl away. But my doctor did advise me not to drive for six months, or until they got my condition under control. I was in not state to be driving anyways, with my fatigue and brain fog.


ps. im from pa too! :P

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I lived in PA when I was diagnosed and for a number of years after that...and all but my allergist and general practitioner are in PA (cardio, neuro, pain management, gastro, gyn, ent, orthopedist, etc.).

Have you ever passed out while seated (that is, the onset occurred while seated, I'm not asking if you passed out when going from standing to sitting)? If you've lost consciousness from a seated position, then perhaps not driving is a reasonable idea.

Last year at my cardio visit, his intern asked if it was safe for me to drive. No one had ever questioned that for me before, but my cardio was awesome--he said, yes, I get plenty of warning signs, and that also, when seated, it was not nearly as hard on my body and my bp would be more stable as opposed to standing so he saw no reason to question my driving ability as long as I listened to my body and didn't drive when I was having uncontrolled symptoms.

I actually see my cardiologist tomorrow in Phila (oy, is it going to be HOT! thank goodness for my cooling vest) for the first time in a year b/c I'm having lots of fluttering which was never really an issue for me. I've also been having near-faints on a daily basis even in cool weather/indoors.


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To answer your ? Ernie, the Dr. ordered the TTTs to see what effect meds would have on my TTT. I was on a number of combinations. Some I wasn't tested on because I fainted before getting the TTT. He finally agree to ok a license after a result of 0/52. Which was good for me, I usually showed 0/P or P/0 I forget.

A Dr. witnessed a generalized seizure - looking like a grand mal. Cause NCS, but we didn't know that then. I happened to be in a hosp, with my son, when this occured.

they told me than they were contacting the DMV.

anyway- haveing already been suspended ,it seems likely that the EP who had to sign to reinstate the license was excerciseing caution.

And Nina, that does clear it up.

I was going out probally once a week. I did pass out fast, so fast I didn't know I passed out. I thought I got dazed then woke up, but the Drs. reported that I was out.

I would recall the tech coming to me, I knew something was up and then the next thing was aware of was laying down. I thought I was dazed for like 4 seconds. I was not aware that any time had passed. I also passed out while sitting, twice.

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Hi Pat,

Thanks for the explaination. I think the doctor took your driver's licence away because you passed out while sitting and you don't have much warning. When you will have a better combination of meds and be 6 months syncope free (or have enough warning to protect yourself) you will be able to drive again.

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pat hi.. i live in pa.. while I have never had a drivers license.. When i was 21 i took the pa form thingy to my pcp to fill out and she refused to fill out b/c i faint sitting laying standing with and without warning..not to mention im pretty much alway pre/near syncope feeling..

I do not believe that she ever sent anything to the state saying that i couldnt drive.. only that she (told me) was not comfortable releasing me to drive... which after i weighted the pro 's and cons.. i decided not to fight it b/c my symptoms are so irratic and unpredictable.. i decided that the risk of me driving and getting symptomatic..(ie..everything going blury the lanes looking like they are moving.. suddne stopping.. the stress of driving in heavy traffic..not to mention some of the crazy drivers out there) that the risk of hurting myself and possibly somebody else.. just wasnt worth the risk.. for me anyways...

However if i even get to a point where i improve by leaps and bounds i may revisit the whole driving issue.. I think it comes down to if you feel you are comfortable enough to drive short distance.. on a god day.. or if you have somebody available who maybe can go out with you if you are driving (someone else who can drive) that could drive if you suddnely feel that you can not continue driving...

I know that my grandmother had her license taken away towards the end of her life.. but that was b/c she had a brain tumor and the tumor was causing seizures.. but that is a diff situation from pots...(gramma lived her in PA too)

good luck to you pat.. i hope that you dont have to go thru any more ttt's!

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They suspended it because of the seizure but would not reinstate it because of the faints. More specifically tho, would not sign the

"convulsive disorder reporting form".. It requires a Drs. signature.

I do have a license now. The meds I'm on now do give me control. The reason I've brought this up is that I haveing new symptons.

Fatique and discomfort issues. Its been 5 years since my last TTT, and I feared the Dr. would want another, which I expect to fail and if that meant -

no DL, I don't want to go there.

To be honest I have been playing down my symptons to the Dr. for years, out of fear of losing the DL. But I have not fainted since being on the norpace with SSRI, so, driving is ok. Plus there was a study of NCS patients on norpace and none passed out- sitting. I was instructed not to drive if I have symptons already when I sit behind the wheel. Nina wrote about this- previously. The onset of symptoms does not occur while seated, according to the trial re NCS patients on Norpace, and my experiance.

Anyway, if when the Dr. requests another, I'll ask him before I get it, but am glad to see- it should be ok.

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I've never had my drivers license taken away, but I've never fainted while sitting either. Plus, when I do faint I always have warning and can usually lie down in time/could pull over to the side of the road.

I do still have a drivers license, but I haven't driven in 8 months. I've never had a doctor question my ability to drive or try to revoke my license. But I've probably told them that I don't drive. I really don't remember.

We're in Atlanta now, so I don't even think about driving. With the brain fog I just wouldn't be able to mentally handle it. Plus, it takes too long to get anywhere, so fatigue would take its toll before I arrived at any destination. However, before coming here I did drive ocassionally - only when I was feeling my very best. But also, we were living an itty-bitty town (about 300 people total). So there was basically one road, no traffic lights, very little traffic, handicap parking spots literally 5 feet from the business doors. And it only took 5 minutes or less to get anywhere in town. It was as simple as driving can get!

I'm glad you have your license again now and are able to drive again. That gives so much more freedom.

Take care,


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