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Question About Nausea...

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Now that I'm off meds, I have noticed that if I do too much I feel sick to my stomach. Could it be related to POTS/NCS?

I guess I forgot how sick I got without the meds? Not that I actually vomit or anything....I will if I have a migraine, but usually I can keep it from happening.

I really over did it today and I'm feeling pretty bad......but I'm trying so hard not to let others down. My daughter is in brownies and I help out whenever they ask, but today was too much. I know without the meds I shouldn't have even tried..but dang it, I want my daughter to have something to look forward to! The scary thing is I have a BUSY day tomorrow too.

My husband did talk some sence into me however...thank goodness! I was going to walk in the parade tomorrow to help sell girl scout cookies! How dumb can I be!? lol My honey pointed out how busy we will be though and I know as it is I'll be really over doing it. So now I'm helping instead with the yard sale (to help pay for the girls party).

My husband has plans too...he wanted to take the kids to the carnival after the parade. We might be meeting up with an old friend of his from highschool (who I have never met....but I think she is great from talking with her online). BUSY BUSY!

I know you guys understand how hard this will be on me......thanks for listening. I've made myself so sick my limbs are shaking! And I still have tomorrow? I think I dug myself too deep. :)

Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend!


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Guest tearose

You sure are busy! Can you take some antacid tablets? I do think we are more prone to nausea, especially when we are running around. We may think we are multitasking but our bodies do their own thing at times. Your tummy may not be as efficient a food burner right now so start eating smaller, easy to digest snacks.

Good luck with the cookie and tag sales!

(I find the gaviscon tablets foam up deep down in my tummy, and help keep my tummy quiet and nausea go away)

best regards, tearose

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It sure sounds like you will be pushing yourself to the limit this weekend! I am glad your husband convinced you to not be in the parade.....that could have been devastating!

I am sure the nausea could be many things.......your body adjusting to being without the meds, over doing things, lack of sleep (I know I tend to get nauseous when I don't get enough sleep), or just GI issues with POTS. Hopefully the feeling will pass. You will need to try a hydrate yourself alot this weekend!!

I hope your BUSY weekend goes well!!!

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Yes, Nausea is a common symptom associated with ANS problems.

If you do a search on Nausea you will see how many times this topic comes up, which is a sign as to how many people struggle with it.

Our ANS controls not only heartrate and bp, but also our bowels, bladder, nausea, sweating, etc...

Before I became this sick, nausea was often a 'clue' that I was doing too much, etc.


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nausea was my primary symptom, actually my only symptom when all this craziness started six years ago........eventually they diagnosed pots, but because i was just always nauseated with no other real symptom, they kept looking into GI problems/testing and found nothing wrong - until they finally did the ONLY GI test they hadnt done on me 6 years ago - a gastric emptying study - and found gastroparesis.........it's funny cuz i have been told by many docs that gastroparesis is very common in young women, so it strikes me as odd that they ran all the crazy INVASIVE tests on me EXCEPT FOR THE GASTRIC EMPTYING STUDY (until just recently), and when all came back normal they just said i was depressed. heh, then they did the gastric emptying last september and found otherwise. :o) :oP ......

....so yes, i think my nausea is my primary number one symptom of POTS....common with ANS dysfunction.

have you ever had a gastric emptying study amby?

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Hi Amby,

I think Cardiactec could be barking up the right tree...Check out my post under "MY Ttt Experience." My son's physicians were definatively able to link his nausea, etc. to his autonomic dysfunction. His docs call it an autonomic neuropathy of his GI tract. I think many may have this same DX w/o realizing it. A Gastric Emptying Study is the best place to start.


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No I haven't had the study done...I'll have to look into it pretty soon. I know the DR I saw about blood in my bowels said they wanted to do a test if they found blood in the samples I was supposed to take, but I can't remember right now what they called it.( I think it had something to do with a scope?) We both think the blood is just from the IBS and having really bad constipation at times.

I do recall nausea being my first symptom that I paid attention to. I was pregnant though so placed the blame on that. After that I placed the blame on breastfeeding and thinking I wasn't getting enough vit or something. I had my tubes tied, but I kept thinking I was pregnant because of the nausea.

Thanks for your help....

BTW I feel awful and over did it, I don't know if I will be able to get out of bed tomorrow. I don't even know how I'm still going right now? I did take a nap earlier though when we got home.

Take care

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Definately does sound like you have certainly overdone it! :o As for the nausea it is one of my hugest problems with POTS....Goodluck tomorrow and let us know how you make out!

Also, I am having a gastric emptying study done Tuesday, I'll let you know how I make out...


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Guest tearose

Not to complicate things, but when is anything a crisp answer with us?

I had gastroparesis dx in the fall and took nexium and prilosec otc for several weeks and then recently I had the nuclear med, delayed gastric emptying test which showed "normal" emptying time. The doctor said I have GERD and "episodic gastroparesis". So depending on the other things happening in our body, we may have more trouble or less trouble with nausea and digestion. Nothing is on "automatic" in us :o . I suppose my gastroparesis will be coming and going and so will my nausea for as long as I continue to deal with POTS.

I don't wish nausea for you but I bet if you are not having symptoms at the time of the test, you may not "find" the problem.

best regards, tearose

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That makes sense Tearose. My first TTT I felt ok that day and it came back normal. That's why I'm doing this next one early in the morning. I always feel awful in mornings....I don't remember a morning that I felt good.

Jacquie please do let us know how your empting study goes.

Can anyone tell me what's involved with this test?

I really had a hard time getting out of bed, and if it wasn't for the fact that my kids were up and fighting, I don't think I would be out of bed right now. My whole body is so sore, and weak! I am thankful I don't have to do things like this very often.

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without dismissing the possibility of gastroparesis (obviously it's a HUGE part of my ANS dysfunction), i just wanted to reiterate that many with ANS dysfunction have horrible nausea even without gastroparesis. nausea is a very common symptom that comes with being upright too long for many; based on what i've read & been told by docs over the years i'd venture to say it's probably right behind dizziness/ HR issues.

i know that for myself i can actually differentiate between "upright/OI nausea" and "GP/motility nausea". i'm not sure how to describe the difference but i can tell. but i'd venture to guess that if it's worse for you when upright, it's at least partially b/c of BP/HR issues (wherein the changes can cause nausea) rather than strict gastroparesis as the issue.

hope this helps & hope that your weekend went well. it sounds like you made some good decisions with how to stay involved in a way that would be better for you, something that's not always easy to do.


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So what is the symptoms to look for for it not to be POTS related? Because I have IBS I blame a lot of my problems there. I know at times I can get pretty sick and don't know what end it's going to come from. Sorry...

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hi amby -

i'm not sure i understand your question regarding it being POTS related or not. are you referring to my differentiating between nausea being related to being upright versus being related to motility issues (i.e. gastroparesis)? let me know & i'll try to help out...

:) melissa

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