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Can't Find An Anti-depressant That Works


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I am currently trialling my fourth AD and am feeling even more down. I have tried Arima, Avanza, Zoloft and now Effexor. They spike my anxiety through the roof, make me nauseous and make my sleep very difficult. The only exception was Avanza (it may be called Remeron in the US), it helped for a few months, but unfortunately did not work after a while. I also put on stacks of weight and it did not look like stopping.

Apparently the Florinef makes finding a compatible AD very difficult. I do have a great specialist who is trying hard, but I am starting to wonder if I will find anything to help. Does anyone else have this problem?

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I really like Lexapro...as a matter of fact, DH switched from Zoloft to Lexapro after I started taking it b/c my side effects were so much less then those on Zoloft, which were causing him major irratibility (trust me on that one). And I lost weight the first few weeks too! Just start out small and give it time to work. Good luck!

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Just wanted to say I've been there. About ten years ago, I was on one antidepressant after another before I found one that helped. At the time, I didn't have a diagnosis for my other medical problems, so they were pretty much flying blind. The drug technology has improved since then, too, so I hope you find one soon.

And in the mean time, I'm so sorry you're dealing with depression on top of everything else.

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I have been looking into SSRIs and have read that the two most commonly recommended for POTS are Lexapro and Celexa. However, if you have tried several SSRIs and none of them has worked, maybe it makes sense to try another type of medicine? There are loads of other options available. The DINET page has a good summary.

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hi! i think ive always had some depression related to childhood, but 3 years ago with the bottem falling out on my pots we have tried everything. finally saw a shrink (who I love) and is knowlegable about pots after i gave a bunch of info to her. her hub is cardioligist. one of the leading ones in area, and she had conferred with him at no charge. my gp had really tried everything but it took shrink to tweak things. she feels i am regrettably anti deppressant intolerante. I'm not a large person. she also conferred with a dr who she graduated with who said there are things on the way and was interested with the pots/depression interplay.

anyhoo, she know has me on Wellbutrin 450 (thetop dosage), lamital (mood stabilizer) 100mg., celexa 60 mg., klonopin 40 mg. before bed. this is along with my pots meds. I am on adderall 25 mg., which i could increase dosage but anymore makes me clench my jaw for some reason. this is a duel drug for pots and depression.

I now have 3 drs who know me and my diagnosis, so if something happens I feel i have very reputable back up for my Pots . I did find thevisiting neuro-psychologist interests promising.

good luck!

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I thought I was anti-depressant intolerant because last year I tried them all and couldn't tolerate any. My doc decided to try Wellbutrin and what do you know I could tolerate it and it took my nausea away (not 100%) than I need something for anxiety/panic attack and zoloft didn't work in the past so I tried the name brand sertrline and sure enough I could now tolerate it. It did take about 8wks for all the side effects to go away but the major one I had was aggitation and I counteracted that with xanax for a short period of time.

Now every thing seems to be alright. I don't know if I was just too sick last year to handle them or what but maybe give wellbutrin a try if you haven't already. It is an activating drug so you might need something to couteract the aggitation it might make you feel for awhile.

Good luck I wish you the best


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I have also been very sensitive to all antidepressants I had tried in the past! I always wondered why? When my depression got really bad I felt "doomed" because I was sure there wasn't anything that would help without me sleeping for 3 or more days straight on a minute dose.

I started seeing a neuro-phsychologist also, and he actually is very familiar with POTS. He tried me on a "new" med called Pexeva. It is still hard to find at some pharmacies but most will order it for you. I have a walgreens nearby that keeps it in stock (I suppose because I always get my rx filled there).

The Pexeva does not give me any side affects accept for the occasional drowsiness which I am not sure really IS the med because I am always tired anyway. I have had NO weight gain, etc. So....maybe look up that med, it's the only one that has worked for me and I have tried around 12 different others in the past.


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I was on an antidepressant before the POTS dx. I think it actually made some symptoms better and delayed dx. My doc switched me from celexa (brand name) to lexapro (generic of same drug). At first all seemed fine, but over the course of 6-8 months many things became worse - POTS symptoms, irritability, anxiety etc... This led me to my dotor who referred me to a neurologist and then the TTT and then a dx. During the course of this I insisted I be put back on the brand name celexa. I never had problems like I was having on celexa. I have been doing much better since then. I have also started salt loading, raise head of bed etc...

My advice is to be sure if you are only trying generics you try the brand name or vice versa. It costs me more for my insurance, but for me it works. Even though the active ingredient is the same in a generic and brand name, what holds it together is different. The overall composition of the drug can make a big difference. Unfortunately with antidepressents you have start them slowly and then get off them slowly to know what is working for you and it can be a long process.

Even though I started antidepressants for depression I think they helped my POTS symptoms long before I knew what POTS was. I tried to wean off several times and thought my depression was so bad that I just couldn't be off them. Turns out I can't be off them because of POTS.

Good luck,


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Anyone with depression should ask their doctor about omega-3 fatty acids, which you can get from fish oil but also from various vegetable sources, such as flaxseed. Most Americans these days are deficient in them, and societies with omega-3 deficient diets have high rates of depression. There have even been some promising clinical trials of omega-3 fatty acids to treat depression, especially bipolar disorder.

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It's just crazy how we all react so differently to meds. I've tried quite a few and have found Paxil CR (12.5) to be the best for me (CR has fewer side effects than regular paxil because of the controlled release). It did take me about 2 weeks to adjust to it but it never made me anxious. In fact it has helped me tremendously - getting rid of my anxiety and has allowed me to feel "normal" in that sense.

I truly hope you find something that works well for you!


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Hi, thanks for all the info. I am going to read up on them all before I see my doctor on Monday. I have been so ill on Effexor that he has taken me off and I am on a short course of valium to try and settle my anxiety. My stomach is churning, so have not eaten much in the last week and at least I have dropped some weight, the only good part in this mess. I am sure I will regain it, but it feels nice to have a flat stomach again. The leg ache has gone, but the agitation is too severe. Seems like no happy medium yet, but will keep trying. Thanks for the support and good to know that others have had similar problems.

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I know this may sound crazy or something you don't have confidence in doing, but open your mind and you never know...

I tried one after another too. Lexapro was awesome for a long time, but then I just decided I had had enough. So, I went off everything! It takes a lot longer and you have to make diet changes (Omega-3, St. John's Wort, etc...) but it's so worth it. I am so much more comfortable in my own skin (minus POTS) and I have found I can work on coping mechanisms better than ever before!! Before, I was just thinking the drugs were just going to do the work for me. Boy is that a misconception!

I know in our drug-driven society it's crazy to think natural is better, but if you keep hitting a wall, see if it works for you. But don't give up after a few months--In May it will be a year for me and I have just now started to turn the corner.


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I've just never been able to take antidepressants. You have to give them a reasonable amount of time, but I just seem to feel worse on them.....

I know some people do very well though, and they help a lot. Unfortunately, it's like all the other meds, trial and error. Hope you get some relief soon sweetie! morganza

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I have been on pozac, effexor, lexapro and tried cymbalta.

Then I was off of them for 2 years and all the weight I had gained disappeared.

About 6 months ago I started Celexa 10mg. It has worked the best for me. I rarely have an adrenaline surge and it has made my nausea so much better (it did take a couple weeks to get used to it). I have gained 10 pounds but to not be so anxious and to sleep better is worth it. I also tend to eat alot of junk food so if I would quit that I probably wouldn't be carrying these extra pounds.


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