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Weight Gain


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Have any of you had alot of weight gain since getting sick? I started having symptoms about 51/2 years ago. has been about 2 1/2 years ago been diagnosed with POTS and neurocardgenic syncope. Have gained a total of 40 lbs. Had 4 months that were progresionally getting better to days that I felt better than I ever remember feeling. Have now back slid again. Not to where I started but not good. How to you handle going back when you have felt so good. It *****. How can I get rid of the swelling and weight gain?

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I've gained a bit of weight since getting sick. This is only because of my large gatorade intake, as I barely eat anything. When I first got sick, I drank water instead of gatorade and lost nearly 30 pounds. The gatorade helps maintain my weight...but also has made me gain some.

One of the things I've done to try to lose weight is to drink less gatorade. However, drinking lots of water without getting enough salt and potassium can be dangerous, so it's a fine balance.

It is frustrating, I know, because none of us can really exercise to get the weight off, and dieting makes many of us much sicker. I've had to learn to be a little less vain beacuse of the illness...but that doesn't make it any less depressing when I look in the mirror and see flab where muscles used to be :)

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Sometimes the medications we are on can make us gain weight also. Of course the lack of exercise plays a good role----and it seems like no one understands the scope of this---how terribly difficult it is for us to exercise. I used to dance---walk 5 miles---stair stepper---ect........ Now I can barely walk across a large department store..................... :) I take two medications that can cause weight gain. One is the beta blocker which I started in 1990. In 1990 I didn't really have bothersome symptoms other then tachycardia----so I was pretty active until my crash---and diagnosis of POTS in 2000-2001.

I did gain about 10-15 pounds in the early 90s---but I only weighed about 120 pounds back then---so I could afford the weight gain. I carry my weight well, and at 135 to 140 pds. I was still pretty thin. I'm only 5ft. 4in---but a med to large frame. Now I'm a size 12----not a terrible size at all, but i'm not used to it. When I started on the Wellbutrin I gained an extra 20 pounds. When I crashed I went back down to 120---then went back to my 140 pds---but to my surprise I gained more-------- :P My ANS doc said wellbutrin will make me lose weight----NOT TRUE FOLKS.........

At this time I have no exercise tolerance, but try to take care of my home, and take small walks if I can. However--I took a big nose dive this summer---and my small walks are few and far between. Now I just watch everything I put into my mouth, and avoid sugar----this has helped shave off a few pounds.

I had a medical professional---(if you can call it that)----- ;) put down that I'm OBESE in my medical file on several of the clinical notes. What does this say for someone that's a size 14-16----MORBIDLY OBESE?-----HMMMMMMMM---I think not.

It's not enough that we don't get taken seriously---and are constantly dismissed by physicians----but If we gain a little weight and we go to our appointment for troubling symptoms ----they can blame it on OBESITY!

I noticed I was treated differently by the same physicians who treated me for my illness when I was thin---after I became "obese". More or less like I'm not really as bad off as I say I am----how could I be-----after all my appetite if good---I must be eating a pound of bacon a day...... the fact is that I eat the same---if not less------but they won't believe it. Now this does not apply to all Docs---or medical professionals-------just the ignorant and shallow ones.

Maxine :0)

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Yes I have gained wieght!!!

I actually was tring to work out so I could lose wieght and that's when I realized something was wrong with me. I just can't do much of anything without getting dizzy and feeling weak. :)

I'm still gaining too, actually I wonder if it is from the medication I'm on? I gained about 10 pounds since I started taking Toprol XL.

Take care,


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yeah i have had a very hard time with my weight since my pots got very bad bvack in 2002.. then around the age of 17-18. (1999-2000).. i went from being very skinny to gaining a considerable amount of weight.. I lost it then gained it back and then some.. now in 2002.. since then ive gain ALOT of weight.. roughly 50 pounds.. some was medications.. and some was due to lack of excercise b/c i couldnt get off the couch of bed..

in 2002 i was put on florinef.. and it caused me to gain roughly 20-25 pounds.. and after i stopped the florinef.. i lost over 20 pounds..

I'm at low functioning right now.. but i do try and do alittle something everyday.. I have little 2 pound weights that i use for my arms and do exercises with..doesnt sound like much weight.. but for me it is!.. i also use a thigh master...( :) i get alot of laughs over this one.. and no i dont have buns of steel yet..lol).. BUT.. i use a thigh master to help the upper legs and booty..

I can use the weights and the thigh master laying down.. and a physical therapist showed me a few things i can do laying down as well or sitting to help gain.. and eventually maintain some muscles strength and endurance..

I also use an exercise ball.. whic i love!.. some days i just kick the ball back and forth against the wall if i am able to sit up.. and other days i bounce the ball... depending on arm strength.. and it fi am feeling really rambungist (SP>> OMG!).. i will sit on the ball and bounce... it helps with balance...

But a few things trying to do it sbetter then not trying at all... these things have helped me I've lost nearly 20 pounds since doing t his.. hopefully more will eventually follow.. but also watching what i stuff in my mouth helps as well.. though some days i just have to have a cookie or 3..lol..

good luck dear and dont be to hard on your self about any weight gain.. pots is brutal enough...

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Yeah, I gained alot of weight in the begining because they thought I was hypoglycemic so they had me drink alot of juice and peanut butter etc. And eventually the meds that came with the changing diagnosises made me gain even more and now I can't really excercise to get the weight off. I totally understand what Maxine said. The last doc. I had has done the same thing and it upset me because i know that I'm not "normal" and I don't just need to loose some weight though that would be fabulous if it were true but its not. *sigh* So yeah, I've gained of weight over the past 6 yrs.

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