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Hi guys,

I haven't posted much lately because I have been soo exhausted. I found out that my test came back negative for the pheo..Thank you all for your support while I was waiting.

The docs are still trying to figure out why my body is making so much histamine....

I am going to see a new neuro to go over things, esp with my new sudden fatigue. The endo suggested narcolepsy, but I'm not thinking it's that. I think it's just the usual POTS stuff, but I'm not sure why it's just started to get so severe. I'm pretty sure that I am going to be going in for a sleep study soon, I am waiting to hear back from my cardio about what's going on next...


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Hey Jacquie Sorry to hear that your still weak and fatigued...it stinks but you know I go through phases of the fatigue and weakness(feels like my arms and legs are rubber and all over just weak.). I wish I had some advice to deal with this..just try and take it easy. I hope it goes away soon for you. :)

Glad there is no tumor...


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