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Guest dionna

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Guest dionna

every scar that i have gotten since i have been sick is red and they will turn purple too- depending on the temperature. all the other scars on my body before i got sick are white and stay white. does anyone else have this or is it just a coincidence for me that it is like that and that i am sick? i don't know. i was thinking about bringing it up to the doctor but if it has no relevance... why bother? it doesn't hurt me but if any of you do the same, maybe it could mean something and maybe point the doctors in a new direction....... i have no idea. but thanks for any replies.

dionna B)

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Funny, I would never have thought about a connection, if there even was one, but I have noticed there is one scar that I have received from some minor skin surgery since this started with all these wild symptoms about 1 1/2 -2 years ago. I notice that it gets very purple looking at times, it does not stay all the time, but I notice it often. Yet I have an even longer scar on my knee also from skin surgery that I had done a few years prior, and it stays white.

Very strange indeed. B)

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I have psoriasis so my scars are always as you describe. Sometimes immune disorders like psoriasis go along with autonomic disorders. Ask a dermatologist.

Sorry that doesn?t help more.


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Ah , now I'm a mixture of different colours in different places!

I have one scar that is at the top of my pants level 3/4 way around my body that is so white isn't almost invisible. Yet I have another one 8-9 inches down my chest that is huge and almost 1/2 inch wide and very pink/red ( 14 years old) and so visible. A mauve one on my eye lid and a white one on my eye lid as well .

Is marks on me that stay purple ............I have on both of my arms ( lloking at my arms hand side down) from the wrists to the elbows bright red flat spots and bright red/ mauve marks , what ever I do will not go away!

Very strange and not very nice looking .


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my scars are all different in coloration with no rhyme/reason/pattern to when they occurred. some are light, some dark, some prominant, some hardly noticable....

B) melissa

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i have a scar on my upper arm.. and in the summer or when i get really really hot.. it turns purple then it turns like bright pink...

another scar that i have it looks like i have a tan thru it... and it turns purple as well

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