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About To Get Fired From My Job

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So I really thought I was feeling better after my last trip to the POTS specialist. But it really seems as though I can make it through 3 weeks of work and then I get sick again. I cut my work back to part time hours and I'm not even able to do that half the time now. My boss has been really good to me up until now but I guess she's had enough. She pretty much told me today when I called off that I've wayyyy overexceeded my FMLA time and that the hospital will be looking to fire me. I'm not even sure how I feel about this. It's almost a relief, I think my job might be stressing me out and making me sicker. I have been trying so hard to get through online medical transcription classes. It seems like if I could just finish them and work from home i'd be okay. I don't know what to do. I guess if they fire me than that's that. Perhaps I can find a job somewhere closer to home.

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I would go to your human resource dept. Find our your rights under the FMLA and your job. I think the length of FMLA is 12 weeks although this can be intermit in duration. Also, contact your ADA about this. I don't think that they can fire you under the FMLA as long as you are still under physicians care stating you are not able to work but only part time hours. Sometimes, they will state that you are able to work 4 hours a day under some circumstances. They might relocate you into another job that accomodates your needs better though. I know someone that is protected under this situation and it seems to be working for her alright so I know that it can be done.

good luck and if this were me, I wouldn't wait. Stand for your own rights because no matter how nice or understanding your employer may be, she will be looking out for her company and her needs first.

check out these links.



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I'm going to look into my rights at work. I know I've missed alot of work, probably far more than 12 weeks. I've had a rough year. As an added note I am living with my dad and haven't been able to pay him rent in about 4 months and I told him about my conversation with work and he wants me to move out if I can't pay him rent. Any suggestions on how to get through this horrible horrible time in my life all the while feeling sick as a dog?

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It looks to me like you have a great start!! Your positive outlook on it is wonderful ;)

I beileve things happen for a reason, go with it and make the best of it. What else can you do?

When you give your all and there's nothing else to give you have to look at it as doing your best. If your best isn't good enough then what about your worst?

I wish you luck and send you positive feed back!


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If it were me, I'd check it out, then probably put in my notice, as opposed to being fired. If you plan on looking for more work, a fired report wouldn't be helpful.

I'd ask the Americans with disabilities people too, what rights you have and what rights the employer has.

As for your dad, I have no idea what to say. Frankly, I couldn't do that to my child, but that is me. Do you have siblings or your mom or someone that would let you stay with them temporarily? I'm sorry this is happening to you, it's one blow after another sometimes.

My son got a lot of money, because of his disabilities, to go to school. You might look into that. Go to the disabilities counselor at a college near where you live. He got a Pell grant, a disabilities scholarship, and vocational rehab money. They even sent him gas money to get to and from school! He is NOT on ssdi, so you don't have to be. You just need documentation that you have a long term chronic illness.

Good luck.....morgan

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I couldn't get a clear-cut answer on this, but I let them terminate me at the end of the FMLA because I was afraid if I resigned I might not be able to collect the employer furnished LTD they had. But then, that's my brain-fogged take on things. I guess I was afraid if I quit on my own that it would look like I quit working voluntarily as opposed to being terminated due to being unable to work.

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FMLA time is federal law and totals 12 weeks. They don't have to pay you for any of those days but they do have to hold your job. The 12 weeks can also be counted in hours or days so that if you are chronically ill and let's say, for example, you had to have chemo and miss 4 hours of work one day a week then they would accumulate those 4 hrs. Once you reach the 12 weeks or the hourly equivalent then your job is no longer protected by federal law.

However, it's still a good idea to check with ADA or JAN (Job accomodation network) to see if they can help guide you in YOUR particular case.

Otherwise, I would say do NOT resign if you think you may need to make use of either social security disability or long term disability because being fired (vs. resigning) will possibly strengthen your case.

If you do get fired, make sure your boss makes it clear in your paperwork that the problem is attendence/illness so you have proper documentation which will support your disability claims.

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I agree with Poohbear. If you have disability insurance with your company you will need to file ASAP. If you are already approved for short-term disability, and they terminate your postition, you should still be eligible for long term disabiltiy given you are still disabled. Quiting your job would not help your status with the health insurance company, however your employer stating you are not physically qualified to work in your present occupation will help your disability claim.

Hang in there. I work with many employers (in benefits), and unfortunatly, many do term employees after FMLA. It seems so unfair to employees who are struggling to come to work. It is probably a policy set by an attorney, and not a reflection on you.

I will keep you in my prayers.


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Have you applied for SSDI? You are young and probably have a good chance of getting it from what I understand, especially if you lose your job due to your disability.

Good luck - I'm so sorry you have to go through this

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Have you used all of your short-term disability? If so, I would apply for long-term disability. It's worth a try. You obviously have tried to show up for work and even tried to go full time.

Do you have any other family you can stay with? Or friends? Maybe there is something you can do for your dad to make up for the rent -- does he have a business that you could help with from home? Or if you were to stay at home all the time, could you clean and do chores? Maybe you would feel well enough because you wouldn't have the added stress of a job.

Sorry you are going through a rough time.


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hi there,

i had the same problem with my employer three years ago, i got fired but i took them to court for disability discrimination and won!

i know that this is not the answer for everybody and that is really hard option, ad the laws are different over here.

My advice would be to look into your rights and likemorgan said see what benefits you are entitled to, but don't quit until you have found out all of that information, and even then think about it.

i'm thinking of you, and if you need any thing, like to talk to someone who took the b******s to court let me know!

love becks x x x

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