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Hello All,

Well I am getting done to not being able to handle the migraimes any more. I have had one now for over 2 weeks and will not go away. It will let up from time to time, but it will not go away. It kind of odd to al the back of my neck also hurt. Has anyone ever had this? What do you do to help. I called the doctor on thursday, he said to just double my pain meds. They still feel they can't give me migranie meds as my b/p is way to low. So I am stuck with the pain meds that make my tummy hurt. There been no good fix.

Could there be anything else going on other then POTS as this has been getting worse over time. Or are migranines more of the POTS thing? I can not have a MRI due to my pacemaker so that out. I am not sure what else they could do. I am not sure even if it would be worth going to see a nero doctor or not. I have not been to one since 1999. I go though a cardio for all my POTS stuff.

Well if you have any ideas please let me know!



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I feel for you, two weeks!!!! That is terrible. :unsure: If I have one for 2 days I am stressed out.

Have you tried osteopathy? It gently works on your muscles and is wholistic. My osteopath fixed my 15 year of migraines with a series of treatments on my neck. Nowadays i seem to get them from Florinef and any other drug that the doctors are guinea pigging me on.

I really hope and pray you can get some relief.


Suz :unsure:

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Man do I feel for you!!! I live with migraines myself and have also had them for days....they don't go completely away for me but do get to a point that I can function. I haven't had these kind of migraines very often. I usually got them with pregnancy but have got them at other times. Like if I'm sick or had a stressful week.

Can you take motron? I find that this helps with me when I can't take perscription meds. I take 400mg or 600mg if it's really bad. I always make sure to eat first as well. The combo for me works most of the time. And of course sleep.

My neck also hurts, along with my shoulders. My entire head feels way heavy and it's the worst pain ever. I have had time that I wish I would just die because the pain was so bad.

Hang in there and I hope you find something that will help with those migraines...


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Hey there,

I have been gettin really bad headaches lately, but they seem to have gone away since I have stopped taking Florinef. Anyhow, I think it would be a good idea to see a Neuro, esp if you can find one who has exp. treating POTS patients.


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Amy, having a migraine for that long is a bad thing--and reason to see someone who has a better answer than doubling your pain meds. Neurologist typically handle migraines, although so does my pain management doc. My suggestion: find someone who specializes in headaches b/c you shouldn't have a migraine for that long (I've been there and it really stinks!).


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Well things are just getting worse. I am dizzy on standing all the time, which my POTS meds had stopped. I sleep now fianlly, but it 22-23 hours of the day. I wake up in sweat, and yet I am cold. On monday I went to the doctor and they gave me Fentanyl and Virset (sp?) shot. It just made me tired and here today I feel worse. I don't know what to do! I am getting scared. I called the doctor tonight. They said there are going to cancelle the procrit shot on Wed. but there is nothing more they can do. What does that me???? What am going to do? I am not better, in fact getting worse. I not eating I don't feel like drinking even water!

I don't know what to do??? Any ideas would be helpful!


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Sounds like you need a different Dr.

If your Dr isn't helping you and the pain is getting worse, you may want to consider going to the ER and letting them know you just had a shot on Monday and it didn't help you. You may also need IV fluids if you aren't eating and drinking.

Ask for a referral to a migraine specialist

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Get to a specialist pronto. What you are describing sounds like a type of migraine called a basilar arterial migraine and they can be quite serious. And no, doubling your pain meds is probably not the best way to deal with this. I was on seizure meds at one time as migraine management- you might want to discuss this with your specialist. Your heart rate could be the cuplrit- as I see you have a pacemaker. This needs to be explored by someone knowledgable about migraines and not disregarded. Good luck!


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I hope you are feeling better!!!! I would not stay with a doctor who all but said you had to deal with it! Let us know how your doing if you can :D


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Two weeks? Wow, you must be getting tired of that migrain. I used to have daily migrains, and I know it is not pleasant. Maybe it would be worth it for you to see a neuro. Who knows what ideas he/she may have. Another thing that seems to effect headaches a lot is diet. It is really tough to figure out what foods might trigger you (I'm still working on that!). But I know that aged cheeses often trigger migrains for some reason (of course it is individual).

If it gets totally unbearable, maybe you could go to the ER. I have had to do that several times. They just gave me an IV and let me sleep it off. It actually worked. But I will also add that (at least for me) narcotics are not the best solution to migrains. For me, they just caused rebound headaches.

I wish I could think of some better ideas for you :blink::D

Take care, and I hope that migrain goes away soon!!!


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Well yesterday I finally started to feel better. I even was able to go to the store, post office, and take my son to school and back. The problem is I must have over done it as today I am back the headache, and dizziness, and the back of my neck is hurting again. I am starting to believe maybe it's rebound headaches, of if I have the migraine, and then due to the pain killers I am getting the rebound headaches when the migraine leave. Do you think this can happen? I am not sure what to do about it thought. I was feeling better so I called my doctor, and I am going to see him on Monday, and then get another Procrit shot. So now they are going to think I am crazy as I called and said I was doing better and here I feel bad again. Does this get better? I still like my doctor, and he?s great about dealing with the POTS so I don't want to say too much. Plus he has stayed by my side, and gotten me all the referrals to Cleveland, and Mayo, and is in contact with Cleveland when needs to be for my treatment, plus keeps the local cardio in control, and making sure he is looking out for whets best for me.

So at what point do you try to find a Nero? Or do you wait, and see what happens?

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If your doctor is supportive, he will refer you to a neuro. A neuro may have an insight that your doctor doesn't, after all, they can't know it all. If the neuro visit is not helpful, then at least you know you are trying all areas. I just don't think you should have to put up with this, it is too much, especially when you have kids to care for. I know the day after a migraine leaves, I take it very easy, so maybe you did a bit too much. But even so, you deserve to get the best help there is. Listen to your instincts and good luck. :)

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