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After not being able to sleep over the past few weeks, I finally caved in and went to my dr on Friday. He prescribed Ambien 10 mg. I slept well two nights in a row. Yesterday I felt a little funny and today I felt exhausted. I took three naps this afternoon and I am still tired! Usually I have trouble falling asleep in the afternoon and can at most sleep for an hr. It was nice to make up some sleep, but I really need to be functional during the week for work. :(

Do any of you who take Ambien have daytime drowsiness? I checked their website, and they say it's is a side effect. I am guessing this is my problem, because I was more tired today than I have been without any sleep. I called my pharmacist, and she said that 10 mg may be too high of a dose for me and that I might want to try 5mg. She said I can't cut the pill in 1/2, so I have to call my dr tomorrow and get a new prescription. I know many of you are on Ambien and was wondering how much you take?



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I've taken Ambien for over a year. I have only recently begun to need 10 mg. Up until the last couple of weeks, I broke my 10 mg in half and 5mg was perfect.... helped me fall asleep and I was overhung in the morning. I'd suggest you give the 5 mg a try and see how you do.

I think I"m needing 10 mg now because of other meds and because I've taken it so long. I've heard others say this too and that eventually they needed a break from it because it became ineffective. I try to take a night or two off and sometimes hoping to prolong it's effectiveness.


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Is insomnia related to POTS? I have alot of trouble sleeping and my doctor has tried me on all of the new sleeping pills, including Ambien, 5 and 10 and they all work the opposite on me. :( I am awake all night. Go figure :D So what else is new. Something is not working. DUH!!!! I have heard of several people having hangovers from Ambien. 5mg will probably be alot better for you. Donna

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I do better with 10 mg--5 doesn't consistently get me to fall asleep. I don't use Ambien often, but I'm planning on asking my neuro for it on my next visit as I've been having increasing problems with insomnia.


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hi everyone. I have taken ambien for quite a while, and it is addicting.. That much I know, at least it is for me. So now I try to take it sporadically. And only if really needed.. One thing I noticed though is that when I take it, if I do not go to bed right away it causes me to binge eat. And the only other problem is that I did sleep walk. I don't remember anything, but I called people on the phone.. :) .. I was on 10 mg..cut it in 1/2 and took 5 which was much better. I hope this helps..


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This is deviating from the original topic - but how do you ask for it?

I take a high dose of BB's, I've tried cutting down, but it's no use.

I also take between 2 and 4mg of Xanax per day as well as 40mg of Prozac.

I too have terriable trouble sleeping, but the doctors can't see why. From the med's I'm on, I should be feeling fairly drowsy all the time, but I don't at all.

My doctor will prescribe immovaine, but then the pharmisist looks at me like I'm a junkie.

I tried to prove to my doctor that these are very real, and on purpose stopped taking everything for 2 days and went and see him - my resting HR was 160, and my BP was very low (I can't remember the figures, but he was concerned).

I know that I need something to help me sleep, I've tried Valerian (the Herbal stuff), warm milk, peanut butter, warm bath etc, nothing seems to work.

I can't seem to convince anyone that my 'wiring' is wrong, and I am very 'on edge' all the time.

I've also enquired about Klonopin, which the doctors agree would be worthwhile, however they aren't allowed to prescribe it unless I have epilepsy.

What can I do? I know there are medications to help me, but the doctors either can't prescribe them, or the combinations look dodgy to the pharmisist, which makes me reluctant to get them....?

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some of that daytime drowsiness may wear off with time...

but, i would definitely start with 5 mg and see how you do. i take 10, but i have been taking ambien for years. it's the only med that helps me and i don't feel hungover on it...

i have always split the 10 mg pills in half when i need to....but the advantage of getting some 5 mg pills is that you can take 5 mg or even 7.5 mg (which for a while was my magic number) or 10 mg....whatever you feel you need that night.


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I noticed that someone mentioned they sleepwalked when they took Ambien. There were quite a few articles in the last two weeks in ap about dangerous side effects of Ambien especially in those who drive. They are now taking a closer look at the med. before taking it I would google a little. if you don't drive I guess it wouldn't matter. I agree with the appetite. I can't use it anymore. it doesn't work for me. :-( I find it interesting and sad that our friends from out of the us have trouble getting meds like klonopin.I first started on it for anxiety but then found it helped with ncs symptoms. Psych I was going to at time agreed my problems weren't mental (thank you!) and said 90 % of us drs. prescribe amytritilene while 90% of Psych prescribe Klonopin. who knows but I've done well with klonopine and I have to have it to fall asleep although I still have leepless nights. It can be addictive which may be why some countries don't want to start it. I would print of the dinet page of things that help and click on klonopin and take or fax to dr and show why and where it might be indicated.

I would be wary of the ambien now though. They don't know about lunesta and celesta because they haven't been prescribed as widely yet. good luck , I hate not being able to sleep!!

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Gracie, from what I gathered, the problem is primarily misuse of Ambien by patients. In the tv clip I saw, it was reported that people were having car accidents because the had taken Ambien and then not going straight to bed after taking it... or not sleeping long enough, not staying in bed for the 7 to 8 hours suggested by the maker of the medication.


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Just thought I'd add that I've also been hearing things on the news about Ambien. It can cause sleep walking, and even "sleep eating," where people go into the kitchen and make meals and eat without even waking up. I agree that the med is worth investigating. There are many over the counter herbal supplements that help with insomnia...maybe it would be worth doing some research on those if you haven't yet. Good luck!!

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I think Nina is right that the recent reports are exaggerated. My doc said that Ambien has revolutionized the treatment of sleep disorders and the people who sleepwalk are those who are prone to sleepwalking. I am not too worried about sleepwalking, gaining weight, etc. because I don't plan to use the Ambien every day. I just want to use it to break the cycle when I don't sleep for a few days in a row. This is when I am stressed or have my period. Of course nothing works for everyone, but Ambien ovbiously works well for me for now - a little too well, I daresay!

I did hear back from my doc and he said to cut the pill in half, which makes sense based on all of your replies.

d4g7 - I ahe the same problem as you. My docs don't know about all of the meds that help POTS. In fact, I hadn't gone to my GP in nearly 2 years because I didn't find him to be helpful once I got POTS. I went last week because I was desperate to get some sleep. I was actually pleasantly surprised about how willing he was to give me medication - not only that but he told me I need to come in for a complete physical since he hasn't examined me in a couple of years. So perhaps he does care a bit more than I gave him credit for ... :P These doctors just don't know what to do with us, and I agree that it's frustrating.

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