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Hi guys, sorry I haven't posted much but I am not feeling much better. I have had the sore throat, ear ache, headache thing going on for the past few weeks. I first had it for 2 weeks then got better. A week later I got sick again with the same symptoms and I have yet to feel better. I went to the docs Tuesday and I don't have strep. I can't swallow very good at night and my ears and headache all the time. I have been getting alot dizzier too...is getting dizzy common with having an infection???

Do you guys think I should make an appointment to be seen again??? I feel really lowsy. :)


Edited by MightyMouse
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I know I alway feel worse like dizzy, chest pain.... after I have been sick, but I would at least call your doctor and let them know you are still not feeling better.

Hope you start feeling better soon! :)


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Hi Jacquie

I'm sorry that you arent feeling well.. that really bites!!

Um about your sore throat.. did your doc say if your throat was red inflamed or anyhting?? I would contact your doc Monday if you arent doing better..

also I thought.. is the air really dry in your room/house?? with ti being winter and all.. the dryness can casue things to get dried out.. like the mouth/nose.. and has casued my throat to get sore at times.. (as the aair is dry drydry here ).. anywho.. have you tried running a humidifyer in your room??it will put some moisture in the air.. whcih might help you all the way around..

on the other end of things.. congestion in the head can casue the ears and head to hurt..and that is no fun.. my doc tells me b/c i cant take decongestants to use vicks,, halls menthol cough drops, and a humidifyer.. and of course to eat some chicken soup and really pump the fluids in so I dont get more dehydrated.. ans rest rest rest!!

Um I also used to drink hot (decaf of course) tea.. with a "Halls" honey and lemon cough drops in it.. let the cough drop light melt in the cup of tea.. and Kinda just hold the cup towards your face I guess. and breath in the vapors of the cough drop.. that will helpw/ congestion.. and then once the steam is like gone.. drink the tea..its an old home remedy..

also for your ears. you can try sweet oil drops.. you can find them at walmart or anywhere really.. and stick the bottle of drops in a cup of warm water and let them sit for a few minutes so that the drops get warm.. and put some in your ear.. and then stuff some cotton in your ear..

oh and vicks makes Vics inhaler things that you stick in your nose and inhale.. and it helps clear the sinuses for a minute.. but I have found that those make my nostrils burn when I have an infection going on w/ bleeding.. so normal old saline nasal spray works to...

Oh and feeling more dizzy and potsy when you have infection roaming around in your body does makes the body more uh active??..its adding more stress to the system..

I hope that you feel better girl! and call the dco back if you dont get any better

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Linda, thanks for all the ideas! You gave me soo many of them, thanks a bunch!! I took some tylenol for the ears. I am def. congested though. This is kinda gross but I keep coughing up dark green stuff (it's also coming out of my nose when I blow it :) )?? Warned you it was gross!!! I know that isn't normal, so I know something must be going on inside this achey head of mine. Got any remedies for an itchy throat, by any chance?! :o


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Ahhh nice to know, LOL. Too bad my doc didn't give me anything...I don't think they take things seriously sometimes. I am still angered that they couldn't atleast take my bp since I am on the Florinef. If it wasn't such a pain to switch doctors I would...The worst part is that I don't see my regular doc for my probs. I only saw him once for a rash. I usually see the NP or the other MD that is in with my PCP. I request my PCP but everytime they tell me that he's booked for weeks, nice huh?!


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hmmm--green stuff is a genuine sign of an infection of some sort!!.. I would contact you PCP for some antibiotics..

sorry no suggestion for an itchy throat.. sorry!!

you got any suggestion for itchy ears? LOL :lol::P --my ears hurt badly.. and they itch inside the ear..

hope you feel better soon!!

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Hi! Sorry to hear you are feeling miserable. I know that I have one virus or infection after another and when I have them, it makes me entirely more symptomatic & it takes me longer to recover than other people. Usually if symptoms last longer than a week, I go to the doc. Last year added all up I spent 6 months on antibiotic...pllbbhh! I would go to the doctor, in case you are getting an infection and do need an antibiotic.

Since my daughter and I are not allowed, (like most people with these conditions or that are on the medications that we are), over the counter cold medications etc. They have come up with some different ways for us to treat our symptoms. If the doc prescribes cold medicine...we ask them to leave out the anti histamine. So we get the cough med with coedine. They tend to give us stronger antibiotics now, as we seem to be more resistant to the weaker ones.

Other than that, holistically speaking, I use a vick's vaporiser, mentholatum ointment, drink hot tea, eat hot soup, take vitamin C, and use a sinu cleanse. (I buy it at Walgreen's drug store...its ackward to use at first...but brings wonderful relief for my sinuses, headache, and throat.)

Get extra rest, take care, & I hope you feel better soon. Renee

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Thanks for the tips!! What exactly is a sinus cleaner?

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