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Anyone have similar happen? BP ok but still felt like your gonna check out!


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Had the wierdest thing happen this am. Today is my grocery day, so I filled up on extra salt added gateraid, ate breakfast and as soon as I dropped off kids at school and went shopping. After about 1 1/2 hrs (I love Marc's and it's great to get out!) All the sudden it hit me, felt like I was going to check out. Hurried up and paid went out to the car to take my BP (I carry one of the wrist ones with me in my purse) it was ok 107/75. Does anyone else have this happen. I've been having this happen and it's frustraiting. It's like all the sudden feeling like I need to go lie down. It's the same kinda feeling I get when my BP drops. I ate a donut in the car and drank more gateraide and slowly drove the 2 miles home, which felt like 10 cuz I was scared. When I got home I got this heart flutter feeling and it felt like I couldn't breath for a split second. Another wierd symptom to scare the bejebbes out of me!!! Anyone have any of these things happen? It has been such a blessing to have a place to go a vent my fears and frustraitions. And knowing others can relate and have been there. Sometimes friends and family mean well but I can tell they get tired of it. I don't even feel comfortable bringing it up except to hubby and kids. And it really bothers me sometimes cuz I sit and listen for what seems forever when they go on and on about thier lives and problems.


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Hi, Kim. Yep- symptoms can come on without any distinguishable reason at times. Sometimes our blood pressure and pulse change so quickly by the time it has been checked on a bp cuff it has already changed. From experience, I can tell you and hour and a half of shopping can be too much for a lot of us- especially, if pushing a heavy cart or doing a lot of bending or even tilting head up to look at items on shelves. It took me a long time to understand why grocery shopping brought out my worst symptoms. However, after being medicated for two years, shopping is much easier. Yet, even now I keep it an hour or less so I can get back home and rest before I start feeling too bad. So..... our symptoms can come on suddenly and hang around for a while even if there doesn't appear to be any physiological reason. It is possible your pressure dropped suddenly while shopping- brought on the symptoms- then stabilized by the time you checked it- but the symptoms stuck around. Hope this helps. Good luck.


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Thanks Carmen,

Did you ever have this feeling happen?

"""I got this heart flutter feeling and it felt like I couldn't breath for a split second. Another wierd symptom to scare the bejebbes out of me!!!"""

I never even thought of that. I know when I take my BP I can take it several times over about 10 min and there can sometimes be a big difference between readings. I knew when I was in the store I had been there to long. I sometimes just want to get out there and do what I want to to. Then overdo it and feel wiped out later.


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Yeah, those "pauses".... , they don't scare me anymore as my cardiologist explained it was related to my MVP and wacky heartrate- scary, but harmless. Have you had a holter? Pauses, extra beats, skipped beats, etc. can be picked up on a holter and might ease your mind to find out what type of beats are really going on. Most are harmless but not all so if you have concerns push for a holter- or even a 48 hour one if needed.


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Hi, I definately can relate to your supermarket symptoms....I don't even bother going to the mall anymore I have to shop online. I don't know why but I get very sick in stores, wish someone could give a reason, lol!

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I wore a monitor for 2 days this summer after a scary night of racing heart. Nothing showed up out of the ordinary. It seems never to happen when I need it to!!!

Take Care


Yeah, those "pauses".... , they don't scare me anymore as my cardiologist explained it was related to my MVP and wacky heartrate- scary, but harmless. Have you had a holter? Pauses, extra beats, skipped beats, etc. can be picked up on a holter and might ease your mind to find out what type of beats are really going on. Most are harmless but not all so if you have concerns push for a holter- or even a 48 hour one if needed.



Yeah, next time I should whip out my BP minitor right there in the store, I felt funny doing it in the store. Feels like everybody's watching me.


Could your BP have been okay as you were sitting in your car when you took it, rather than standing? I know mine changes the instant I stand or sit.
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I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you should have checked your BP right there and then, I know that would be awkward.

I was just offering what I thought could explain it (in that your BP could have been low when you were in the store, but might have corrected itself when you sat down to take to BP).

I'm sorry if I offended you in any way.

It happens to me all the time - everytime I go to the doctor, he checks my BP and says "ahhh, a bit tachycardic, but, your blood pressure is good", then I ask him to do it again when I stand up, and he notices a huge drop in my blood pressure, along with the raise in HR.

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There seems to be a bit of confusion about POTS and blood pressure. Professor Esler and the people at the Baker Institute as well as seperate studies at the Vanderbelt Institute could find no significant drop in blood pressure that would account for the syncope or faint of the majority of POTS patients they tested. In the words of the people at the Baker Institute they believe its actually caused not by blood pressure drops but by sudden reduction in blood flow and volume to the brain and vasospasm - both a product of excessive autonomic nervous system reactions to orthostatic stress.

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Oh yes sounds very familiar. Most of the time I can tell when my b/p drops, but sometimes I will take it and it is low, but not drastically, it is very frustrating, because just when you think that you can tell when your b/p drops then this stupid thing throws you for a loop. I usually dont tell anyone either. I sometimes think that I am making it up. So I just keep my mouth shut. My friends are calling me less and less. I dont know if they just feel uncomfortable around me, or if life is just getting more tied up, but I do know that I get very lonely. I had decided not to call them, if they want to talk to me, then they can call. I guess that is probably the wrong attitude to have, but I dont want to impose on them any more. I try not to tell my husband or family because I dont want them to worry any more than they already do. You are not alone in this I dont know if anyone else has this problem, but I know that I do. Hope you have a symptom free day. Mrs. Glass :)

Had the wierdest thing happen this am. Today is my grocery day, so I filled up on extra salt added gateraid, ate breakfast and as soon as I dropped off kids at school and went shopping. After about 1 1/2 hrs (I love Marc's and it's great to get out!) All the sudden it hit me, felt like I was going to check out. Hurried up and paid went out to the car to take my BP (I carry one of the wrist ones with me in my purse) it was ok 107/75. Does anyone else have this happen. I've been having this happen and it's frustraiting. It's like all the sudden feeling like I need to go lie down. It's the same kinda feeling I get when my BP drops. I ate a donut in the car and drank more gateraide and slowly drove the 2 miles home, which felt like 10 cuz I was scared. When I got home I got this heart flutter feeling and it felt like I couldn't breath for a split second. Another wierd symptom to scare the bejebbes out of me!!! Anyone have any of these things happen? It has been such a blessing to have a place to go a vent my fears and frustraitions. And knowing others can relate and have been there. Sometimes friends and family mean well but I can tell they get tired of it. I don't even feel comfortable bringing it up except to hubby and kids. And it really bothers me sometimes cuz I sit and listen for what seems forever when they go on and on about thier lives and problems.


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Yeah, I have had similar experiences. Sometimes I feel my heart pounding, and I feel that I am about to pass out, but when I check my pulse and BP...it is normal. This began happening after I started on medication for POTS. For me, I think that sometimes the meds can fix my racing heart beat and low BP, but I still get the symptoms. I don't know. It is so confusing sometimes. I don't talk to friends about it either. It is difficult to be sick without exact evidence to point to, isn't it?

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