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What do you think about Q & A category


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Nina, Michelle and all of our family here at Pots place,

What do you guys think of a category for frequently asked questions? i.e. Have you tried this med, possibly symptoms, tests, docs.

I know that there is much information on the main Pots Place website but there are several frequently asked questions.

I'm not saying for people to stop asking but to give them the base foundation of frequently asked things. Then we/they can ask or converse.

I went to one of the Lyme disease website to research something yesterday and it was nice to see there frequently asked questions and answer page as it immediately told me what I was looking for and I didn't have to search any further.

This is just a thought. Not trying to make more work for anyone and if you thought it was a good idea I would even volunteer to work on it and hopefully recruit someone to help. :(

What do you guys think?


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I know our moderators don't need any more work, but I think this is a great idea! There are definitely common questions that people have when they first join and we seem to be getting more and more newbies each week. I think Nina's help yourself section is a good start to this, but it might be nice to have a narrative that goes along with it. If Nina/Michelle think it's appropriate, I would be happy to help out in writing the FAQs...

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Because those are websites that you can do research and what I'm proposing is commonly asked questions and answers. Some people might not know what to look for in those websites if there new and not very computer literate.

I'm in NO WAY proposing more work for the moderators. I'm asking a question and propsoing a new idea that I thought would be helpful. I've been here for a long time and new people, including myself at one time, have many of the same questions. I just thought it would be helpful for all involved if there was something a little more simple, that's all. You can discard the idea, it was just an idea. :(

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Thanks Steph

You said everything I was thinking but much better.

I feel horrible that I haven't welcomed and responded to enough of the new people here but most days I'm just functioning enough to get to work and take care of my family. But I want everyone to know that we care and are willing to help. I'm just trying to think of the best ways to help.

Thx again Rita your visual earlier was very much appreciated for anyoen that didn't understand what I was talking about.

I didn't want to seem rude because we've all been new at one time and had many of the same questions that could be easier answered without taxing everyone ( I don't mean that in a negative or bad way, please don't misinterpret.) I just think we can spend our energy in better ways. After someone has read something if there question wasn't answered then please throw it out there.

I'm more than happy to tell anyone about my experiences with POTS, Meds, Doctor's, symptoms, life. Please always feel free to post or send me a personal message. I'm not an expert but just speaking from experience.



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I like this frequently asked questions idea. And Steph37822, I like your idea about adding some simple instructions for new people. Something basic that catches your attention when you get to the home page that says...

"Please search your topic first before posting your question. You may find a wealth of info and answers have already been provided about your topic/question. If you don't find the answers you're seeking, please feel free to start a new topic or add a reply to a previously posted topic that you still need more info about."

Or something to that effect. :P I think some tips on how to search would be great too. Maybe those are already posted somewhere, but I haven't seen them.

Anyway, I realize the Q&A section might take a while to put together as it could be time intensive. Perhaps the answers could be kept fairly brief, but also post links to the websites for additional info.

I don't think some of the newbies realize what the pinned section is for and may not look there first before posting. Perhaps we can make this section stand out more? I don't know, just a thought.


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Thanks for the suggestions, guys. It has been a little difficult to add a Q&A section because so many doctors have so many different theories as to what is going on with us. That is why I have pages like "mechanisms" that explains the many different theories out there. However, I am going to think about what you have proposed a bit more.

There is a built in "Help" page for the forum at the top, right hand side. Here is the direct link:


Take care,


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I'm in agreement with Michelle on this one--I think that the closest we've come to what you're asking for is the "help yourself" section. However, for almost ALL questions that I would classify as a FAQ candidate, the answers can be found in the DINET site under

overview, symptoms, mechanisms, causes, detection, what helps, what to avoid, myths, research and links.


This is my opinion based on observations of posting here... many times new folks find this forum before they get a chance to see the DINET site and/or before they actually take the time to read through all of it. There's no substitute for slowing down and reading; but I do understand the human nature for wanting a faster answer. Stuff that's a bit more obscure usually ends up getting asked about here on the forum.

I appreciate the ideas, as does Michelle -- and as always, will think them through and take them seriously. :)Nina

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Just a thought, but maybe we can do something as simple as move the "Help Yourself to Common Questions" to the top of the pinned list and perhaps change the title to "Frequently Asked Questions".

Also consider putting a link to www.dinet.org at the top of the page, that says "many of the mechansims, treatments, etc. of POTS are explained on that website. If you're new to the forum, you may want to review that site before posting your question."

As a side note, I still have problems with the search feature even after reading the help section. I am not sure how to get it to search for multiple words that may not be right next to each other in a post.

I have tried different technqiues to search for a post with specific words that I know are in there, but it always says 0 results found unless I do a very basic search for one word.

I am probably doing something wrong. If someone is an expert at this, please educate me! :ph34r: . It doesn't say whether to list with commas in between or in quotes. Any help would be appreciated. Or perhaps detailed instructions could be listed on the search page.


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I agree with Gena. I also think the "Help yourself to common questions" pinned topic is easy to miss because it's in the middle of the screen. It might be heplful to move it or post another link to it where it is more visible. I also like the idea of having guidelines about how to post, nettiquette, using a clear subject line, etc. Anyway, these are just thoughts. The forum is great as it is...as always, thanks to Michelle and Nina! :ph34r:

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Guest Mary from OH

Steph -

THANKS - NO CLUE about the Search button!!!! And I've been here..... :ph34r:

Briar -

I totally understand what you are talking about. Perhaps we need to include more info in that other section that Michelle and Nina are talking about. And, yes, drs have different opinions, but we can just simply state that. Just as we are not here to give medical advice, but to share our experiences etc. I think your idea is wonderful and needs to be seriously thought about as to how to be used. CHANGE is difficult, but sometimes a necessary evil. :)

Our group is getting larger and we are getting an influx of new members in droves. I remember when I joined I was clueless. It was difficult to find my way around and it took up a lot of energy and time. When there were fewer members I think it was easier for people to "help each other out", but as we're growing, it's difficult to do that and also be able to get the "help" YOU need. (not to be selfish, but sometimes there's only so much energy to go around). I think Steph was just trying to make the Forum more "User Friendly", like our website is. Our Forum is not "user friendly" and does not come with "instructions" IMHO :D:) I think that we want to make it that way for everyone's ease - the members, the moderators, and potential members.

Hope that everyone's ideas can be heard, reflected upon and acted on. This Forum is so vital for MANY people and I know each and every one of us have the goal of making it the BEST it can be!!!


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Hi guys,

Why don't those of you who have ideas for improvements get together and compile the lists you are suggesting? Then Nina, Melissa and I can go over them and incorporate what is feasible into the lists we already have, or start a new list depending on what you come up with. Just remember, links must be to reputable sources.

If you create instructions on how to use the forum I will have someone who has never used the forum sit down and test them out to make sure everything is covered and easy to understand.

I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with. You can send your lists to me at Michelle@potsplace.com or just use snail mail:


PO Box 55

Brooklyn, MI 49230



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Thx everyone for your responses. I think that we are all pretty much on the same page of just wanting to make things easier for all.

Michelle, Nina & Melissa - Thx for always having an open mind and letting us take this opportunity to try and help.

I understand a FAQ would be hard, especially since Dysautonomia isn't text book yet. I think we could start very basic and eventually expand. I will work on something and email it to you guys in the next week or two.

Sorry would like to write to all of you guys individually but can't hold my concentration or vision this week.


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Gena, Steph, Mary, RQT9191 and anyone else who wants to submit ideas for FAQ, the help search or anything else that we discussed here, can we come up with a coordinated effort? I know I would really like to concentrate all of my time on a possible FAQ area that's going to be accepted here.

Thx for any help that you guys can give.


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This is a great idea, but if it gets done I wanted to add this suggestion for consideration. I have been researching another heath problem and looked at another forum. They have a list that has TONS of information, links, etc. but due to the way its organized, it's really hard to get through. When you feel bad to begin with, and added issue of researching what is going on with your body, its nice to be able to go straight to the info. you want, and not have to sift through everything.

I'm not sure if this makes sense...A really loooooong page, or even several pages of info, not well organzied on the internet is hard for me to get through. I would assume the others on here would likely have the same problem, and if it is a newbie they might be a bit overwhelmed too by something like that.

So just some way to make it really easy to read, easy to use, easy to get to specific info., in certain topics.

Dinet reamins the one forum I find easy to use to read, use, and has the most supportive and informed members that stay focused on why are all here. I read at least once everyday and try to post when I feel I can help and have the energy. Thanks to Michelle, Nina and everybody for keeping this going!!!

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Thanks for your input and suggestions. Having things well organized is important to me too. And thanks for your comments regarding the forum. The moderators and I put a lot of time into the forum, and it is nice to know it is appreciated.


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