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Taking a Break


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Taking a break?.

After considerable soul searching, I have decided to take a break from posting on POTSPLACE. I have been told off record that my posts are rude.

I am deeply concerned about the number of posts in which the member seems clearly to be seeking medical advice?something that violates the forum rules.

I did not intend to be rude. I am just concerned that some of us are seeking more than support?rather we are asking for specific medical advice for specific situations. When I read the post about the abdominal concerns, frankly all I could think of was ?get thee to a doctor? or at least call your doctor?we should all be aware of the ?silent? and misdiagnosed symptoms of ovarian cancer, particularly in young women. (Gilda Radnor pops up in my mind.) When I read the post about Dr. Khurana and salt pills, I could only wonder why his patient would not call his office to get the requested information.

Rude, I did not intend to be. I apologize. I only wish that members would consult with their personal physicians for specific information for specific symptoms and for specific concerns.

I wish everyone better health tomorrow than they have today.



PS ? Morgan, Emily, Nina, Sunfish and others?You all are an inspiration to me in your courage and perserverance. Keep up you spirited posts.

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Lois, I have not received any private messages, but have felt uncomfortable recently also. I have come to the same decision as you. For different reasons I guess, but the end result is the same. You have never been rude any where that I can see. There certainly have been rude postings recently, but not from the people I would expect. I will miss you all too, you have been a great inspiration to me, and a source of comfort. I am just not into hypocrisy. I wish the best for every one on this site. love and hugs, morgan

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Hi Lois,

I'm sorry that you are feeling badly and feel the need to take a break. I think you have a valid concern and were posting out of concern for others. We have to be careful with the advice/comments given out as it could end up being detrimental instead of helpful. It's always a good thing to recommend people talk to their doctors about their concerns.

It's always difficult posting, as what is written can be interpreted in a thousand different ways. I hope we can all take things with a grain of salt and not take things said too much to heart. We are all here to support each other.

Lois, I enjoy your posts but I understand if you feel the need to step back for a while. However you are going through a terrible experience with your cancer treatment on top of dealing with POTs and there will be times when you are in need of support. I hope that you will still look to us for that. We are here for you. xo Laura

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HI Lois,

I have always enjoyed reading your posts and I will miss you. I understand the difficult situation you are living presently with POTS and cancer and trying to help others at the same time. You just have too much on your plate. Take the time you need to take care of yourself and feel free to come back when you are ready. We will be here for you.

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I try to not take offense at any forum responses because I know how difficult it is for me to write and convey my tone or emotion or emphasis and I know what I am trying to get across (plus I am a sarcastic but good natured girl).

I believe you are wise to suggest contacting a physician and for expressing your concerns. I hope you aren't forgoing support because someone may have taken offense at something you have written - they will get over it.

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I have to add that I cannot remember a rude post by you either. I am so sorry that you feel you need a break. I wish you the best of health and maybe you can rejoin us when you feel better?? Take Care of yourself.

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Well, I'm new, so I don't know you very well. I can't remember reading rude posts lately and I've read a lot of posts here since being diagnosed.

Anyway, I just wanted to add that I think members here seem to ask medical advice, because they are not getting answers from their doctors. We want to know what is normal and what is not and are we gonna die? I think we have all been frustrated with the lack of knowledge from doctors. I think it is fine to ask if someone has had a certain symptom and what-not...even giving medical advice is fine if followed up with "you need to call your doctor."

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I have been MIA quite a bit lately so am not up on what you are referring to, but I myself have *never* seen a rude post from you. You are one of the sweetest ladies around :P If you did sound short with someone it can always be passed off as a bad day I'm sure. I agree that sometimes peoples tones can be misunderstood via e-mail and/or message boards. I know it has certainly happened to me before!!! I know you're going through a lot now but I hope you don't leave us because of a misunderstanding. Hang in there!!

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Guest tearose

Oh goldie! I pop on to find this? What happened?

Far be it from me to discourage anyone from taking a break, however, please never let someone else be the reason for this decision.

I can't imagine what infraction you made but let the perceived problem melt away and move on. If that means you need time to step away then do it without bad feelings please.

Wishing you peace

best regards, tearose

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