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Home remedies for colds?


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Hi all

I just thought I would check with all of you and see how you treat cold symptoms. I have a major cold right now, congestion, cough, wheezing, headache, itchy eyes, sneexing, runny nose etc. I can't take any OTC cold meds nor can I take benadryl. Does anything work particularly well for you in relieving symptoms? Help, I'm miserable!


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I'm afraid I'm not much help since I'm not able to take cold meds; the only thing I can do is vicks vapor rub both on my chest and in a vaporizer and I can use cough drops.

One thing that REALLY helped cut the time down on a cold the last time I got one was drops called Cold-Eeze. They are like cough drops but they have vitamin c and zinc. It has been proven that zinc works wonders for a cold so maybe add some zinc or get these drops!

I do hope you feel much better soon!

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I take colloidal silver, astragalus, vitamin C and a wonderful liquid, I believe it's called Cold Care Formula by a company called Buried Treasure (it has a mix of everything I just stated plus a lot of herbs to gently boost your immune system.)

During the winter months I take colloidal silver on a daily basis and I haven't had a cold in almost 2 years. (knock on wood!)

Hope you feel better soon.


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I am comming down with a cold today and the best stuff for me is Zicam Nasal gel...its homeopathic and if you get the cold in its early stages it will cut it in half...

Also I take lots of vitamin C.... I use Emergen C by Alacer and take a packet every few hours the first day I come down with the cold, then a coupel packets a day after that.

Of course check with your Dr about taking vitamins etc...since we all have different reactions to things.

I hope you feel better soon! :)

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Thanks for all of the helpful tips everyone. You are all a wealth of info. I have never heard of most of the stuff you mentioned, Vick's and Vitamin C were all I knew about. I will be checking out all these new ideas. Colds seem to really throw me for a loop for some reason, so the sooner I can get over one, the better.

Thanks again!

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Here is something that helps me with colds. Cupping. When I was gettng acupuncture from a Chinese Doctor 2 x week to see if it would help with POTS, (it didn't but it did help with other stuff) I was in for a session and said I was starting a cold. The doctor used cupping. She took a glass cup, which has a wide mouth with a very wide, flat rim. She lit an alcohol wick and heated the air inside the cup, then placed the cup at the base of my neck. This made a suction inside the cup that drew on the skin. She placed 2 more cups, one to either side of the first one and farther down my back.

After 10 minutes she removed the cups. That cold just faded away without turning into a full-fledged cold.

Since that experience, I have had her do cupping for colds and it seems to make them shorter and more livable.

I mentioned this to my son and he told me his Greek wife does this to him when he has a cold.

It can leave a red mark, or even a bruise. The Chinese Doctor said if it leaves a bruise that is lucky.

I also use those zinc lozenges and think they help. And I breathe steam by putting my head under a towel that is thrown over the sink with hot water running.

Now, on a different note . . . I belong to a Chronic Fatigue discussion list also and they were talking the other day about putting a bar of Ivory Soap at the foot of the bed under the covers to stop nocturnal leg cramps. There were a few people who swore this works.

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Now, on a different note . . . I belong to a Chronic Fatigue discussion list also and they were talking the other day about putting a bar of Ivory Soap at the foot of the bed under the covers to stop nocturnal leg cramps. There were a few people who swore this works.

Hey, I'm willing to try anything to get rid of the leg cramps! That would certainly be an easy and cheap fix!

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