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Autonomic Hurricane

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We've all talked about "autonomic storms" ... well I had a doozy last night... decided it was a Hurricane. As I laid awake with sweats, adrenaline, heart pounding, tightness in my throat and then a pounding headache, I wondered what I should name this hurricane ??? :)

It's subsided a bit now, although it feels like it is about to flare again. My ears are ringing loudly and everything kinda echo's... like I'm in a cave. Anyone had this during a "storm"? Does it mean anything?

~Roselover B)

ADDED LATER: Sorry, didn't mean to use a real medical term - "storm". Just meant I had huge flurry of symptoms all night. I apologize for misleading anyone. I feel so sick and I'm not thinking well. Was just trying to be a little funny in the midst of difficulties. There should be a smilie with a tear dripping. That's me.

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You know, as I think about it, I had this WEIRD thing going on with my ears about 2 years ago, maybe less - not long before the crash that led me to understand that I had dysautonomia.

It was like I was kind of underwater, sort of - kind of echoing when I talked, and noises affected me tremendously, loud or not-so-loud.

I think I'll try to find some info on how this may relate to dysautonomia. Oh, and I get loud, hissing/ringing things going on, too. Not too often, but often enough to be noticeable.

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Tinnitus is a very common problem, and many times they have no real expanation for it. Mine is caused by damage to the 8th cranial nerve from my meneires. Sometimes it just comes with getting wiser (don't dare say older :lol: ) and sometimes they just don't know why. Degeneration or whatever. I am really used to it after years and years, but what really bugs me is the sensation of water in my eustachian tubes. THAT is sooo annoying.....morgan

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I get those wired feeling on nights. feeling like a cant fall into sleep mode, tachycardia baning in the head, rinign in the ears, sometimes weird visual changes and if you do sleep you get weird dreams like when your sick.

My doctor tells me that these are the migraine equivalents that are the hallmark of pots - the blood vessels in the brain contract like at the beginning of a migraine (and you can actually start one of these nights by eating a migraine trigger food like red wine) and you get the miragine aura, but the vascular dilation of the migraine proper never comes - you just stay in the aura and your autonomic nervous system over compensates for the contracted blood vessels in the brain.

If these are really bad, but can also get autonomic storms - for me they involve feeling VERY cold, low blood pressure, mental confusion, restlessness and my whole body just trembles like im having a fit - although i aint.

betablockers and valerian can help.

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I'm sure that there are many reasons for this symptom.

I noticed that mine was always worse when I was hypovolemic. When my blood volume is high, I never have to worry about the ringing. Another symptoms helped by Epogen!

Here is the official website


What causes tinnitus?

The exact physiological cause or causes of tinnitus are not known. There are, however, several likely sources, all of which are known to trigger or worsen tinnitus.

Noise-induced hearing loss - Exposure to loud noises can damage and even destroy hair cells, called cilia, in the inner ear. Once damaged, these hair cells cannot be renewed or replaced. Millions of Americans have hearing loss due to noise exposure, and up to 90 percent of all tinnitus patients have some level of noise-induced hearing loss.

Wax build-up in the ear canal - The amount of wax ears produce varies by individual. Sometimes, people produce enough wax that their hearing can be compromised or their tinnitus can seem louder. If you produce a lot of earwax, speak to your physician about having excess wax removed manually-not with a cotton swab, but by an otolaryngologist (also called an ear, nose, and throat doctor).

Certain medications - Some medications are ototoxic-that is, the medications are toxic to the ear. Other medications will produce tinnitus as a side effect without damaging the inner ear. Effects, which can depend on the dosage of the medication, can be temporary or permanent. Before taking any medication, make sure that your prescribing physician is aware of your tinnitus, and discuss alternative medications that may be available.

Ear or sinus infections - Many people, including children, experience tinnitus along with an ear or sinus infection. Generally, the tinnitus will lessen and gradually go away once the infection is healed.

Jaw misalignment - Some people have misaligned jaw joints or jaw muscles, which can not only induce tinnitus, but also affect cranial muscles and nerves and shock absorbers in the jaw joint. Many dentists specialize in this temporomandibular jaw misalignment and can provide assistance with treatment.

Cardiovascular disease - Approximately 3 percent of tinnitus patients experience pulsatile tinnitus; people with pulsatile tinnitus typically hear a rhythmic pulsing, often in time with a heartbeat. Pulsatile tinnitus can indicate the presence of a vascular condition-where the blood flow through veins and arteries is compromised-like a heart murmur, hypertension, or hardening of the arteries.

Certain types of tumors - Very rarely, people have a benign and slow-growing tumor on their auditory, vestibular, or facial nerves. These tumors can cause tinnitus, deafness, facial paralysis, and loss of balance.

Head and neck trauma - Physical trauma to the head and neck can induce tinnitus. Other symptoms include headaches, vertigo, and memory loss.


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Guest tearose

There is also the "ERTANS" Emergency Response Test of the Autonomic Nervous System"...

Merrill is notorious for describing this in wonderful detail...

It is when your body pulls out all the stops and makes you shake, rattle and roll...ringing what the heck, that too for some. The room can spin, the body go from cold to hot and you can even break out in a sweat!

I think earthmother does a great job of describing this too!

Hang in there Roselover and keep trying to smile!


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Thank you Corina. Your last rose was so special, I'll take one any time you want to send one!

Tearose, thank you, I'll try to look up these posts by Merrill and EarthMother.

Thanks for all the info everyone. (My ear is still ringing this morning, but at least I slept last night.)


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Corina, I bought some flowers 3 days ago and planted them and now I'm so stiff, I can barely move. My pulse was at least 120 by the time I was done, and I only bought 25 dollars worth! You folks on this side of the ocean know that's not very many flowers! However everytime I go outside, I wave my arms at them and send the sweet scent to all of you! I LOVE flowers and summer....morgan (my nieghbors think I'm a weirdo, but what do they know! :) )

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