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Pots And Low Stress/excitement Tolerance


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I'm trying to finish my degree atm (was supposed to finish last year but got sick) and I seem to have no stress tolerance at all. I seem to have hyperpots (no test where i'm from), and I very quickly find when I try to work on things that my heart is thumping and I'm sweating and nauseous. And the thing is it isn't just negative stress that does this to me; if I get too pepped up listening to a fast song or watching something good or even, well, with my boyfriend, I start feeling unwell. I've been dealing with this for a year and it's been pretty icky, but now I'm trying to do stuff that's actually important and I'm finding it almost impossible. I'm hopefully seeing a psychologist tomorrow, but I really don't know if that will help. Benzodiazepines presumably would, in terms of keeping me completely calm at all times, but that's hardly a sustainable solution, and how exactly would I go about explaining that to my GP who doesn't know anything about POTS?

Has anyone had this problem, and did anything help? I know low stress tolerance is a POTS symptom, but mine seems to be pretty extreme.

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I have trouble with this too! It's like my body can't handle "extreme" emotions and it's so frustrating. I understand that stress is bad on the body but like you mention, it's not just bad stress for me, it's also excitement. If I get really engaged in a conversation with someone or really look forward to something or whatever, it's like my body goes on overdrive and can't chill out and then I crash. I don't have hyperpots and don't have the exact same symptoms you describe, but I guess our nervous systems are just bad at regulation? One thing you could try that I think has helped me a bit is meditation and deep breathing. Also, Natural Calm magnesium - if I drink it when I'm feeling edgy, it can help calm me down.

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Hi, lejones1, yeah I get exactly the same thing with the engaging conversations! When my friends are over and we're talking animatedly, I start getting symptomatic, and it's really horrible cos I love talking with them. Sometimes POTS is just cruel and unusual. Yeah I need to try meditating again.

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I've got the same symptoms and would love to know how people handle them! I realized the other day that I avoid situations that make me laugh b/c it sets me off. How tragic is that!?! It's the same as you both said - if I'm with friends who are animated, I've got to sort of withdraw a bit and sit quietly, or I'll be very symptomatic. Unfortunately, magnesium isn't great for me even at low doses. I'm trying to find something that keeps me "calm" without being too sedating, as debilitating fatigue is one of my worst symptoms.

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Hi, targs66; I get the laughter thing as well. Some of my favourite comedians have left me very worn out :-/

Have you tried passionflower? It used to work well for me and studies have found it to be pretty good, but because the side effects of these things aren't so known, I got scared it caused this odd eye thing i got. But it may not have been related at all.

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Not long after I was diagnosed, I went to the movies with some friends to see the Jackson Percy movie that had just come out. I passed out more in that movie from the action scenes than anything. Came home, tried to watch the movie "Red", and same issues. I don't do action very well at all, such as me going fast in my chair (if someone's pushing me), laughing too much, loud noises, sudden noises and lights (the living room lights are too bright for me normally)... Football games were a hoot last year, and I didn't get to go any of the basketball games.

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Lol, I love soccer, like, REALLY love soccer... I was in my room rearranging some stuff one day a game was on, and I was screaming at the tv (it was a Houston vs Columbus game, two of my favorjte teams), and I passed out... I came to with the dog and my friend staring at me, going "you gotta turn it off, because all I'm hearing is yelling and thuds from when you pass out."

I get freaky about bowling too. Oh man, I miss bowling... But I know the sounds if the alley would trigger me, so I can't even go watch.

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I absolutely have this issue, and it makes me so self-conscious socially. Very few people are informed about this, or understanding. Most of the world seems to value loud, value excitement, value extreme over peace and calm. I've had to leave theaters, dinners, and other social gatherings.

I've realized that it's important to find the few who are understanding and compassionate, and distance myself from the others. It's too much stress to pressure myself to be "normal" when I'm not.

I was in a relationship with someone who didn't have understanding or compassion when I first was becoming symptomatic. On top of the tachycardia, I felt their disappointment, frustration, and I felt my own shame and guilt for being a party-pooper, too sensitive, etc.

So glad that relationship is over! We still have contact, but it's only an acquaintanceship.

About an hour after my recent tilt table test, they texted and asked if I wanted to go get dinner later. Ha! I laughed out loud because it was such a reminder of their cluelessness.

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I can relate. I find myself moderating my environment.

We love college football in the southeast, and I have always been a fan. I still enjoy the game, but I put effort into remaining settled. I wonder if I will ever be able to go to a game again. Used to carry the boys to a few every year.

I am disturbed more by disturbing scenes on tv than I used to be. It cuts a little deeper. Some things I cannot watch.

I have to ask everyone to take it easy around the house. Loud noises really get me. I startle easier than I used to.

"Intimacy" is over stimulating. I can still tolerate it and enjoy it, but I feel like I am trying to stay leveled out. Then I had a couple episodes where immediately afterwards, I became overwhelmed. It was very uncomftorable and disturbing. I did not like what it did to me. I was ok the last time.

I could go on and on, but it is safe to say, I prefer a calmer atmosphere that what I did before. Bothers me a bit, because I can't enjoy all that I did before. I enjoyed a lot of things that I could not tolerate now.

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