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Recumbent bike


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I know several people in recent months talked about riding stationary recumbent bikes as a safe and stable way to increase leg strength and get a bit of aerobic exercise. On the "potshole update" string, I asked what people were using because I'm thinking about getting this kind of bike. Gena suggested I post this as a separate string so it doesn't get lost (thanks, Gena! :) )

Laura wrote that she is "using her dad's machine, it is a Diamondback 1150R and was pretty expensive- I think around 1,500? it does have a heart rate monitor strap plus the monitor on the handles ( you rest your hands on the handles and it gives you a readout) It is magnetically run, so you never have to plug it in or use batteries- pretty cool machine. I am looking at getting my own and I think I will get the Diamondback 400RB. It is $549 amd runs on two 4dd batteries. It still has the monitor on the handles but you'd have to get the chest strap separately. I haven't really looked into other brands because I really like the one I've been using. It is alot of money to put out, so it's good to check stuff out!"

And Morgan wrote that she likes the recumbent bike because "it is the easist thing so far for me to use. We got a SportsArt C51R. It has a lot of options and even the seat is electric for those of us not strong enough to screw down seats. I think it is a very good thing, I only do a few minutes a few times a day on the very easiest cycle, as it's killing my left groin (MRI tomorrow) But I am happy we got it. It's about mid price range I guess. And my son is doing well on it too, hence getting an electric adjuster, I am 4'11 and he's 6'1."

Anyone else care to share their recumbent bike success (or failure) stories? If you possibly can, tell us the make and model of the bike you like!

Thanks, all.


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You guys are too fancy for me! My husband bought mine at a sporting goods store about 3 years ago and it was under $200. The brand is Life Gear. What I like is it is simple and that means no chest strap. It reads the pulse from the hands. I already had a separate chest strap so didn't want to pay more especially for something I wasn't sure I would be able to use. Have won the chest strap to check the accuracy of the bike from time to time and they are always in sync so no problem. Since I am the only one who uses it the seat never needs moving. It might be difficult cuz it is manual but again I didn't want to spend a lot of money.

I go in spurts of riding but can never do 2 days in a row due to my exercise intolerance. I try to do 3 times a week and build up but by the time I reach 5 weeks, the intolerance drops me in the potshole. So, I wait a month and then start up again. I definitely like having the bike and even a few minutes makes me feel good about doing SOMEthing! btw, my PT had me start at 3 minutes a day several years ago and each time I restart, that's where I begin. My exercise intolerance is delayed by hours or until the next day so I have to be careful not to unknowingly do to much.

good luck riding Merrill!

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I don't have a model for you, but I have done well with a recumbant bike at times when I am on the up & up:-) The ones at the gym that I've used are made by Cybex...I don't know anything more specific & can't check as I've cancelled my membership...

If I had unlimited space & finances though it would definitely be something I'd invest in.


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I bought one a few months ago but I used it only a couple of times because of my

muscle weakness.

I got it at Sears, delivered at my door. It's the magnetic one and easy to ride when your "healthy".

I hope to be able to ride it moer often when doctors find what wrong with me.


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Mine is a "spartan sports" brand bike. It tracks time, distance, and can also give you your hear rate by holding the handles next to the seat. I bought mine online with free shipping from ****'s Sporting Goods.


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Hello all,

In my Personal Training studio I use Tectrix recumbent bike , Concept 2 rower , and Precor 523 Elliptical trainer ( no handles but incline/ decline). All these pieces are top of the line light gym/home use and are somewhat expensive , however , it makes a difference. The design is more anatomically /ergonomically effective -hence a better and safer (all around ) workout. You can buy these pieces re-furbished and they do hold their value. It is a good investment.

I personally shift my cardio workouts between the elliptical and rower as opposed to the bike. Mianly , do to the fact that both offer CORE as well as cardio conditioning. You can also create a more efective all around workout with each machine ; however they require some techneque. the rower is probably the most cost effective of all pieces and does a full body cardio plus resitance - it is hard work. The elliptical is tremendous - myfavourite - effective ,with incline /decline, and you can create many programs. The only thing is to watch heart rate- I have tumbled off - in fact the recumbent too . As far as heart rate monitors - it pays to get a good one rather than the hand grips. With all this don't forget to eat well. Its important to do it and stay focused ,in stride and invest in your future.

see ya training Kite 7

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Nina, I looked up the spartan sports bike and saw one that is both bike and rowing machine! It seemed pretty cool ... Is that the one you have or do you have the recumbent bike only one?

I hope you feel well enough to do some riding soon ... I am soooo jealous about the long break you have coming up. It's so soon! Hang in there; it'll be here before you know it. When summer melts your stress away, you're bound to feel better.



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This is slightly off the topic of recumbent bikes, but I just purchased an elliptical trainer a couple months back. I find that on my good days, I don't have any problems using it (except for the obvious fatigue and shortness of breath that accompanies POTS when we do any form of exercise). I find that having a machine in the home, and one that allows for weight-bearing exercise while also not putting too much stress on the joints, is very helpful to my recovery. We got a Horizon basic model elliptical, and I think it was on sale for $699 or so at ****'s Sporting Goods. It also has a heart rate monitor and basic timer.

Just thought I'd chime in for those who are considering a machine in general and not sure about the recumbent bike. I thought about getting one but my husband, who is healthy, really wanted the elliptical. We couldn't afford both. I realize that most here will only be able to handle the recumbent, and I certainly don't mean to belittle that -- any exercise is better than none.

On days that I don't feel up to the elliptical, I work out a little with my exercise ball and do some yoga. Or I sit on my butt and do nothing and hope the next day will be better!


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The elliptical is what got the ball rolling that there was something really bad going on in my body. I could never get past 3 minutes even after faithful use for 3 months. That's when I realized something was wrong. I love the recumbent, I'm not worried about balance and it's so much easier on the joints, except this dang groin. ARGH... I really would have loved my elliptical though if I had been healthier. It's not hard on the joints either. I can't believe you Kite. I have a good day if I do 5 minutes on the bike at the easiest level, then shower too. WEENIE morgan :)

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I am so far behind the times ... I had no idea these were stationary. I couldn't figure out why folks said they got on and off of them for 2-5 minutes throughout the day. I thought ... gosh it would take me that long to get it out of the garage!

I see there are a wide range of them ... like the low end ones at Target on line:


This is a very cool idea ... I'm going to have to give this some thought.

Thank you so much for the info!


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EarthMother--you really made me laugh tonight; thanks! :angry: You have no idea how much I needed that.

Will the real WEENIE please go have good cry in the bathroom? Uh, Morgan, that would be ME tonight. I win the weenie award ... I went to yoga tonight ... and while it's quite common that I can't do all the poses or hold them as long as others (mind you, this is a beginner level class that focuses mostly on the meditation aspects of yoga practice ... and it's slow and easy, for the most part) tonight I had the worst experience in class EVER. :) ... We did this seated pose where you have one leg straight in front of you, the other one bent, with knee pointed to the ceiling. Then you straighten your bent leg, raised in front of you and hold it--then move it out to the side about 20 degrees or so and hold it for a count of ten. I couldn't hold it more than to about two or three before I had to put my leg down. When we did both legs together (making a kind of V shape, arms in back for support), I couldn't do it at ALL. My whole body was quaking! There were women twenty years older than me, in their mid to upper sixties on either side of me and they were doing this with no problem! I was horrified at myself... how weak my core muscles are, my abdomen. It's made of jello. No, pudding. (I've gotten so much heavier this year!) Anyway, I got up and left the class for a few minutes and cried my eyes out! Unbelivable! I rejoined the class in time for the final shivasana and couldn't really relax.

I don't suppose riding a recumbent bike will strengthen my gut at all, will it? Or just my legs (which are made of spaghetti)? Kite, care to weigh in on this one?

Thanks for reading my rant,

m, who's feeling very sorry for her weenie self tonight :lol:

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Merrill, I can relate to the yoga poses and what appears to be very easy UNTIL I try it!! I work with an instructor 1-on-1 so that she can modify the poses to my abilities and then we gradually work up to the regular poses. I know the one you are talking about and I couldn't do it in the beginning....does that make you feel any better? Hope so, cuz after a year, I CAN do it...YEAH! You will too just don't give up. I am very proud of you for going back in and finishing. A true WEENIE would NOT have gone back. So be gentle on yourself.

EM, I had never heard the term recumbent before I started PT several years ago.

I really like riding it but like Morgan I have to start with only a few minutes...but I refuse to be called a weenie!!!!!!!!

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Stick with it, Merrill. Yoga can and will strengthen core muscles. You are still fairly new to this exercise, right?

I would recommend doing a few abdominal exercises daily. Start slow, with about 5-10, then gradually see if you can add more. Try lying on your back, totally flat, and raising both your legs (keep them pretty straight) up so that they are at 90 degrees, then lowering them back down slowly -- keep your back flat this whole time. You can vary this exercise by lifting both your legs and your back so that you come into a V shape, holding for five seconds, then lowering slowly back down.

I also do crunches and have built up to being able to do only 10 or so in a row to 25 without stopping. My husband can do almost 100 without stopping, so I still try to improve so that someday I can keep up with him!


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Hi Merrill,

okay, I've got you a failure story. I could use the recumbent bike for 20 minutes in the lowest option, that was 4 years ago, after having surgery. Over the years I slowly became worse. The last time I used it I got so symptomatic after just 1 minute that I almost fell off my bike. My PT didn't want me to do that anymore because it's too dangerous. I agree with her because I know I can't do it anymore. So I tried the walking, which I tried for about 4 times but that wasn't a succes either, I could do it for 1.15 minutes (can you believe it????) and had to rest with my legs up for half an hour before I was able to sit again.

My exercising nowadays is a little walking in the house to get my coffee and walking to the garden to sit in the sun :)

I wish you lots and lots of safe and healthy kilometers on your recumbent bike. Did you already decide which one you want?


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yes, in fact the recumbent will strengthen your "gut". Two ways . Proper form while riding the bike , this means setting yourself up so that your hips are square in the set -equal on each side - ; because we all have a stronger side of our body and the tendency is to lean ,especially when fatigued. secondly, watch your BREATHING you will intially go thru an excersise response - basicaly your body equalising O2 levels from stores in the body to needs due to activity - for the first 2 -3 mins so breathing will be more laboured - FOR EVERYONE no matter the fitness level. It is important to keep your upper body stable - no rocking to and fro - and relaxed . BEcause you are in a recumbent position you are pushin out with your legs so you are working ABS , OBLIQUES, HIP FLEXORS as wellas LEGS , BUTT burning calories thru out the body . REMEBER to be hydrated keep core tight and upper body relaxed and breathing easy.

Kite 7

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Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you the most important part (to do with the exersize study) with increasing blood volume ....HYDRATION. You have to drink a full 500ml gatorade (or whatever) before you do your exersize! Very important or you will feel worse after exersize and it won't really work on the blood volume increase. (Kite's post reminded me) Laura!

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Oh Merrill, must you always take away my little awards? I did 7 minutes this morning, broke into a sweat and almost threw up, and MY P.T. TOLD me I was too weenie to do p.t. How dang much more weenie can you get????? I tried yoga at home, so I wouldn't humiliate myself in public, and besides it was free that way, and I kept falling down. Leg raises? Right.....not. The house feels like an earthquake approaching when I try anything like that. The flab factory hard at work shaking down the house. I am soooo weak, that when they taped my feet into position for my mri, my legs wouldn't stop jellin for 5 minutes. They were starting to get annoyed, but I was jellin like Magellen. :) morgan P.S. I guess weenies are wobbly so I was jellin like a WEENIE. :angry:

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Laura ,

Gatorade, and all similar sports drinks are superb pre exercise "meals" in fact as your body does not have to work as hard to digest as they are liquid thus , preventing , vasodilation / digestion during workout. I would suggest just plain water though during exercise as a thirst quencher. I f you are dry during exercise you are in the latter stages of de-hydration - it is important to make sure that prior to physical activity that you Hydrate. I think that the misconception is that we have to drink to do this. NO ; it can be done thru diet as well. Think about fruits yougurt , veggies -foods high in water content , also tea( preferbly green or roi bos) even coffee. THE thing most important about hydration though is that as you increase be aware of vitamin wash so eat properly - live foods not processed. Another very important aspect is daily fat -good fats- intake THE OMEGAS , when exercising. This will help ,basically, to burn and utilize energy at the cellular level more efficiently. Prime rose is an all round good one as well as FLAX. You can even ad to the gatorade or a yogurt fruit smoothie -ah very refreshing after WORKING OUT- HELPS THE GUT TOO Merrill !!!! ( in more ways than 1 trust me ) . Anyway , starting a program is what is important not the equipment or the level -- just the doing. Your going to have down days , hours anyway but exercise puts more time on the clock in the end and helps to realise how efficient a system the Human Body is. Gives you a little bit of hands on /awarness in treatment.

Slainte` ( good health in Irish) Kite 7

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