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Ana Results Now What?


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so I got an ANA result back today 1:80 speckled pattern. so does this mean good indication of lupas or what ? :-(. im not sure what to go from here..... do i see a rheumo now? blah . this is a never ending case with POTS

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It indicates a possible autoimmune issue. Definitely not necessarily lupus! The rheumy i saw said the ana is usually much higher in autoimmune diseases... like 1:1000...Mine came back 1:100 and 1:400 and I've tested negative for lupus, sjogrens, ra...

Seeing a Rheumy definitely is worth it so you can cross those things off.

I've always secretly suspected lupus or an autoimmune disease but doctors don't seem to agree. Good luck.

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Rama it's very interesting that it's a common finding in Pots/Dysautonomia since autoimmune conditions are mentioned as one of the potential causes for Pots. Do the patients you're in contact with seem develop other autoimmune symptoms or have any of them been diagnosed with other autoimmune conditions instead of Lupus?

Are there any theories about why there would be low positives among this group? I know a certain segment of the population will have a positive ANA and not have any symptoms of an underlying condition. And I've also read that disruption of the autonomic system stemming from an autoimmune condition is possible but a poorly researched area of Rheumatology. Seems to me that would leave Pots patients between a rock and a hard place if ANA comes back positive.

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and this is why i think garlic, ginger, bone broth are all good! did you know that autoimmune all starts in the gut..... thats what my doc said. heal the gut heal the soul <3 wwe are what we eat/ thats what i think anyways :)

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  • 6 months later...

I also had a positive ANA but my pattern indicated Scleraderma. I tested neg with more advanced testing for Lupus, Sjogrens, etc.... And follow up ANA's were negative. I sorta feel like during my POTS I was in an "autoimmune state" or in a period of an little "autoimmune state" I got POTs.

I had a follow up with my cardiologist and he loosely suggested that most POTS is probably due to underlying endocrine or autoimmune issues that go undetected by blood work but it's enough of an issue for some peoples systems to develop forms of Dysatonomia - including POTS. My cardio really gets it.

Anyway, hang in there!!! I got better. I'm usually around 90-95% better most days. Dysaut buzzes lightly thru my system: I can just feel it. And people on this forum know what I mean by that. But don't doubt that you can get better.

Also, I should say that I had testing early on that showed a possibly blood volume issue but that Doc said I was skewing my own results (yes because thats just what POTS pts love to do - is skew our results!!!). I was having monster menstrual cycles and had years of chronic anemia. I had a uterine ablation in July and I thing that procedure solidified my recovery. Good luck to you all.

I don't think autoimmunity has to be a forever state. Our bodies can heal.

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