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Sugar addiction?


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Although I've never tried this, I understand that when you are craving sugar, put a pinch of baking soda (non-aluminum) in a little water, swish it around your mouth, then swallow. It also supposedly helps an upset stomach.

Good luck to all with breaking the addiction. I did it many years ago, and can't believe how awful I felt all the time (but didn't realize it) while I was eating sugar. Not to mention my many symptoms were sooooo much worse when consuming sugar.

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Guest tearose

*** :) *** *** :angry: *** *** :lol: ***

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How are you doing?

With support, tearose and the cheering team

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Its day 3 for me also... SO far same as Gena... NO SUGAR :P

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I had one crash on Tuesday ... I was stupid and went to work with no snacks, and started to have a blood sugar dip -- the only thing I could find in my desk was about a quarter-cup of caramel corn from a week or two ago. It wasn't much, and I swear it was an emergency!

Otherwise I have been fine. I have allowed myself to eat a little more fat and salt this week because I think if you deprive yourself of everything, you're just setting yourself up to crash.

Keep up the good willpower, Jenn & Gena!


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Keep up the good work Amy!! I add lots of good fats like extra Virgin olive oil to my diet, and I LOVE avocado!

I did really well yesterday.... Once again no sugar!

Its hard when I have those snack craving times to not reach for something sugary.. But I am doing it. :lol:

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I'm hanging in there too. I did have one bite sized coconut macaroon this morning(made with only coconut and honey). I should not have allowed myself that, but at least it wasn't refined sugar. I'll get back on the wagon, though.

I had a great spinch salad for lunch and an apple for dessert. So I'm good for now! :lol:

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Well I suppose I deserve the major attack I just had for eating one tiny square of dark chocolate. I had been so good all week, so I decide that it would be OK. Then about 15 minutes after I ate it, I had the WORST attack that might have been a panic attack or just some weird POTS attack -- flushing in my face/head, throat closing, heart pounding (but not racing like it usually does), and dizziness/spaciness.

I am definitely off the sugar now. I learned my lesson. I just can't understand why one tiny square of chocolate would have done this. I wasn't that sensitive before this week, but maybe the complete lack of sugar reset my threshold?


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I'm just starting to read this thread...

and all I have to say is tearose...oh no, are we back to celery again???? :blink::(

sorry, i just couldn't resist...

amy...i don't know if one little square of dark chocolate would do that??? that is a big bummer if it did!

okay, i've got a lot of reading to do on this post, but for now, it's time to hit the hay...


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Guest tearose

Okay, okay, back on track you three,

and any others going sugar free.

Hit it cheerleaders:

"rah rah rah..."

"getting hard to tow the line by April nine"

"starting fresh again on April ten"

"eating creme from Devon on April eleven"

"into books we delve on April twelve"

"starting to feel lean on April thirteen"

"rah rah rah"

(yes emily, celery is back in style!)

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Guest tearose

Hey, hey, it's black in th' ole wolf! Are you up visiting more now? :(

Yes, pickles are an acceptable substitute for celery!

( I actually love gherkins, but dill are better for you)

And that is good that you are substituting for sugar!!!

( Shhhh! SO am I! I am substituting cookies, cake and pastries for sugar! :blink: )

I know, I am very bad! But I'm thinking about cutting down more...I'm thinking..

and thinking and thinking....

take care, tearose

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Hi Amy - I have the same reaction to sugar... You can definetly get a major reaction after you have stopped it for a week..... I always remember how I feel when I eat it and it reminds me I dont want to feel like that or be masking any of my POTS/Lyme symptoms.....

I am still sugar free..... Hang in there!! You too Gena! :blink:

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I have been good, but today I broke down and had a fruit juice sweetened cookie (it was the last sweet thing in my house and it was calling my name) :( . It's only sweetness comes from fruit, however, I know that fruit juices can still have a big effect on blood sugar, so I shouldn't have eaten it. This is harder than I thought it would be. :blink: But the good news is I have no indulgences left in the house, so I can't cheat anymore! :) Here's to making it another week sugar free!

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Chocolate has not only sugar, but can also have caffeine and/or another chemical (called theobromine) that is a problem for many of us. So you actually could give yourself a triple whammy with the chocolate candy!

I just found this info, as well: "There are several minor psycoactive chemicals in chocolate as well as theobromine: phenylethylamine, theophylline, tele-methylhistamine phenyethylamine, affects mood swings by causing an initial emotional high then a short time later an emotional low. It causes blood pressure and blood-sugar levels to rise, resulting in a feeling of alertness and contentment."

Hope you're feeling better now!


I'm cheering you on. It's amazing how much better you can feel once you get past the withdrawal and temptations. Like so many of you are now finding for yourselves, I lived for a long time in denial about the effect of sugar on my body. It wasn't until being free of it for a few weeks and then eating some again that I realized how awful it made me feel. Go for it - YOU CAN DO IT!!!

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Guest tearose

Wow, so much I am learning from this...

Hey Jenn, Amy and Gena...are you glad you are doing this? Could each of you give us bystanders one of your best reasons you are glad you are doing this...

From what I am learning there are the invisible effects of sugar to health that maybe we can't see or feel...

I think you will inspire others to try sugar free too!

keep up the good work! tearose

P.S. rah!

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For me, I want to feel better in general, and I have always had a dependence on sugar in some way. I never say no to treats when someone brings them at work and such. I want to be able to be one of those people who doesn't care if I eat a piece of cake or not.

Sugar in general is really not good for you. There are no benefits to eating sugar, except some benefits to dark chocolate consumption. Sugar increases inflammation in the body and has been linked to the development of many forms of cancer, as well as heart disease.

And I have a family history of diabetes, so the less I have to deal with blood sugar spikes, the better.


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I just ran across this post and I was so excited! I have suffered from chronic yeast problems since I was a teenager, and with this pregnancy it has been relentless. I have been craving sugar sooooo badly and so I was eating an ice crea cone with the works (hot fudge, whip cream, etc...) EVERY day! Finally my midwife gave me a big lecture about getting rid of the yeast before the baby is born so it doesn't get passed to him...and she put me on a strict carb-free and sugar-free diet for 7 days along with Monistat...anyways after the 7th day I felt so much better and the yeast seemed to be gone. It has now been TWO weeks since I had any junk food! I still think it is in my system, but I am taking a powerful probiotic called Bio-K Plus (in yogurt form) to try and balance my system. I have had more energy, and none of those brain foggy lightheaded spells. I ate fast food the other day and felt like crap afterwards, so I think carbs and sugart are definitely my enemy. It's been SOOOOO hard to stick with it but I keep thinking that if I don't, all my efforts will be wasted. And I am the wimpiest of all when it comes to willpower!! Really!!

I wish you all the best with your diets! I know how hard it is, but with support and determination it can be done! It is totally not worth feeling crappy to eat junk food that isn't good for us anyhow...

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Good for you, Jessica, on giving up sugar and bad carbs. I swear it is harder for me that quitting smoking back in my early 20s. I crave white bread and cereal all the time.

So glad to hear things are going well with your pregnancy. Not long now!


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Hang in there everyone ... I PROMISE it does get better.

I made a wonderful cookie recipe last weekend. For those who are still doing fruit it is a perfect fix.

Not positive on the measurements but something like

Take 3 cored apples (skins on! more fiber). and about a 1/4 cup margerine and put in food processor until the consistency of applesauce. Add 1/2 c walnuts, a few raisons (or not if you really want to keep this low sugar) and then 1 cup of quick cook oats and another 1 cup oat flour. 1 TBL baking powder and a 1/2 tsp salt. Pulse just to incorporate all ingredients then spoon onto cookie sheets.

Pop them in the oven (350) for about 25 minutes and enjoy!

Bon Appetite.


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Hi I just wanted to give you the no sugar update... Even with traveling I was able to make it without sugar... I did have a 1/2 of a bannana every day.... But I did it! I definetly feel better eating well again, and I am just now not feeling the need to eat junk b/c my body feels cleaner....

Hope everyone is hanging in there! B)

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