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Super Sensitive To Sound,touch

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I have a terrible time jumping when someone touches me. Also noise is hard for me to handle. I wish I could make my daughter understand this.She is old enough to know better but still gets angry if I am super sensitive.

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I feel your pain I am so sensitive to noise and my eyes are really sensitive making it impossible for me to watch tv. It is annoying!!!

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when this started for me back in feb, i was very sensitive to sounds , even little sounds hurt. its very painfull, makes life **** i dont have it now thank god.

you can feel sounds? kind of like sound shocks you even little sounds you make your self? beta blockers make help with the sounds .

thay seem to have with me. good luck.

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Dizzy i believe a febreze plug in i had in my bedroom and liveing room set up a episode that had me close to going to the ER recently.

I was close to passing out just seting up driveing, my my breathing was rely bad. It started soon after i plug the febreze in slowy got bad over 7 days then i un plug them and i started to feel ok.

As for Gluten, hfcs and caffeine i try but i was reading that gluten in all forms of grains evne a litle in rice.

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Holy cow I have the same problem. My mom is in several bands, (Usually loud rock n' roll, like Pink Floyd) and whenever I listen to them practice, I get super nauseous, dizzy, weak, and short of breath.

Also, my stepbrother is severely autistic, and actually is very sensory, so he touches a lot. He will lay all over you, rub your ears(He likes skin's textures), hug you, and just be touching you constantly. I recently had to be in the car with him for a little over an hour, and by the end, I was crying and shoving him away from me because my skin was tingling like crazy and I was about to throw up. (Which of course made him want to hug me and touch me more, because I was crying and he's a sweet boy.)

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Noise doesn't particularly bother me, but I've always been hypersensitive to touch. I involuntarily twich when someone or something touches me (I blame the catecholamines) and I find many light touches (especially repeated ones) to be physically painful. It took a while for my finacee to undersand that one.

Because of the muscle spasticity from my cerebral palsy, I have to either take drugs that make me really dopey or get regular massages (tough choice, I know), but initially it was difficult to convince my massage therapist that she was hurting me more by pressing lightly.

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This is a pretty big issue for me. This afternoon I attended a 50th anniversary party for my husbands parents. I rested all day to attend. There were only about 25 people but after 1.5 hours I could no longer sit up. I went into the next room to lie down. My husband practically carried me to the car as I was so weak- feels like a Mac truck hit me. I'm struggling today with breathing and fatigue already but the sounds, motion and activity literally made me sick.

I don't understand why these sensory things make me so ill.

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Fabreze nails me too. I avoid as many of those types of chemicals as possible.

fwiw, imho, the link between autism and gluten and casein has been well documented by the autism

research institute on the web. I've

met countless parents who've told me this at health food stores and on the web too. The link appears to be leaky

gut which makes some intolerant of gluten dairy, etc. I also have leaky gut.

From what I've seen for the last 7 years, traditional medicine disputes that leaky gut exists but provides no help either. And the last time I checked they indicated an unwillingness to even study this.

I had several autistic symptoms while eating the sad. I still struggle with the inability to maintain eye contact if I'm tired.

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I have always been a bit hypersensitive. I flinch if someone touches me and even as a child I could not stand to be tickled, it physically hurt. I could always hear and smell things that other people could not. Walking into a department store past the perfume counters always made me feel very nauseous and some perfumes and chemicals now have a severe effect on me. The effect is worse when I'm tired or ill but I instantly get a really bad headache my nose gets all stuff and I find it hard to breathe. It's sudden, like being hit in the face with a brick.

Sounds get me when I'm feeling ill too, especially repetitive sounds, like someone tapping their foot, and I cannot stand high pitched sounds like someone whistling. I instantly cover my ears it hurts so much. My sister used to whistle through her teeth and it hurts just thinking about it.

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Sound and smell for me. Not touch. Smell is the worst. Could never tolerate Macy's perfume floor (yes the entire floor which meant pocket books and shoes), the dog food isle, or laundry detergent. I can smell anyone's gas dryer, my sense of smell is uncanny and annoying. Can't take my daughters' Abecrombie and Fitch lotion or most of their music - music only when I'm feeling flared.

In the beginning I had a bad startle reflex that dissipated with both time and using cortisone.

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