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I've been doing great.. Running, doing well over all. Today however, I went to the gym started walking on the treadmill, then started to feel like I was going to throw up, them my HT went from 110 to 140, I felt all numb and tingling then pre-syncopal. I went and laid down but HR was still elevated 120s laying down. I managed to get home from the gym, but now I feel like crap.. I keep having adrenaline surges even while laying Down, shortness of breath, nausea, shakey.... My vitals are pretty normal now 74 laying BP is 100/80 ... But I feel terrible!!! This is the worst ive ever felt since being diagnosed!! Any advise?? I took a Xanax and I'm drinking lots of water.. I have this horrible lump in my throat :( I'm scared, should I go to the ER? Is this what POTS REALLY IS?

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This is what POTS really is all about. I don't understand it, but I can relate to this...sorry this happened to you. :( I sometimes have trouble with all these symptoms, as well. It could be your sympathetic nervous system going into overdrive. Try to rest; since your vitals seem normal, I would just relax and try to do nothing. This, too, shall pass...

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Thanks Kim, this isn't what my POTS has been like. I sometimes get inappropriate adrenaline rushes but nothing like this :( its so terrible feeling. I just don't understand why it happens when I lay down also? Is my pots changing? I'm so scared... I just keep crying :( I thought I was okay, getting better etc...

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I used to have absolutely horrid adrenaline episodes like what you are experiencing....felt like I was dying literally I was sure of it......mine did not settle down even when I was lying down.....I was to the point of wanting to be locked up I was so scared and had no idea what was wrong with me....POTS can wax and wane and yes unfortunately the episodes can get worse just seemingly out of the blue. In my case it turned out I always have massive amounts of adrenaline and my system couldnt get rid of it.....it was a vicious cycle. Are you taking any medications? did you do anything different in the last couple of days? do you have any allergies that you know of? are you well hydrated?

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Sorry to hear you're having a bad episode.

I know it's no consolation, but it's going to go away. I get this too, lots of times. Just when I think I'm getting better reality hits hard. Keep hydrated and relax as much as you can. I know it's hard, but try to take a nap, or watch TV, call a friend and ask her/him to just keep you talking - something, anything to distract you.

Going to the ER might be an option, but if you're anything like me, or if the ER you go to is anything like the one I go to, they might not do anything for you there other than monitor you for a while... unfortunately.

It will go away. Hang in there.



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I know honey! It is really hard and scary when you dont understand what's happening to your system.....the fear just ramps you up even more unfortunately :( try to stay calm....stay lying down, keep taking fluids, if you need to take an extra half dose of xanax or something then go ahead.....or even a tsp of benadryl to calm the system. Also keep an eye on your vitals.....if you feel they are not stabalizing then you can go to the ER and get checked out.....I am so feeling your pain right now....these episodes are awful :( another thing maybe talk to your Dr about a beta blocker if you are not too low with your BP as it can help with these episodes.

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I'm so sorry I could reply sooner:(. That stinks. Maybe it's just a short flare? I'm not sure. I've had POTS since December, so I know what you mean. Always be prepared for something new in your POTS part of life. And don't have a pity party all by your self! Let's all join in guys! Let's pity ourselves tonight! ;) I'll bring virtual cake. Ice cream anyone? :)


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I hope you feel better soon!! The symptoms are very scary but hang in there!

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Guest headhunter030

Your not a baby. I hate when this happens at work. Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, cant lay down. Feel like I am going to die.

But whoever said--- this shall pass is right.....You made it and came here to post about it. We all have so much in common.

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I actually had an episode like this today. No matter how many times I have them (and it's been a lot) they are still miserable and scary! It's even worse when you can't quite pin point the cause or trigger. Usually after it passes I can figure it out with some thinking and analyzing whats been going on. Today it was too little fluid while sitting on my deck in heat and humidity while talking on the phone eating a piece of pizza. Waaaayyy to many triggers at once and by the time I realized I was starting to feel woozy, the adrenaline is already pumping.

It does get better. Hang in there!!

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Thanks everyone for the support. My "episode" passed after about an hour. I still feel a little bit on edge this morning, almost like really excitable like I drank a redbull (I didn't lol)

I'm trying to think of triggers, since yesterday was so much more intense than any of my symptoms thus far. The only thing I can think of is that my 3 year old had a 103 fever all weekend that I was probably stressing about. I've acquired some health anxiety through all this. This syndrome makes me feel like a nut case !! It's emotional, but truly physical ...

I'm so lucky, my dad runs the emergency room out here. So I know that if I went to the ER yesterday I would have been given the royal treatment. BUT I talked my dad into leaving work to come be my home health nurse and he just sighed and told me that I have been worked up for everything under the sun, that I'm not having any arrhythmias, my BP is good, and that as uncomfortable as this feeling is, I might just have to learn to live through it. I know it *****, but I can do it.. I just wish I could understand it.

Does anyone else have te pre-syncopal feelings, anxiety, shakey etc with normal vitals? It was like a flushing, panic attack feeling ? But I keep having them even laying down wih a normal pulse and BP. It makes no sense!!! Obviously it's chemical b/c 30 or so minutes after a Xanax my body slowed down.

You know what's frustrating and weird is that I've had such a normal life.. I'm sure everyone goes through this, but what the heck just changed one day? It's sooo bizarre. I'm sick of it!

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent and again thanks for all the support :)

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I understand your frustration. I too can feel very normal for quite some time and then out of seemingly nowhere, feel very poorly with moderate to severe symptoms. hopefully over time these will happen less frequently for you. this has been the case for me. I know one trigger for me is an abrupt environmental change--eg weather change, travel to a new place, etc. But sometimes it seems to happen for no clear reason.

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Thats POTS darlin :( and it does *****!!! all your vitals can be just fine and you can still feel absolutely horrible. Part of the misconception about POTS is that its based on HR and BP...but it really is only a small part of the picture. POTS is a sub-category of dysautonomia (dysfunction of the autonomic system which controls many systems besides just HR and BP) it effects all the systems you never think about, breathing, digestion, temperature control, lots more! Most days my vitals are okay but I still feel awful and I have episodes just like you.....if its any comfort you do eventually get used to them sad to say....and over time you will come up with your own coping skills :) and this forum is awesome support and a wealth of knowledge....we are all here for you! hang in there :)


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Medications help with this, but even out of the blue on occasion it still gets me out of nowhere, like Bren said, it doesn't necessarily have to be HR or B/P related, and it takes you unaware...you will get to the point of acceptance, but don't let it get the best of you :), To better days, and we are all in this together. It helps to have the support from others, especially your dad being your own private medical person, who loves and cares for you :wub:

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Thats POTS darlin :( and it does *****!!! all your vitals can be just fine and you can still feel absolutely horrible. Part of the misconception about POTS is that its based on HR and BP...but it really is only a small part of the picture. POTS is a sub-category of dysautonomia (dysfunction of the autonomic system which controls many systems besides just HR and BP) it effects all the systems you never think about, breathing, digestion, temperature control, lots more! Most days my vitals are okay but I still feel awful and I have episodes just like you.....if its any comfort you do eventually get used to them sad to say....and over time you will come up with your own coping skills :) and this forum is awesome support and a wealth of knowledge....we are all here for you! hang in there :)


That is SUCH an excellent post Bren.... Too many health care providers will check vitals, see that they are now normal and COMPLETELY miss that aftermath the surge of adrenaline causes!

Another thing I have learned through the years, you can try to be perfect..... try to eliminate every known possible stressor that could cause an adrenaline surge, but then still get one again no matter what you do. That lack of control over it is one of the most frustrating things to me.

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