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Hi there!

What's the greatest source of anxiety surrounding this situation? The elevator trip to the 14th floor? The endless hallways and fluorescent lights of a hospital? Your worry about your mom? Maybe identifying which factors are likely to affect you the most will help you deal with them directly....so you're not overwhelmed with general anxiety....I know it's sometimes difficult to narrow the focus that way, but it does tend to help me (and I have POTS and MVPS as well!)


Thank you !

I guess all of that., I am worried about the crowds, lighting, major walking and getting a " dizzy attack or tachycardia or that feeling of passing out "

That causes my anxiety..

So now, if I go somewhere I usually park my car in front so I can go out and sit in the car if I need .


Can you get someone to go with you? That always makes me feel better. The other thing is that you'll be in a hospital - the right place if something goes wrong! I used to have the same types of fears when I first got POTS - and rightfully so. But eventually I realized that even though my symptoms increased, I survived. I am sure you will come through with flying colors, and if you keep going, it will get easier over time.


You sound like I was taking care of my brother in law after his open heart surgery!! It's a good thing I went to the doctor, when he was discharged from the hospital; I probably just needed to change places with him, and taken a nap in his bed :) . When you are concerned about a loved one, it is only normal to feel overwhelmed, and all the things that Ophelia mentioned are key for us Potsies. At the time, I was still undiagnosed and had major blood pressure problems, tachycardia, and MVP, sleep apnea. I completely understand. I would do what yogini suggested; have someone go with you. Get plenty of rest, when you can, and definitely sit down when you get to the room. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, and take deep breaths, and try to keep calm. I'll say a prayer for you and your mom!


I had to visit my husband when he was in the hospital with pneumonia. It was way before I felt well enough. I found that putting a cold pack on the back of my neck really helped me. Even when I was sitting. I was only able to visit once a day, but he understood. I hope all goes well for you.

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