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Book Recommendations


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I don't know about the rest of you, but I read A LOT since I got sick. I thought it would be a good idea to share some of our book recommendations here. I have read 33 books over the last year. Here are my favorites from that list.

- Hunger Games Series

- Water for Elephants

- Rocket Boys

- Alsolute Power

- The Red Tent

- Unbroken

- The Help

- The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

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Great topic Sarah!

I love reading (now that I'm able to!). I loved:

The help,

The boy in the striped pyjama's,

The secret garden,

Room and a few more that I forgot of course.

For those of you who can't read, there are lots of books to listen to. Your local library might have them! Happy reading everyone :)

ps, I might need to explain that there was a time I couldn't read because of POTS now that I'm doing better I so enjoy it again!!!

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What a great thread. I have also read a lot since I got sick. Here are my favorites:


Bel Canto

Cleaning Nabakov's House

The Devil in the White City

The Double Bind

Faithful Place

I Think I Love You

The Paris Wife

State of Wonder

The Submission

While I Was Gone

In the Garden of the Beasts

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This is terrible, since I was an English Literature major in college, but I can't remember most book titles that I read. Isn't that awful! But, I have a lot of authors whose books I usually enjoy.

Barbara Delinsky (my favorite, The Summer I Dared)

Linda Howard

Iris Johansen

Lisa Jackson

Janet Evanovich (Stephanie Plum series)

Books about Amish ways of life (can by about Amish families, relationships, mysteries, etc. Very good without being smutty)

Dean Koontz (Odd Thomas, my favorite)

I love children's books:

Are You My Mother?

Owl Moon

Love You Forever

Green Eggs and Ham

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I'm not a huge reader but when I was first diagnosed my better half was in a book club. At the time she was reading "The Art of Racing In the Rain". I couldnt put it down and finished it within a day or so. The book is written through the perspective of a dog. It had everything you could want in a book. I highly recommend it!


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This is a great topic! I'm always looking for books to read, but I like to read mainstream books that delve into personalities, are not violent or horror or really suspenseful.

Monstrosity: I'm going to check out that dog book. I enjoyed "Marley and Me". I have a yellow lab, so I could relate to the chaotic four years of puppyhood.

Kayla: you must be a great reader!! My son is enjoying the Conspiracy 365 series now.

LindaJoy: since you mentioned children's books (and Green Eggs and Ham - which I also love)...

."Oh, the Places You'll Go" another Dr Seuss. I LOVE that book. I've given it as a gift to children at all different stages of their lives. It is such a fun book about life and is applicable to setting out in any new direction. I gave it to my nephew when he turned 16. It helped that the NFL had used it as the intro to the Superbowl that year and we are big football fans. After our nightly reading if my son wanted to stay up a little later, he would ask to read that book because he knew I would never refuse :P

Books that I enjoyed that others insisted I read (even though I wouldn't normally pick these up)

The Hunger Games

The Shack

Angels and Demons

Also, The Power of Now -Eckhart Tolle

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You know what I've found is, I like books that just give me story, not a lot of, for lack of a better word, trash, so I go to our Christian book store in town. I still get murder mystery, family drama, romance, etc., without the graphic or trashy detail.

Right now, I'm reading, Intervention, by Terri Blackstock. It's about an 18 year old drug addict whose mother, in desperation, conducts an intervention, after which the girl, intending to go to de-tox, gets kidnapped and her interventionist killed. It's been very good so far.

Like this topic.

Oh, and All About Peace, I like Oh, the Places You'll Go too. I got it for a graduation gift from a college friend of mine. I love Dr. Seuss, all except The Cat in the Hat. It bothers me how the cat is, but I love the rhyming, the non-sense words. When I did a reading program at the prison I worked at, for inmates to read to their children, most times, they chose Dr. Seuss books. It was great.


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I'm reading Bee Season right now. An older book but was a bestseller maybe 10 yrs?? ago.

I love the Alexander McCall series about No 1 Ladies Detective Agency, esp since I lived in Botswana for 2 yrs and see a lot of truth in his books. He really pulls out the beauty of the land and the people in his stories. This is also a great HBO series, if you don't feel up to reading.

I tend to read a lot of African literature which I know is not mainstream and maybe not of interest, but some recent titles I have liked include: Half of a Yellow Sun, Dark Star Safari (non-fiction), Ellen Sirleaf Johnson's autobiography, Nine Hills to Nambonkaha, Monique and the Mango Rains. I also liked The Lotus Eaters (about a woman photojournalist during the Vietnam war).

I read w my 9-yr old a lot. Recently we read The Hobbit together which we both loved. We've also enjoyed Lauren St. John's mystery series for kids that takes place in Africa (there are audio CD's too). The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, is a hopeful book about ingenuity. I try to encourage her to read the classic children's lit by reading with her--we also just finished From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.

Oh, I also enjoyed Unlikely Friendships by Jennifer Holland, which is a bestseller. It's a feel-good book about animal friendships across species lines. (Jenny is also a friend of mine--I met her when I taught her Biology 105 lab when I was a grad student; she graduated from the same graduate program that I did...).

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I'm not a huge reader but when I was first diagnosed my better half was in a book club. At the time she was reading "The Art of Racing In the Rain". I couldnt put it down and finished it within a day or so. The book is written through the perspective of a dog. It had everything you could want in a book. I highly recommend it!


Oh my gosh!!! That's my favorite book!

I also like Wings, it's kind of like Twilight but with butterfly fairys instead of vampires.

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http://www.goodreads.com/ my email is carriejessica_boone@yahoo (dot) com I am pretty sure thats how you add people, anyway its a great source for reading!

I read soo much, I love the escape since I no longer volunteer as much as I used to.

Some of my more recent favs:

Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jennifer Lawson (not if you are offended by the F word)

When She Woke by Jordan Hillary

Art of Racing in the Rain is AWESOME you might also like A Dogs Purpose by Bruce Cameron

Perfect Match by Jodi Picolt

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I also love the seires I am Number 4, I am only on the first book, but it's awesome! (The second is called the power of six) Has action, twists, and a bit of romance so far, but it's not like the whole book.

P.S All the books everyone suggested are good and some of them sound cool!


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One of my favorite books is Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. I also like The Help, Secret Life of Bees, Friday Night Knitting Club. Reading has always been an escape for me. I read a lot of books that are really sad or intense (Little Bee, Cutting for Stone, History of Love), beautiful, but maybe not the most uplifting reads.

My eyes hurt - not sure if this is from POTS or my job, so I only do audiobooks these days, downloaded free from the library! :)

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