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Was That An Adrenaline Surge?


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My body feels very strange. Very relaxed to the point of all my limbs feeling like jelly. I just took two Tylenol PMs because I have a cold so I guess that could have something to do with it. I was super tierd so I went to bed but five minutes after I dozed off I woke with a start my heart pounding and felt a wave of nausea. It happened three times and now I am shaking a lot. I took my bp right after getting out of bed and it was higher than ever before. Is this an adrenaline rush?

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You could be reacting to the tylenol. But mine hits me like a wall and I feel it come over my whole body instantly, like someone just poured cold water over me. Then the hr flies up, the faint fighting begins, sometimes there's sweats or palpitations, and after about five minutes I shake like a leaf. During these my bp skyrockets and I feel like I'm going to die right there. That is essentially the nature of my pots attacks. Though, after the first one my pulse and bp were up for about 3hrs. It took a sedative to bring me down.

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My bp is not going down and I'm still very nauseous and shaky. How do you know when you should go to the ER? I have never had this happen before so it really freaks me out. My bp has been in the 150's over 100 for about a half hour.

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i only went because i couldnt stay conscious... I think I passed out like 10 times in a span of 20 mins. If you can just wait it out and after its out of your system, you will go back to your normal POTS. However, if you are really afraid and have anxiety, you bp is going to go even higher. Do you have klonopin? Or somthing like it? That is pretty much all they will do for you when you go in, is give you a hefty dose of ativan and some fluids. If your bp doesnt go down soon, you might have to.

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All I have is midodrine, which makes me feel worse. Ironically I have an appointment in two days where they are going to try another medication. I'm starting to feel a little better, I just hope it doesn't happen again.

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I just read other posts describing the surges and yep that's definitely what it was. Wow, they feel really scary. Thanks for replying at this hour too. :)

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Hey puppylove, it could be the midodrine. I couldn't tolerate it but dani is right they arent going to help you much in the e.r. is it coming down now? Also taking sedatives might not be a good idea because you already had the tylenol pm unless its by Drs orders

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  • 4 weeks later...

When this whole thing staryed for me back in May I had a sudden sezuire type thing with my arm lasting a minute or two topes. Then my whole body stayed in this almost plugged in mode where literally could feel my blood pressure elevated as well as heart rate. Slept on it andit continued where my body was plugged in, shakey, high BP for an entire weekend before finally going to the ER where they of course found nothing. This happened again where I could literally not sleep from the jittery nature of my body and had to again go to the ER after two nights/days of little sleep. Only beginning to figure this thing out but looking back wondering if what I described was an adrenaline surge and if so can they or has anyone experienced one lasting several days. My entire being literally felt on high alert with a shaky feeling for 2 days each time. Plus any medicine only made it way worse.

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