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Symptomatic While Sitting


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So, It's inevitable that we all have symptoms while standing, but do any of you also feel terrible just sitting?

I feel the same feelings sitting a lot as I do standing and I understand "postural" orthostatic tachycardia, so, why would these horrible feelings still be present while I'm sitting down. For example just sitting at dinner and my head begins spinning and my body and I feel like I'm fading out, it's awful. Any ideas.

ALSO, there has been many posts lately about eating a gluten free diet so as of 1-1, I started that, It's only a few days in but I hope I can stick to it and maybe months from now see some improvement. I'm thinking gluten ataxia could be something that is going on.

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I also have symptoms even while sitting. I know I have something wrong that POTS is only a part of. I never feel like fainting when I sit, but I get "head" symptoms that make me feel "off", and I just plain feel weak. Standing up just exacerbates all that, and then continues until I feel like fainting.

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When I was initially diagnosed with POTS back in July, I didn't have symptoms sitting, only standing. But mine progressed and by October I was having orthostatic hypotension and tachycardia by sitting upright. So there is a big difference been my lying down numbers, sitting numbers and standing numbers. Usually my BP will drop 20-40 points with each change of position and about 50-100 bpm in HR between the 3.

I will usually get other symptoms while sitting upright as well... dizziness, vision issues (mainly blurry), ears ringing etc. but I do not recall ever having syncope while sitting upright. One of the doctors told me at Mayo that as he sat me up in the morning I had a syncope spell but I don't really remember.

I just pray it doesn't continue to progress any further. I also feel awful if I am sitting for a longer period of time than usual. I had to be in a wheelchair for several hours for a consult and a 3 hour car ride and I was miserable by the time I got home. The fatigue was so severe. I am guessing because my heart was just beating like crazy the whole time and worn out. I have never changed my diet so in my situation it was just a matter of the progression. I hardly eat a thing as it is. I hope that this phase passes for you, and soon as well. It is miserable when you can't even gain relief when you sit down. We can't spend all of our lives in bed. Even though at times it seems as if it is the only option.

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I too am most definitely dizzy sitting - eating meals is excruciating, even typing this is hard! I wondered if POTS patients felt similar too.

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Wow, so, I guess it's not just me! Thanks for all your responses. I've just always wondered if something else was going on with my body since I felt terrible sitting as well as standing, so basically, all the time. I guess pots really can cause it in any position.

Hope you all feel better sooner than later :) and me too

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I also have issues sitting down, especially sitting in an upright chair. My guess is that due to the legs being bent at the hip as well as at the knee, it makes it more difficult for the blood to be pumped back up. I notice a big difference (feeling better) when I slouch down in my chair and extend my legs and hips out if there is no option to put my feet up. Now I'm having difficulty being supine. Seems my BP and HR go really low and I feel like I'm passing out in my sleep.

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