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Hi Guys!!

I haven't posted in awhile, been going through a really bad couple of weeks. :(

I need some feedback and input....I have been experiencing some new symptoms lately and am wondering if they could be tied to the florinef I have been taking since the end of June.

I haqve been taking about a 1/4 tablet daily and have been experiencing the following;

agitation and bad temper (hair trigger not usual for me)

severe mood swings (my poor husband is afraid of me lol!! like severe PMS swings)

trouble sleeping

enlarged and painful breasts (up 2 sizes...very swollen glands)

increase in ovarian cysts

pelvic/ back pain

pain in the flanks and upper back especially left hand side

increase in allergies

vision blurriness

The reason I believe it may be the Florinef is because recently after I take my dose about 1 hr later my back around my kidney area starts to internally itch and burn and my back starts to ache like crazy.

Has anyone ever experienced any symptoms like this and thought it was caused by the florinef? I was reading that it does somehow affect your estrogen and wonder if it is imbalancing my hormones somehow??




ok, I though the mood and temper was just my personality!!

Insomnia was always an issue for me.

the other stuff, yes, my bra size increased and my lower back always hurts, flank pain, etc, I just had an unrelated MRI for that area and all normal....sooooo, I blame florinef.

But my question is if florinef can cause mega headaches? Do you get that?




Hi C

yep I do get the headaches but compared to all the other awful symptoms its lower on my list :( but again I am finding there is a almost cyclical pattern going on.....do you find a relation hormonally???


I was very frustrated to find that I couldn't take Florinef either b/c I had heard of so many people for whom it is a lifesaver. I get the same reactions that you described, only I felt so wretched after the first day that I stopped. I know there are drugs that you have to gradually adjust to, but this didn't feel like "side effects"; it felt like it was throwing my entire (already out-of-wack) system even further off!!

I think there is an endocrine connection, but that's just based on my personal experience, not on any scientific basis. I've had chronic fatigue for years but was pretty functional. After my hysterectomy, my condition plummeted. I take HRT but never feel like my hormones are properly "balanced" and still get weird side effects from the HRT, and any kind of meds that affect the endocrine system seem to have the worst effects (thyroid meds, hydrocortisone, Florinef).

I've read a bit about the "HPA axis" but just haven't wrapped my head around it all. I do think there's some connection - almost as if my system can only process one of those endocrine system meds at a time, so if I take one, it throws off the effects of others.

I hope this makes a little bit of sense. If nothing else, know that there's others in the same boat as you! :)


I am a florinef flunk-out as well. I had ovarian cysts and breast swelling, a bit of the moodiness, although not quite to the same degree. I also had massive migraines, which was totally unacceptable. So I have tried it three times, for about 2-3 months each time, and it just has not worked out. Hope this helps!


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