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Thought I'd share some good news...

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Hi all,

some of you may recall that I took a very long exam (5 hours) on Nov 22...well...yesterday my paperwork came in the mail and I'm now a "Board Certified Associate Behavior Analyst" (BCABA). Now I have to go out tomorrow on my lunch hour to buy a frame for my pretty little piece of parchment!

Also, I did okay on all my finals. I knew I wasn't going to keep my 4.0 after more than 2 years of very hard work. The classes this term were so hard! But, I did squeak out a b+ and an a- :) Dragged me to a 3.9....but as one of my friends says, "no one will ask you for your GPA once that Ph.D. is attached to your name."



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Congratulations Nina!

You deserve a big pat on the back! 3.9 in nearly perfect---but i'm sure you not fretting over a 10th of a point.

My husband Ron went to an accelerated college and graduated with a 3.48---just two points from honors. Those two points would have earned grants to help fund his masters. It was so difficult to keep up his GPA while working 10-12 hour days at the post office. His final exams just before getting his degree were right at the time of my surgery. He had one class to complete in June/July---he was allowed to go to the graduating ceremony---but didn't get the actual degree until just after my surgery in 2002.

Just look at the GPA you received after all you have been through. You need a gold frame.

Julie :0)

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CONGRATULATIONS!! Way to go with your 3.9!! I managed to squeak by with a 3.5 until I had Ethan, then with having less time to devote to school and being more tired and not able to concentrate as well, it's fallen to a 2.9 =( I had one Math course that I received a "D" in because I took my final right in the middle of the Holidays, and I was sooooooo mad at myself. I'm hoping I can bring it back above a 3.0 this semester before I graduate!!

Anyway I am so happy for you :)

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Thanks folks! I've been feeling pretty proud of my self today; hope I can hold onto that feeling for when the semester starts again on Jan 20--I'll need the extra jolt of positive thinking as I'm taking 2 classes again.

Yes, 3.9 is only a tenth off of 4.0... It does burn me a bit though because I worked so hard, but at this point I need to just think about getting through this program with my degree in hand.

Didn't get a chance to pick up my frame today but it's first on my list for tomorrow :)


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