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The new year is supposed to start off better right? Ha ha not for me. Its been a disaster. I changed my eating plan to fresh fruit and vegtables, fish, pasta, rice, rye bread, seeds, berrys, Potatoes, very low fat diet ( and if need be have chips once a week, thats if i run out of healthy foods ). I also started to excersise, and begin running again, i found it hard because whilst i run i constantly think of all my symptoms which puts my body into "PARANOID MODE" and thats not good while you excersise. Latley ive been feeling sick and dizzy after i eat, and most the time after i eat i feel tierd. Ive checked my pulse when all this goes on and it normal, although it does shoot up and down when it feels like it throughout the day.Every time i go to the doctors my BP and HR are normal, as soon as i leave its all swings and roundabouts again. Ive decided im going to pay for private help as the NHS in the UK is ****, the hospitals get my HR going to 180 as soon as i enter then, there awful, i prefer private. One more thing befor i go, does anyone get muscle twitches, i went running and had one in my chest ontop of my ribs, if i placed my hand on my chest i could feel the muscle twitching, it done it every 5 mins for about 5 seconds a time, for about an hour, then i fell asleep and it went away. The thing that makes my HR rise and fall and do summersaults is my paranoia, i get paraniod easyly. I have 90% of the POTS Symptoms, and im about to go seek a private doctor with my information and see what he thinks. My symptoms arnt as bad as other peoples but they do get in the way of normal life.


Well I really don't know much about your health system but if you aren't satisfied with them definitely seek out somewhere else. I was kind of in the same boat and now I travel several thousand miles to see a very good POTS specialist.

You need to work on the mental aspect, either counseling or relaxation techniques. Don't let doctor's freak you out, it's mind over matter so to speak. I know it's easier said than done as I'm not always able to do it.

I get twitches in my face, eye and sometimes my extremities. Usually twitching is caused by muscle spasms and spasms are very common with POTS.

One more thing, instead of potato chips you might want to try pickles, pickled vegetables, V8, Pretzels. You want to avoid chips made with hydrogenated oils as they are not good for you and kind of defeat your wonderful diet changes.

Good luck and hang in there.


Nutrition can be very complicated. It sounds like you may be getting too many carbs and not enough protein. And low fat is not healthy for anyone - you have to choose the good fats, though, like extra virgin olive oil, real butter (not margarine or spreads), fish or cod liver oil, and organic, virgin coconut oil. All bodies (including brains) NEED fats in order to function!

Not everyone does well with raw fruits and veggies - try gently steaming the veggies and cutting back on the fruit. And never start your day without eating protein first.

Cut way back on pasta, bread, potatoes and rice. If you do eat those things, make it a small portion with plenty of real butter. New potatoes are better than white, sweet potatoes are even better.

Add eggs (don't believe any of that hype about eggs being bad for you - they are one of the healthiest foods available!). And be sure to get plenty of fish, poultry and red meat.

Some people are carb types, but that may not be you. Try playing with your ratios of carb to protein to fat. Keep careful track of everything you eat and how you feel about an hour after eating. That will help you know what foods are right for you.

Are you sure you are getting enough water?

The muscle twitches come from out-of-balance body chemistry. Most often it's an improper level of magnesium or potassium or calcium. But that's a hard one to figure out without doing some ratio testing on those things.

Congrats on taking the nutritional aspect of your health to a healthier level. It will be well worth it!


I get twitches all the time in my abdomen and chest muscles. Seems to be a very common POTS symptom. Sometimes I don't know if it's my heart racing or my muscles near my heart twitching because they twitch so fast!


The others have given you great advice. I just wanted to add that exercising too much may also trigger your symptoms. You may want to start off with something more low key like yoga, pilates or walking and then build up to running. I was in great physical shape before. After getting sick, I find that I get too tachy with the exercise bike. Like you I worry about it, which makes things even worse. I am just sticking to pilates for now, and will go back to the exercise bike after I have had the chance to build up my strength. There was a great post about exercise a couple of days ago, which has good suggestions.

Feel better soon,



Thanks people for your wondeful support, i just got back from a long day walk delivering leaflets, it went ok. There was someone who posted "i get twitches in my chest and sometimes i dont know if its my heart becasue there so fast", well that is exactly what im having, i only had them once but i know i will get them again in the future. Im currently investigating what i can eat and what works best, today i had Tuna ( low fat, tikka flavour with 2x jacket potatoes, corn on the cob and coleslaw + potato salad) . So far i feel normal, i think thats a safe food to eat so i will write that one down. I need a fairly high carb diet as i do alot of running, and in order for me to get the best out of my run i need carbs beforhand. Im currently in training to run the FLORA LONDON MARATHON in 2005 and i will be advertising WWW.POTSPLACE.COM on my shirt, and running for POTS, hopefully generating money to donate to this site and to other POTS charitys (if any). Im also reasearching at the moment if POTS could also be caused by Mental Health issuse either by the sufferer or in the family bloodline. I cant understand why i have it, other then i had Anxiety befor. I had a downfall in 2000 where all i would do for 2 years was sit infornt of a PC making music, but along with that i had an eating disorder, then to follow was anxiety so it might be linked to that. I actually enjoy having POTS in some ways because i feel like my life is now worth living, i have something to overcome, something to investigate and take time out to look at, and also the fact that so many others have it and realizing im not alone makes me feel a whole lot better. Lets all from now on look forward, take every day as a blessing and enjoy your future planning, investigations, hospital appontments. Rememeber we are the ones who appreciate life more.


I have had twitches for several years, all over my body, including chest, long before I ever got POTS. The twitches were really aggrevated whenever I ate anything with gluten (wheat, rye, barley, oats). I finally figured out I had celiac and the twitches calmed down significantly after going gluten free. The twitches still flare up whenever something in my body is out of whack..either hormones or diet...can never quite figure out what triggers them now. It sounds like you have a lot of anxiety as well. I have MVP and POTS, and anxiety often goes with the territory with these conditions. If yoga and meditation don't work, you may talk to your doc about an anti-anxiety med. I started taking Klonopin at night and it works wonders. When I first got POTs symptoms last summer I was anxious all the time and was afraid to even go anywhere b/c I thought my heart would go into tachycardia. I even had a few panic attacks and I'd never had one in my entire life until POTS and MVP.

If you do have any dysautonomia, I highly recommend the book "The Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome/Dysatuonomia Survival Guide". It's great, even if you don't have MVP. IT has a bunch of real cases from real people who explain their symptoms and what their life is like. When you read it, you say, hey, that's me, I feel just like that. It also explains the mechanisms that cause the symptoms and how to handle them. Has a lot of great advice.

Hope you find a good doc. Best wishes and take care. :wub:


i understand the paranoid mode thing. Ive been there.

My tips for combating pots for me anyway - were firstly valerian root and betablockers to combat the anxiety i experienced from the increase in nervous system adrenal activity, a big salty breakfast (check with your doctor) of bacon and eggs, cutting out all diaretics like caffiene, and when im very dizzy i drink licorice tea which increase blood pressure and releases beneficial adrenal hormones.

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