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Ichy Adrenaline Surge?

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I had a pretty rough day today. Cleaned a lot and went grocery shopping. When I got back, I was pretty tired but happy so I sat down and had a yogurt. Within 1 minute, I had a massive adrenaline surge and felt my face get really hot and tingly. Then I became ichy everywhere. I went outside to "cool" off and calm down. I dont believe it was a panic attack because it came totally out of no where and was related to me eating. I just dont understand the ichy part. Even 30 mins later I am still very ichy and tingly. The feeling was horrible though, felt like I was going to die. I have had these plenty times before, but never been ichy.

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I get that daily. It started out off/on over the last year, but in late December, it has become a daily event. And, it happens many times daily and nightly. What is "weird"(as if everything about my symptoms isn't weird), I get itchy down my spine. Always there and only there.

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It was anaphylaxis for me- I only knew for sure when I DID use my epi-pen & all of my symptoms stopped.

Why do you have an epi-pen? What are you allergic to? You may have developed a new allergy to something in your yogurt. Read all ingredients and head to your allergist pronto. Try taking an antihistamine like benadry when this happens next time. It will help you figure out IF it is an allergic response.

MCAD was decided as the cause of my symptoms as I am allergic to NOTHING per oodles of testing- both scratch & RAST (blood.) BTW, were you having your monthly cycle? I ask as THAT used to tip the scales and set off an episode for me.

Scary. Sorry this is happening to you, Dani.



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It happens all the time for me too, sometimes with itching and sometimes without. I think it's a flare up of what's going on all the time and causing POTS, what Julie calls "chronic low-grade anaphylaxis". Sometimes it just tips over into a more severe reaction, due to a certain trigger or accumulation of triggers. When I have flare ups like that Benedryl helps (on top of my other MCAD meds).

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Yes I am on my cycle right now!

I never use benadryl because I worry it would maje me feel stoned. I still feel ichy and tingly. Even before this, I was itchy at night over my whole body.

It felt like a really bad.bb panic attack but I was perfectly calm right before I ate it. Oh totally forgot but the yogurt had real strawberries in it. Its weird because I had strawberries a couple weeks ago.and nothing happened. I just feel so exhausted now.

My hands and feet did itch and burn but my whole body did. Felt like my skin was crawling and I was out of breath.

I have an epi pen because I was doing allergy drops for grass

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Dani, it sounds like Mack's Mom is right. I have had severe allergic reactions- had an epi pen but you really can't use them with Beta blockers. For me they feel exactly like my POTS adrenal surges but my hands and feet itch first then the rest of my body. If you can't take benedryl... you could try claritin. I'm sorry.... they feel so bad.

The first time this happened to me was the first and only time I had someone call 911. I thought I was going to die. You can go to a dermatologist and find out what meds you can take for hives. I once had hives for 2 weeks had had to take a combination of drugs. I think for me the allergy brought on a POTS surge. Feel better but be careful. You should consider having Benedryl on hand just in case.-

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Definitely try a zyrtec or two. They work better for me than benadryl anyways and they are "non-drowsy." I suspect that ANY H-1 will make you feel lots better right now.

If you are on a beta blocker, you probably should consider getting off of it. They greatly worsen any allergy/asthma or MCAD symptoms. A calcium channel blocker is considered safer, but I still can't take those without a reaction. When I take my MCAD meds, my POTS symptoms greatly improve so I don't need the beta blocker. I only have severe symptoms when I am having a reaction to something. Occasionally, it is full-blown anaphylaxis, but I have gone YEARS with low-grade chronic anaphylaxis. During those periods, my autonomic symptoms (tachy, hypotension, syncope), brain fog, skin symptoms, etc. are awful.

A good allergist can easily run a new round of tests to see if you've suddenly developed a milk protein or strawberry allergy. They have a series called the anaphylaxis series. IF nothing shows up (aside from your known grass allergy,) you may have to consider a mast cell disorder. Time to see the allergist :rolleyes: You can't go on not knowing what is causing this.



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I agree with the allergy theory.

I had just a bite of peanut butter and almost right away my face felt itchy and it almost felt like I had bumps under the skin on my face. I just kept touching my face and felt terribly anxious. The next day I had my testing and I was allergic to peanuts.

My heart did race during the test but it was bearable.

I got through it okay.

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I had trouble with the Claritin here as soon as it hit my system and then it made my head feel funny for hours.

I just had a reaction after I got done typing yesterday...

From a little orange flavor caprisun. My heart racced and pounded and I felt weird in my head and then I got the itching all over. I try to avoid then that particular item and do a lot of taste testing to minimize symptoms. I take one bite and wait 20 minutes. Then sometimes another then wait to check if a food is safe. I think maybe even if just psychological I can minimize the trauma to my body that way.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Julie, :)

Do you just use you eppi for when you can't stop itching??? I'm so confused :blink: Dr. Castell's had to decrease my gastrocrom because of all my neuropathy increasing. She was afraid that maybe I was having side effects to the med. Hard to tell as they got scared and pulled two at once and I'm still not right. I'm going to start making a cream from the liquid.. Have you ever done that?

Itchy Bellamia ~

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I am allergic to strawberries as well, but get this---it took me months to figure out that I have a strong allergy to tapioca. And it is in a lot of yogurts nowadays. Stonyfield has several that are tapioca free. I have to read every label but I am fine if I do. Just a thought.

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