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Back From Allergist-So Excited


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Well I have my list of allergies so I can get started on eating now and try not to worry as much that I'm going to have anaphylactic type response.

I guess that is what I was worried about.

So I am very excited to start eating.

I do have a list of things to avoid and can't wait to get started.

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Total surprise and it's going to be tough.

Corn--it's in everything but I had a strong positive reaction to it so I really should try to eliminate it from my diet.

Peas-yeah I felt bad last couple times I tried to eat them-in fact that day I went down in the grocery I had just eaten peas before I left the house. I was in the hospital for 24 hours and my heart rate was nuts the entire time.

Sesame seed, cantaloupe, all nuts except for cashews and brazil nuts.

Strong reaction to peanuts.

He said I have a possible sulfite allergy so I will watch that-I reviewed the foods and it shouldn't be an issue for me.

and then everything outdoors--trees, grass, weeds, farm pollen, and ragweed.

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This is good, solid information. I am allergic to corn as well. And there's plenty of it in Ensure, that's why I couldn't drink it :( But I'm so glad you have a place to start and I hope this new diet really helps you.

I found out something interesting lately. I started the low histamine diet two weeks ago and it has made a major difference for me so far. No more unexplained hives. So in the unlikely event you still have symptoms after starting your new diet, it would be something to consider. Best wishes!

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song canary I really need ideas for things I can drink especially

maybe that is why I could not tolerate much of the ensure

I was down to 1 a day and there were times I fought to get that one down and I felt so guilty

I never could do more than 2 and maybe there was just a reason for that

I noticed a low pulse and bp and backed off of it and saw immediate improvement

I would love to find a replacement for it corn free

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I would love to find a good replacement too! It was driving me nuts for so long and I just finally gave up. My weight has finally stabilized so I don't need it anymore for weight gain. But at the time I did find a juice blend drink at the health food store that came in a quart size, I think, in the refrigerated section. It had added nutrients also and I tolerated it very well. I can't for the life of me think of the name, but I'll continue to look. It came in several flavors.

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Songcanary I think you may be thinking of some of the "Naked" juice blends you can typically find in either the (refrigerated) organic section, or with other cold juices. They are basically smoothies made from pure fruit and no added sugars or chemicals. They have several varieties, and I love most of them. Just be forewarned, the protein varieties can be awfully chalky, so I usually go for the more basic varieties. But even the basics are chock full of all kinds of vitamins and minerals, with no added sugar, and no corn syrup.


P.S. Here's a link to their site, to find stores, flavors, etc.


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Try Stonyfield Products-Organic Yogurt Smoothies and Products. You can buy them at Giant Eagle, Trader Joes and I am sure there may be other stores in your area that carry them. They don't have any corn and low in fat content. You can also try a local health store that may carry Organic Products.

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thanks for replying :)

I mean just being around smoke. I just don't stand cigarettes, not even when someone who was smoking passes near me. I get a headache, and if the concentration of smoke is higher my eyes start to burn and itch.. I can't even go for a cup of tea with my friends, I feel so awful after that smoke :(

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yeah I was looking up the signs and symptoms because I've felt weird around it myself and I thought maybe it was psychological...but it said headache, stomach ache, nausea, diarrhea, swelling in sinuses etc congestion ugh

I guess it wouldn't hurt to just assume an allergy and try to stay away from it huh?

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Do you use any type of air filter to try to clean the air?

It might not totally eliminate it but maybe it would help?

I got bugled in the car today....my son was eating bugles and all of a sudden the entire car was filled with bugle scent. I couldn't take it I had to open a window and get fresh air I was starting to feel it in my throat. Ugh!

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I'm generally quite sensible on smells, I sometimes get nausea and dizziness.. not to mention what they do to my appetite.. "What's for lunch? Let me smell.. What..roasted ribs? Oh I'm not feeling so well.. " Now I'm too much off topic, sorry :D

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I finally remembered the brand. It is Bolthouse Farms. They have several flavors and I used to like the antioxidant green one and I think it is still available. Anyhoo, that's the brand. I wanted to try the Nakeds also but there is something in them I'm allergic to (what else is new) so I didn't try that one.

I cannot STAND cigarette smoke. My parents were both chain smokers and they never so much as opened a window for me. Selfish pigs. TMI :P I get horrible nausea if I'm anywhere near it anymore. I mean, I realize we all have rights, but I think I've paid my dues in advance!

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