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Psych Eval For Ssdi

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I had my physch eval for disability for depression and don't know what to do. I had no clue he was going to go so in depth and peruse my childhood, I thought he was only to ask questions about why I have depression relating to my surgery and diseases from 2009.

I sat there crying through alot of it and refused to go into parts of my childhood and told him it could stay in the hole I hid it in. He told me my husband was great and strong for stepping up to the plate to take care of me and I should thank him more for all he does for me....yeah kick me when I'm down

After an hour he told me he didn't think I was depressed but needed to be in a mental institute and I have another physch disorder but couldn't tell me what it was, I would have to go outside of his office for that diagnosis.

OMG I don't know how to feel, has this happened to anyone else? I know he works for SSI and needs to prove I'm not depressed so they don't have to give me disability, but I'm really depressed now over him saying I had deeper issues to deal with and need to be locked up.

He agreed my physcial problems are severe enough to be considered a disability, but not depression. Should I see an outside mental health person {cant think of the name?} or should I just wait until they deny me?

sorry to rant, I'm just floored right now

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I'm sorry you had such a miserable experience. I had an SSI pysch eval, too, and actually he wrote that I was suffering from depression/anxiety and recommended me for SSI. If your doctor thought you had a more serious condition, that's in your favor. I'm pretty sure he would have to write you up as qualifying for SSI via the pysch eval. If it were me, I would certainly get a second opinion for my own state of mind, and see what an unbiased professional has to say!

Good luck, and this may actually be a good thing - it may pinpoint a problem and get you on the right meds.


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That is horrible. I had a friend that went through the process for depression and said it was thoroughly difficult & lengthy but to be berated like that is over the top. To tell someone they "belong in an institution" (and further yet, withhold detail/justification about the statement) smacks of a passive-aggressive attack and not like someone doing appropriate public service & evaluation.

I don't know the process. Is the outside-consult like getting a doctor to back you up on your claim? If so, it sounds generally worth doing, so long as the expense isn't outrageous. But I wouldn't know if it is wiser to wait for rejection and then do this on appeal? Not sure of a best strategy.

The encounter itself sounds depressing enough and I hate how life (and people) tend to pile on stress & attack at the worst moments. At times, it seems like an "animal instinct" in some folks... like smelling weakness and attacking. Not sure if you've seen this in animals, but it is common practice in nature... and very inappropriate in humanity. This evaluator sounds like a dope... perhaps a cruel one at that.

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I had my physch eval for disability for depression and don't know what to do. I had no clue he was going to go so in depth and peruse my childhood, I thought he was only to ask questions about why I have depression relating to my surgery and diseases from 2009.

I sat there crying through alot of it and refused to go into parts of my childhood and told him it could stay in the hole I hid it in. He told me my husband was great and strong for stepping up to the plate to take care of me and I should thank him more for all he does for me....yeah kick me when I'm down

After an hour he told me he didn't think I was depressed but needed to be in a mental institute and I have another physch disorder but couldn't tell me what it was, I would have to go outside of his office for that diagnosis.

OMG I don't know how to feel, has this happened to anyone else? I know he works for SSI and needs to prove I'm not depressed so they don't have to give me disability, but I'm really depressed now over him saying I had deeper issues to deal with and need to be locked up.

He agreed my physcial problems are severe enough to be considered a disability, but not depression. Should I see an outside mental health person {cant think of the name?} or should I just wait until they deny me?

sorry to rant, I'm just floored right now


So sorry that happened to you. Here is a link that describes what SSI is looking for in regard to considering depression severe enough to qualify for benefits.


As a mental health professional, I find it unconscionable that a psychiatrist would open up those primary wounds without any closure AND give you a DX based upon a screening interview. I see WHY you feel ambushed. Perhaps the link above will help you figure out what (if any) your next move should be.

Many people living with chronic illness are depressed. Severity of the depression is usually gauged upon how it impacts your ability to function. THOSE are the sorts of questions he should have been asking you.

If your physical issues are severe enough that you may qualify without the depression DX, you should be OK. I understand that your case is stronger if you "double qualify." Rather than seek a 2nd opinion that SSI probably wouldn't accept as it isn't their doctor doing the DXing; have your psychiatrist (the one who writes your SSRI scripts) write a letter to SSI describing your DX.

Gentle Hugs-


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thank you all, I appreciate the info and thoughts I was just so floored by this appointment I may have been too emotioanl writing the post and not explained enough.

After I started getting sick last year and passed out driving and then my heart stopped, not alot of people believed I was as sick as I said, which caused me to withdraw and start having depression symptoms. After I had to have surgery for my heart stuff and ANS problems, I started having panic attacks and depression episodes of remembering my surgery and alot of other things that pointed to depression.

I told my cardiologist and she sent me to my PCP, he did an eval and said yes he thought I was suffereing depression gave me Lexapro to try, which didn't help. In October my dr told me I wasn't getting any better and symptoms worsening with neuropathy starting made me feel worse and then she told me by the time I was 50 I would probably have someone taking full care of me. Why wouldn't that depress anyone? strong willed or not?

In jan my new drs told me I can't drive again and I was progressively getting worse; neuropathy spreading that I needed to start thinking about that I probably won't get better, that made it worse and I finally filed for SSDI.

My ssi rep said I qualified based on my medical conditions and paperwork they got from my specialists, but my pcp refused to fill the paperwork because I still owe him money (ssi doesn't know that) and since he's the one who dx me with depression, he was crucial to that filing.

SSI sent me to the dr today for the eval and I thought I was only going to be questioned on things since I became sick so I was frozen and not sure what all to tell him.

I know I had a childhood and young adulthood that would curls most people's toenails, but I survived and dealt with it the way I knew how - I compartmenalized what's important and keep it that way, one day I'll deal with it. It's not the best way to cope with life, but it gets me by and helps me maintain compsoure and take care of my family.

The dr said I was a strong person and most strong individuals don't get depression? lol I laughed at that, then turned around and told me I needed to be in a mental institute to deal with my past...can I get over depression because of my health problems without meds? I can't even get over the panic attacks right now with so much stress and anxiety over what's happened the past year. I've dealt with much worse stuff than this, so I'm not sure why this is bothering me so bad... I think either way I'm going to go through my insurance and go to another therapist.

Thanks again, I was just so floored at this doctor I was in shock.

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I know what I forgot to add - he asked me 3 or 4 times, with my past why haven't I suffered depression until now or tried suicide. I'm still stumped why he asked me about this so many times. I told him I did suffer depression as a teen after I learned my father wasn't dead and wanted to meet me, so maybe I've suffered different levels of depression and just didn't know it?

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I know that you have been through way too much for such a young woman, but try to say STOP! don't let this ruin tonight, the weekend and trust that everything is going to workout just the way it is supposed to and everything is going to be alright. I have a feeling that there a something really good in store for you. It may be as simple as setting up someone to see and talk too. Which could be a blessing in disguise. Sadly from what I have been told the more dxs you have mental or physical the easier your eval gets passed. Half of it is paper work or wording that they have to use to get you the ssdi or any service in the future.

I also believe if you don't agree with anything said you can fight it. I try to go with the flow these days as it now worth the energy and I'm usually being pulled in the direction that I'm supposed to go anyway. I hope you can have a peaceful weekend and that all goes well.



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He was trying to see if there was a background of major depression or suicidal ideation (thoughts of suicide). Personally I think that anyone in serious chronic pain who has not thought about suicide at least fleetingly is probably crazy.

Is it possible he meant you should see someone within an established mental instititution to get to the root of your problems? Meaning he meant to suggest you should see a psychologist. I don't really think he meant you should be locked up. Actually if he thought you were such a danger, he might have had to do soemthing by law. So try and relax and know that when we get upset our autonomic nervous system gets totally shot, miscommunication can occur.

Anyone with chronic illness can benefit from counseling. It can be from a psychologist or a certified social worker. What you want in backaground is someone who has dealt with chronic illness. Heck, with what you've been through the past year you can keeep the past compartmentalized for another couple years while you deal with the here and now. Just don't let it jump up and bite you.



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thank you everyone, now that I've slept a few hours I feel better

I'm, angry he made me feel worse about the guilt I feel over my husband and family having to take over almost everything for me, I got the name of a psychiatrist someone I know goes to and has gotten help so Monday I'm going to call and make an appt

I still don't know exactly what he meant, but I'm going to request his eval and I want to take it to the guy I'm going to see, can I get that like you get your normal medical records?

I told him I haven't thought of suicide but yes of dying, wishing my heart would stop and that would be a cure to my health problems progressing the way they have and would solve alot of things family wise...he just said hmmmm ;)

anyone else feel this overwhelming guilt about stuff? anytime I have to ask anyone to help me with anything it makes me feel even worse - which is one reason I haven't gone back to the dr, my husband has to drive me and sit with kids in the car the entire time, it's been a fiasco with doing that but we have no choice there...or when I cant stand to cook dinner, do dishes, clean, 2 nights ago I almost passed out giving the kids a bath - only I can do that, ....

now I do sound really pathetic arrrggg

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hope your feeling better today noreen made a good point. if you we so crazy and needed to be locked up, they would have done it right then and there.

i don't know where you live but it's a beautiful day here. embrace the day, and enjoy~


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I'm sorry you had to deal with a psyc. evaluation like THIS from SSDI. I thought the whole process was brutal, and I went through both a medical and psyc evaluation. Both were really rough, and on both evaluations there was a lot of inaccurate information---(a nice way of saying they lied).

I got copies of my reports, and I wrote the local congresswoman, and the governor of our state pointing out the false information, and stating I did not want this in my file, and that this will affect my chances of being approved for SSDI. It was a long difficult decision to make, as I loved working and being part of the community, and I didn't need people from SSDI treating me like I was some kind of malingerer.

Will your family advocate for you? I don't think this psyc evaluation was ethical, and the way he talked down to you is appalling.

Lisa, I sense you are a good person, and take pride in that--------don't feel guilt over something you cannot control (easier said then done, I know). Don't let this obtuse little man belittle you. You can get a copy of any SSDI evaluation, medical or psychological. If you're feeling too overwhelmed to advocate for yourself, find someone who will help get you through this. You need support, and a good strong shoulder to lean on.

In the end I was approved after almost 3 years. I was fortunate that I had a medical expert that was actually impartial, and he was great! He researched the EDS, and the favorable decision was based on that. The information on the POTS was too vague to base my disability on that. The psyc evaluation tried to say I had somatization disorder despite evidence in my medical of psysiological cause to my symptoms. My attorney said it this diagnosis would be helpful to my case also, but both of us didn't feel right, as this was a flase diagnosis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatization

The diagnosis was removed, and my SSDI case was approved based on my physical condition. When the psychologist tried to speak at the hearing, the judge informed her that the hearing was over. I felt validated, but at the same time I was a little stunned at how serious the medical expert said my medical condition was. It's difficult trying to prove how sick you are while at the same time being in denial on how serious it really is. I don't know if this makes sense, but it's a tug of war going on inside my head of trying to accept how sick I am while trying to prove it at the same time to SSDI.

This is the worst possible time to have an inept psychologist/psychiatrist to belittle a patient who already feels fragile.

I'm on your side, and anytime you need to chat I'm here. Just PM me for my e-mail address.

Big HUG to you. star.gif

Maxine :0)

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I am so glad you got the name of a doctor. I can't help you with knowing whether you can get a copy, though. Did you go through a lawyer?

I may have used the term suicidal ideation incorrectly - I think that some may say have a "plan". What I meant is thinking about fleetingly is like what you said in thinking about your heart just stopping and that would be that. The doctor can help you.

The guilt thing is a mommy and woman thing. I have come to the realization that I can only be up for 20 minutes every hour. My exercise has to come in there on 2 of the hours in order to increase my stamina. Therapy will help you to understand that you need to come first in order to take care of your family. On airplanes it's Oxygen first to the mother.

Just relax and remember to breathe. Enjoy the day and try to stay on an even keel.

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thank you again so much for all of that information, I'll make sure I request the copies of my records of the eval.

Maxine that must have been terrible to have to go through and I'm not sure I can go through that much stress over it...If they deny me, it will be worth it to hire an attny. I'm already going through a court battle and have been since Dec with my health insurer to pay my benefits from surgery...What was supposed to be a 3 month contract disput is now 4 mths and counting. I am going to have to ask someone else to handle ssdi for me if I have to get an attny, not sure how much more I can handle "proving" everything and fighting against the bad guys :P (just joking)

Reen; I agree with you about it being a mommy/woman thing - I've overcompensated for things for so long to my family I'm having to learn to deal with not over doing it and pay for when i do. I think part of my problem is depression and feelings of guilt over things like I have been. Why do we do this to ourselves?

I went through so much for the first months of being sick before I found out and felt completely alone because no one believed my heart stopped, they thought I was too young and since I exercised all the time and stayed active like nothing could be wrong with me. I should feel good (vindicated even) that I do something wrong with me and that it's not all in my head, but I just want my "normal" life back :(

If you celebrate Easter, have a great Easter everyone :) if not, have a great weekend - thanks for helping me and sharing part of you.

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So sorry you had to endure that interview...that was awful what he put you through. I just wanted to add if you do get denied, which I have decided is just what they do...deny the first time you apply and hope the person goes away. But anyway, if you get denied definitely get a attny, mine really helped me.

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I think I read 80% or something like that were denied on first try so that's why I looked for a ssdi lawyer up front :blink:

Has anyone ever heard of Allsup? someone recommended them to me, but my original laywer I chose wasn't from there - they seem to have good success rates.

blhorn how long did it take for yours to be approved after you got an attny?

I'm like anyone else, I cut my hours & pay in half, so its been really difficult financially and now the neuropathy in my left hand is worsening, to my uppter forearm and elbow so it's more difficult to type and that's been my line of work for over 25 years :( dont even want to complain about how difficult it is to do billing and keep up with office work ugh I complain enough to my husband lol

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I was told that most people are now denied the first and second time, and so when I was denied the second time, I retained a lawyer I had heard good things about - known for her work with SSI cases. We went to court, I spoke to the judge about 15 minutes, she gave him some additional documents, and I was approved. The entire process took about 2 years. They now owe me about $20 K in backpay, which should come in about 6 months after your SSI payments begin. I've just hit the 6 month mark, so I should be receiving mine soon. I did get disability from my job with the state, however, so I do owe them some money, and they pay your lawyer out of your backpay, too (much faster than you get paid!)

Good luck,


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I was denied the first two times, had to go to court. I used a lawyer through Gen Ex, which is the firm hired by my long-term disability insurer. The lawyer was great. The other GenEx staff who filed for SSDI on my behalf were NOT. They filed incorrectly, not even including much of the doctor's records needed to prove my POTS and they wasted 2 years of my time. So when I went to the hearing (nearly 3 years after I stopped working), the judge I had was so great... she'd actually read through the hundreds of pages of dr's records, and the other paperwork I included to support my case including medical journal articles about POTS, my personal symptom journal, and much more. She said she had made her decision before I ever walked into the courtroom, and I was found disabled based on POTS! (although they had to file my disability under peripheral neuropathy since there's no actual classification for autonomic neuropathy as of yet).

Keep fighting for yourself. Get all the documentation possible (dr's records, employer's/prior co-worker's statements, etc). A good attorney can help, but my attorney said that I had already done all the work getting my documentation together and I could have gotten approved on my own. If you decide to go through GenEx, PM me and I'll give you the name of my attorney.

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[iI don't know why the little white quote box did not appear - sorry]

In the end I was approved after almost 3 years. I was fortunate that I had a medical expert that was actually impartial, and he was great! He researched the EDS, and the favorable decision was based on that. The information on the POTS was too vague to base my disability on that. The psyc evaluation tried to say I had somatization disorder despite evidence in my medical of psysiological cause to my symptoms. My attorney said it this diagnosis would be helpful to my case also, but both of us didn't feel right, as this was a flase diagnosis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatization


Did you get a copy of the info from the medical expert who researched EDS? I am in the process and that would be of so helpful to me.

When you contacted your government officials, was it helpful - did they do something on your behalf?

Thank you for any information you can give me,


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wow 2 & 3 years wait? how do they expect families to wait like that with no income? we own a small business (actually as my husband reminds me often HE owns 100% lol) I was just his slave for 10 years :) so I wonder if that's going to make a difference?

if they deny me, I'm going to go ahead with the attny first time - it all sounds so stressful and I don't need more stress - will attny's take your case on first denial since they won't make as much if you had to wait longer?

oh I remembered something else - why in the world do they ask about yoru driving record and if you've been in any accidents? I was SO embarassed I told him so confidentally - No, I've never even had a car ticket! I was so proud of myself until he looked puzzled and said, what's a car ticket? ummm yeah that's one of my things - replacing words with other words - car ticket was speeding ticket lol :o that gave me the perfect reason to tell him about dysautonmia but he didn't wnat to hear it, just said ok wrote something down and changed the subject

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I'm sending you a hopeful e-mail because you just never know! I applied about a year ago and was approved the 1st time so it does happen. Also there was not 6 month wait for me for my check from the months I missed while waiting to be approved. I actually received my back pay check before I received my 1st monthly check. I didn't hire a lawyer but did receive some complimentary advice from a friend who is a lawyer. He was even preparing me for rejection because of my age. He said it seems like the younger you are the harder you have to fight. Hope you are approved especially after all the stress they've put you through. They didn't request a psych eval of any kind here. I wonder if it varies from state to state. Anyway ... Keep us posted and hope they come through for you!


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wow Brye that is unheard of, you have to play the lotto :) seems really lucky to get approved on the first go round.

How in the world did you get approved on the first try? do you have conditions that are listed in their book that makes it easier for you? please share with us or point me to a post if you posted it before.

I'm crossing my fingers hoping, but the psych saying no to depression and my pcp saying yes doesn't seem like a good thing, hopefully with my physical things they'll approve me :o

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It's okay. How many times have we been denied from medical professionals, and later found we were correct? A lot! :o You know your own heart, and there is no way he can see what you've been through.

However, I would like to say that counseling has been the biggest blessing in the whole world! You can usually find some for free at churches or some clinics. It's a place to find someone who always believes you and listens to you talk about how much it hurts (physically, I mean) and they don't call you a liar :)

Don't let them tell you who you are. Just breathe deep, and go to the next person. I think it's safe to say that we've all been through a million doctors in our lives. I know you can do it! :)

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after calling my first choice for psych dr, he was booked up until the middle of June...back to starting point and I researched 20 drs or so and called 12 before I found a doctor who seemed like I would feel comfortable going to and had good recommendations...got an appt for April 21st, so hopefully I can get her eval and dx treatment plan into ssdi before they make a decision

now if this one tells me the same thing, I'm hiding in my closet for awhile lol

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I wish I had some brilliant secret to share! The lawyer gave me a form to have my physician fill out with numerous questions about work ability. He said if the combined standing/sitting ratio was less than 8 hours and the likelihood of missing work was more than 3 times/month Chances were better for an approval. I gave that to my doctor and he filled it out and both answers ended up in my favor. I submitted that with my other paperwork. My diagnosis is POTS. Not sure what type or what the cause is. I've never seen an autonomic specialist.

I had been dealing with it for over a year when I applied and I had numerous documented visits to experienced cardiologists who failed drastically at trying to treat it. The cardiologist made it clear there was a high risk of syncope at any time on my paperwork. That was the main reason I couldn't go back to work, I keep passing out. The doctor wouldn't write me a work note that left out the chance of syncope and the hospital wouldn't accept the work notes that were written. I think that helped in the end because everyone was afraid of liability if something happened. Not sure how I missed out on the psych eval but after reading all your posts and others I'm thankful I didn't have to go through it! I'll be thinking of you during this difficult time though and if you have any questions I would be happy to answer them. Not sure what the secret was but hope you get an approval soon!


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With my documented case of lifelong Syncope & near syncope, I think that's may be what I get approved for. Kick in my heart stopping when I pass out - documented on my TTT woot at least I did something right lol maybe I'll be surprised and get approved quickly also.

I have NCS, OI, [and a long list of other things] I have 20 or 30 documented dr visits since July 2009 trying to treat me, even with meds & pacemaker/icd I still pass out. I passed out at the dr's office last October so hopefully that also will help my case :blink:

I do have the dr's notes & orders that say I have to lay down supine when dizziness or symptoms starts, sometimes as often as 6 times a day, can't say I've ever been happier about my craziness as now, so hopefully that will mean they treat my case like yours Brye :P

houswoea I agree totally - I have had BCBS insurance and paid $$$$ premiums for substandard care, not saying all doctors are the same - but 3 pcp's in a row 5 years running told me things like nothing was wrong, lose weight and you'll be fine.

The jackpot was my pcp of 2 years, telling me to lose weight and he had just opened a "spa". He prescribed me phentermine with major heart things wrong and didn't tell me - he signed off on his EKG that showed I should have never been on meds like that. Hmmm pcp care with very little pay or charge my patient $7,000 for 6 months weight loss program

What I find most interesting is the fact they think I've had this my whole life and dr's told me it was nothing to worry about, when I read others say their drs tell them similar things it makes me wonder why they do this? is it a stereotypical thing and one treatment fits all mentality or is it monetarily driven where they don't want to or won't share their fees with other doctors...

just my crazy musings [steps off my soapbox]

I had to have a psych eval because my dr said I was depressed over being young and having major health problems that were progressively worsening and the risk of sudden death - but I don't think everyone has an eval, only if you put depression or mental issues as being a condition you suffer from.

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