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Anyone On Beta-blockers? Or Tried Them??


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I have POTS (i think hyperadrenergic but that's not official yet) and my doctor suggested a very small dose of beta-blockers for my tachycardia.

I have a near phobia of taking medication because of bad reactions I've had in the past.. though, I've never tried a beta-blocker.

What I'm wondering is this..

I have bradycardia occasionally- HR gets down to 40. Have any of you with bradycardia tried beta-blockers?

What are the side effects I can expect as a POTS patient.. (sometimes different than if a healthier person were to try beta-blockers)?

Has it worked for you? What kinds have you tried? my doctor recommended Inderal..

The only medication I'm on right now is lexapro and homeopathic adrenal support supplement.

Thank you all so much, sometimes I don't know what I'd do without this forum :)


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Hi there! I'm on 20 mg Propranolol once a day (morning) to control tachycardia and orthostatic HYPER-tension. Vanderbilt dxed me with hyperadrenergic POTS. All my docs agree, however, that I am not to take it after 4pm because of supine bradycardia. Unmedicated, I get into the low 40's bpm. It has been a wonder-drug for me, but only in tiny doses!

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I've been on beta blockers for 8 years. The first one I tried- Kerlone- gave me severe palpitations and bradycardia (40bpm if I recall correctly).

My doc then put me on Sectral and it has worked great for me. It controls the tachycardia and palpitations most all of the time, and if for some reason I skip a dose or take it late, I notice immediately and feel awful. I currently take 200mg daily, but this seems high compared to what some of you take- maybe it's because it's a different medication.

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I had originall ruled out beta blockers as helpful because I had tried pindolol, propanolol, diltiazam (not a beta blocker but can help heart rate), and atenolol with more side effects than what any positives were worth. HOWEVER, I finally figured out that if I tried a tiny dose and worked my body up to a therapeutic amount, I was able to tolerate them better. I literally started with 1/4 of the smallest dose of atenolol for 3 months, and then added in just minut amounts. So I was taking about 20% of the pill and than 25% of the pill (I had to cut off bits with a knife to increase it). Now I take 1/2 of an atenolol 25 mg and it really dose help with the adrenaline surges that cause the fast heart rate and also the high heart rate upon standing. Hope this helps :)



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From what I hear, you'll either love them or hate them and it will be very clear whether they will work for you.

Some lower blood pressure.

Some make asthma much worse.

I was on them for less than 24 hours, got bronchitis and crashed into every wall because suddenly the world was slanted, or I was slanted. Not sure which.

I have heard of people with great success though. Even though my experience wasn't the best, it was worth it because then I knew that I wasn't just sitting on a pill that could make me better.


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I started Toprol XL (metoprolol) a couple days ago, and thought I would have trouble because I'd tried propanolol a few years ago and it wiped me out! But I haven't had any trouble on the metoprolol, and I actually think it's helping me... my heart rate goes to the 110s when I stand up instead of the 130s to 150s, and I seem to have a bit more energy. I'm hoping it isn't a coincidence, and that it is really working. My doctor said propanolol has more side effects, but metoprolol is newer and doesn't cause as many problems, maybe you could try that one. So far so good! Let us know how it affects you, but it's definitely worth trying, I was scared to try it too!

Let us know...


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I take Nadolol once a day. I think it is so important b/c it is protecting my heart. Beta blockers do a lot of things. You may feel worse before you feel better but you can try different ones. If you heart is working too hard all of the time you are at risk for an enlarged heart (among other things). Also my heart rate has dipped to 28 and has was in the 40's at rest for a few days. A beta won't stop your heart from beating... it just may slow you down why your body adjusts.

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Right now I'm taking 5mg of Pindolol a day (half in the morning, half at night). I've been on it for about a month and I'm honestly not sure what to think. The past week has been really rough with me being dizzy..My blood pressure seems to be lower than usual but I don't know if it's from the pills or if I'm just going through another bad time..I guess anything will work differently for different people.

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I'm hoping to try them. I have the supine slow heart rate too, so it would be a low-dose day-only thing like firewatcher... cautiously done.

On the surface, they are known for doing the exact opposite of what my body needs... but they can have paradoxical benefit for many! For me, there will be lots of give and take going on. I will probably want my baseline BP higher & more stable so that the BB has more leeway to potentially work rather than backfire. Extra blood volume helps me with that... so fludro should provide a more solid base from which a BB might or might not work... all in theory of course! An SNRI tends to elevate HR & BP so that could be a trick to get me in a range where the BB is less touchy... other things do that too, many short acting things... or pinning the minimum rate with pacemaker... who knows what else... Oh, the lengths we go to trying to accomplish what most bodies do automatically in a couple heart beats time. Ridiculous!!!

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I am on propranolol as well, and like others have said, I take a very small dose. Because my heart rate was so high, my doctor prescribed 60mg, still a "normal" dose. I felt horrible on 60mg, but do really great on 5-10 mg every four hours. I believe that propranolol has been my life-saver. I too have had HORRID reactions to other drugs and also have a phobia of taking new ones. At this point, I pretty much don't at all take new drugs, not even antibiotics. But propranolol turned my life around. I have been improving ever since the day I took it.

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