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Salty Bananas~!


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  • 5 weeks later...

that sounds yummy and i want some now! :rolleyes:

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Olives and Spagettios. (not together!)

One of the things you've got to watch with the bananas is the potassium. Sodium and potassium regulate one another, they will be inversely related. If you want to lose sodium, take in potassium, if you want to keep sodium, drop potassium. So salting a banana is probably a draw.

Interesting. Thermotabs have salt & potassium in them, right? They're the salt tablets that Mack's doctors recommend.

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Olives and Spagettios. (not together!)

One of the things you've got to watch with the bananas is the potassium. Sodium and potassium regulate one another, they will be inversely related. If you want to lose sodium, take in potassium, if you want to keep sodium, drop potassium. So salting a banana is probably a draw.

Interesting. Thermotabs have salt & potassium in them, right? They're the salt tablets that Mack's doctors recommend.

Yes, they have both. But there is only enough K to buffer the Na in the stomach, there is not enough to counteract the amount of sodium and the ratio is better than Gatorade (which is higher in K.) I take thermotabs as well, I don't like all the carbs/sugar in Gatorade and think that it contributes to my recent yeast infections.

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  • 3 months later...

v8 - cheapest I've found is at Big Lots - but getting burnt out on it

bloody mary mix - without the vodka :)

A1 sauce



country ham cooked with canned green beans

smoothie: salt + frozen banana + milk + emergenC packet + peanut butter, in the blender

canned chili



Stouffer's SOS (has a ton of fat though)

I've done google searches for "hidden sodium" to find articles about what foods are high sodium and (normal) people should avoid haha.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 3 months later...

marmite an lassi's were mentioned... yum! and i think a pots cookbook is a fabulous idea too!

my favorite salties:

kosher pickles

marmite and avocado on bagel crisps with cheddar cheese

salt on fruit: watermellon, pineapple, apples, strawberries

cup 'o soup is fabulous for a good salt kick-especially when sick

salt in gatorade

capers with onions, cream cheese and lox on thin slices of bagels-i have a hard time with carbs...


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I SURE AM HUNGRY :P when is this party ever going to take place?

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NO WAY ~ Me too!!! I tell everyone I'm pickled ~lol :lol: or in a pickle half the time :unsure:

When people say you look so good, I tell them, why!!!

SPEAKING OF FOOD, I should go and try some today ~

My new thing is FROZEN BANANAS.

Then roll in choc topping that freezes hard. Shell stuff and use colored sprinkles~

W O N D E R F U L D E L I G H T ~ :)

Love, love, love this ~

BellaMia ~

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I love salted green apples too. Watermelon works with salt.

Just remembered another quickie that I tried before sleep (not for the syncopal hearts):

1 packet Chicken Ramen in 8 oz lukewarm H2O with extra salt added,

1 tbsp "Frost" flavored powdered Gatorade,

1 tablet Orange flavored Alka-seltser cold plus,

1 tsp Choline biterate powder,

1 tsp Creatine (optional)

"Frosty Orange Sour Salty Chicken Bubbly Drink" patent-pending :)

Erik, that sounds absolutely disgusting! lol ... and thank you for the laugh! :)

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