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Prawns Caused A Big Flare Up


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I just had (and still have) a very bad flare up in symptoms due to eating 100gramms of already cooked and peeled prawns about 2 hours ago. I felt quiet well and ready to go a little bit out of the house to a coming together i was very much looking forward to. My HR is out the roof, i cant breath right, i am shaky all over and freezing and it feels as if i have swollowed a stone and i have a lot pressure in my chest. It feels much worse then usually and i try to stop the panick that is creeping up. I cant get up at the moment and craweld back into my bed because i have to wait it out i guess.Its not that i never experienced this severe symptoms before but right now they are as bad as they were when i felt my worsed, and they just came out of the blue after eating them prawns. After so many years of POTS i know by now how i can avoid big unexpected flare ups like that, i know that carbs widen my bloodvessels (dilate) thats why i cant eat them. It feels the same right now after eating them stupid prawns, i definately know its from the prawns because i have changed my eating habbits a long time ago and the prawns are just something new i ate today. I feel really sick and a little panicky right now because my body is going mad at the moment. Any ideas why prawns could do something like that? I ate them cold just out of the packet. I never ever eat them again.

Thanks for your help.


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Histamine! Seafood of any kind, the longer it sits, either on the shelf at the store or in you fridge, breaks down and creates massive amounts of histamine. It acts just like a food allergy and many people go to the ER and they tell them it is anaphylaxis (but it's not.) Histamine is a POTENT vasodilator, so you'd go down like a rock. If you are going to eat seafood, assuming that you are not allergic, get the absolute freshest you can find!

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firewatcher thank you so much for this information. This really makes sense. From now on i will always keep this in my mind and you bet, i never eat prawns again. I just wanted to get some protein in me because i cant tolerate carbs, i just wanted to try something new besides chicken but i guess i ruined my day with it. Does this happen with all seafood, even tuna? I still feel sick but i guess all i can do now is wait it out or is there something else i can do in order to get my body more settled again? Thanks again you made my day, carinara

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I just searched the internet and found a german site about histamine intolerance, that sounds all so familar. I have noticed similar reactions like today in the past and always blamed it on the carbs and their dilatition of the blood vessels. One thing that always occurs with it as well is that i cant breath right in them sort of situations. Reading about a histamin intolerance makes so much sense as well and that was definately what happened today. I dont have any sort of medications at home like you guys recomended. Next time i see my doctor i will talk to her about it. For now i just took some vitamin c because i read that it can bring the histamin level down as well. I hope that the symptoms go away over night because tomorrow is monday and i have to got to work for 8 hours. I just wonder how many of us have a histamin intolerance, i think that is what i have got.

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Look up the generic names for these drugs. Diphenhydramine is Benadryl, most cold medications or Tylenol PM will contain it. You might have it if you have those at home. Just don't take it if it has anything ending with ---phedrine, like sudafed or phenylephrine! It is very similar to epinephrine/adrenaline and will make you tachy.

Good Luck!

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Hi Carinara-

You've gotten great advice, but thought I'd throw a few other ideas out there. Could you have had an allergic reaction to the prawns? Even if it's never happened before, allergies can come up at any time. If you have an allergist, describe this experience, and ask for either skin testing or RAST blood testing. If either is positive, you can confirm your allergy. AVOIDING shellfish would be your first line of defense & second would be all of the meds already mentioned here. Lastly, you'll probably need to carry an epi-pen.

To further confuse things, especially if the allergy testing is negative, consider mast cell reaction disorder (MCAD) with the prawns as your trigger. I have several triggers that I am NOT allergic to....but they still can give me anaphylaxis. One is pistachios. I pinpointed them as the culprits in an awful reaction as they were the ONLY food I'd eaten that day. My masto specialist ran a RAST test and it was negative. I am told to treat the pistachios as if it were a TRUE allergy.

Sometimes untangling these things is tricky and answers are rarely definitive. Trust your body's reaction and avoid whatever triggers your symptoms. Carry meds and an epi-pen with you to be safe.



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i honestly believe that it was the histamine that caused my symptoms today because i know exactly how it feels when i eat something (food or medication) that dilate my blood vessel. It was the same reaction like i experienced 2 years ago when i had to take diuretics or when i eat carbs that also dilate the blood vessels. I talked to my doctor a few months ago about getting tested for MCAD. She did a blood test that came back ok but she also said, that MCAD is not easy to diagnose. I asked her back then if she could describe me any kind of emergency medication in case of a "allergic" reaction. She gave me 2 different medication one is called ranitic ( Ranitidinhyddrochlorid) and the other one is called xusal (Levocetirizindihydrochlorid). I have never taken them, just looked a few minutes ago what they are called. I dont know if i should have taken them today, if they would have helped me because iam so sensitive to any sort of medicatio, iam so confused. I just hope i feel better in the morning. Thank you all so much for your help. carinara

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i honestly believe that it was the histamine that caused my symptoms today because i know exactly how it feels when i eat something (food or medication) that dilate my blood vessel. It was the same reaction like i experienced 2 years ago when i had to take diuretics or when i eat carbs that also dilate the blood vessels. I talked to my doctor a few months ago about getting tested for MCAD. She did a blood test that came back ok but she also said, that MCAD is not easy to diagnose. I asked her back then if she could describe me any kind of emergency medication in case of a "allergic" reaction. She gave me 2 different medication one is called ranitic ( Ranitidinhyddrochlorid) and the other one is called xusal (Levocetirizindihydrochlorid). I have never taken them, just looked a few minutes ago what they are called. I dont know if i should have taken them today, if they would have helped me because iam so sensitive to any sort of medicatio, iam so confused. I just hope i feel better in the morning. Thank you all so much for your help. carinara

I looked up those meds & couldn't find them due to the language issues, BUT I would think they would have been appropriate to take if they were prescribed for a severe allergic reaction- that's what histamine poisoning is ;) I hope it doesnlt happen again!


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What I know about seafood allergies can fit inside a clam shell ;-) ... but what little I do know is that Shrimp (prawns) is one of the most highly allergy prone critters in the sea. The effects of a shrimp allergy can be accumulative, in other words you may not be allergic now, but as time goes by you become more and more sensitive. In my case it would start with just puffy lips each time I ordered tempora shrimp. However, you never know if the next time will be enough to trip a full on systemic reaction ... which it sounds like you have had. For this reason, I gave up shell fish long before I even considered becoming vegetarian.

I have known chefs who work with sea food, develop serious allergies to even preparing shrimp in their recipes. So much so, that many food workers wear plastic gloves when they work with shrimp so that they do not develop this auto-immune response to this critter who as you know filters the sea water and as our seas become more polluted, so do these poor little creatures.

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Actually Im going to go out on a limb and say that there is probably no specific reason why prawns gave you a flareup - certainly in my case and the two patients I know well with POTS the same thing one day can trigger POTS then the next do nothing. ive found that some migraine triggers can bring on POTS and some strange things as well.

Its like anything - if you have specific triggers try to avoid them.

As for histamine - sure its a vasodilator but it doesnt automatically explain why they caused a POTS flare. I got a massive flare once from ginger beer - but i drink it all the time without a problem. Same with Oysters.

Some conditions like RA can be triggered by as strange a thing as weather or barometer changes - it doesnt mean these triggers cause the illness, only that pretty much anything can set it off.

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After so many years living with POTS i do know my body very well by now. I do have symptoms on a daily bases and i also have flare ups quiet often. But what i have experienced yesterday was definately more then just a usual POTS episode. I remember having them back in 2007 before i got diagnosed. That was the time when they tried various medication out on me in order to bring my bloodpressure down. Diuretic caused me the worst attacks i have ever experienced. What happened to me yesterday was the same kind of thing. I know this definately. I have to be so very carefull food wise anyway, because as soon as i eat carbs or garlic or anything that dilate the vessels i experience a milder form of whatever happened to me yesterday. The symptoms didnt go away after laying down yesterday either. It felt as if my body got a motor in it that kept going faster and faster. This uncontrolable sensation was definately caused by something that dilated my vessels like Histamine . I will see my doctor tomorrow evening and talk to her about what happened. I will ask her about an emergency medication i can take if something like that ever happens again. Thank you all so much for your input

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I saw my doctor yesterday. She told me to take a antihistamin medication called cetrizin ( Cetirizindihydrochlorid ). I should take it now for a week and see if i feel better with it. Does anybody of you know this medication? Iam always very sensitive to medication and iam a little worried but i think i need to try it out.

Thanks a lot, carinara

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Carinara, Here in the US, cetirizine hydrochloride is called Zyrtec. My son is on it and I have taken it many times in the past. It is a good anti-histamine, his allergist uses it instead of benadryl (diphenhydramine) in his office. It might sedate you slightly, but I have not noticed any ANS issues on it. It lasts much longer, usually once a day instead of 4-6 times for benadryl. Did he also put you on an H2-blocker like Ranitidine (Zantac)? My allergist says it is good for hives; I am also on it. Good luck and keep us posted.

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I didnt get a H2-blocker. Just the cetrizine. Since the prawns on sunday i feel not right because i experience symptoms i havent had in over 2 years now. My face feels hot a lot of times, as soon as i eat something i get breathing difficulites and my ANS plays up. I try to avoid foods with histamine and carbs but still dont know enough about what i can and cant eat.

I just know, that when i was at my worst in 2004 and 2007 my body reacted similar. It feels as if there is something on top of the usual POTS drama. For the last 2 years i kept gaining weight even though i have sticked to my diet but know i am loosing weight again, i have no appetit, but i need to eat because of blood sugar problems. As soon as i eat something, my ANS reacts and i cant breath right. Another thing i have noticed is, that since sunday i have to pee a lot more. If i dont go straight away my body goes mad. My HR spikes, i get jittery and cold all over the place.

Iam a little nervous about the new medication, but i guess i will give it a try.

Thank you for your help


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I take it every day (along with a bunch of others) to control my MCAD. If it helps, adding a more complete regimen may be a good idea, like an H2 blocker- zantac or ranitidine, maybe singulair & another H-1 at night, like benadryl or atarax. I hope you feel better. Stick to bland foods, like rice, broth, chicken or turkey to see if that will help.

Let us know how you are doing-


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I saw my doctor yesterday. She told me to take a antihistamin medication called cetrizin ( Cetirizindihydrochlorid ). I should take it now for a week and see if i feel better with it. Does anybody of you know this medication? Iam always very sensitive to medication and iam a little worried but i think i need to try it out.

Thanks a lot, carinara

I've taken Zyrtec daily for a couple of years. I used to take Claritin but it lost it's effectiveness on me. It's a big help as I have seasonal and household allergies, too. Zyrtec is probably something I'll have to take indefinitely as I cannot tolerate allergy shots right now. I'm really resistant to new medication, but Zyrtec is so helpful I'm very glad I use it.

For my weird hives I get randomly, I take a daily Zantac (150mg)...if they get really bad I can go to 300mg but I'm holding off as long as I can so I have room to grow.

I've also taken an occasional Benadryl or a hive flare-up when it's uncomfortable to sleep/relax (per my doctor). It does make me drowsy.

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Hello everyone tonight I've been so flared up since my cortisol stim test last Friday and my endo biospy they other day. I have been flashing so hot, tahcy and seeing white lights lite stars again. Oh, and I can't for get to add the ever ending migrainel /phpto sensitivity along with dry eyes...Nothing will help the pain . :o

xxx's bellamia~

oh, forgot Pistachiues nuts did me in for 3 dy in the hospital days... starting to passout now...................

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I took 5mg of Cetrizin Yesterday evening around 5 o'clock . I noticed an improvement last evening and today at work i felt better then the previous 3 days. I have noticed that my HR didnt spike as much ( even in stressfull situations where it normally does), my face didnt get so hot and i felt better overall. The only thing that got worse was that i got dizzier than usual when i got up to use the bathroom). I kept eating a little chicken and some vegetables and was happy because it looked like i would make it through until 1 o'clock. The past few days at work reminded me alot of the days in 2004 and 2007 when i felt at my worsed. I managed to stay at work the past 3 days but dont ask me how! Well today it all went a little better. Then around 12 i noticed that i needed something "sweat" to eat to keep my Bloodsugar stable, so i decided to eat 20g of whole grain with a little milk and some dried cranberries i fixed the day before. Because i eat whole grain with milk every morning i thought that it wouldnt do me any harm. I just added the cranberries and ate it. About 3 to 5 minutes later my body reacted big time again. My HR shot up, i had difficulties breathing and i started to freeze, my hands got ice cold. I tried to put a jacket on and my HR went totally crazy. I just sat there remembering the times in 2004 and 2007 when i had them sort of episodes at work, not knowing what they are and before my POTS Diagnosis. Back then i went to work every morning and faced them sort of attacks always in connection with some kind of food and in the end i always ended up being off work for a few months because i felt so sick. I figure that since i now know that i have POTS, i will make it through this crisis without missing work. What concerns me is, that iam now left with this weired thing like in 2004 and 2007 that makes my body overreact so bad. Today i sat on my desk, trying to breath right, wondering if i should take another Anthistamin tablett. My thoughts went all over the place. It didnt get better so i took another 5 mg of Cetirizin and called my sister to ask her if she could drive me home. She carried my bag because i couldnt anymore, my HR was going nuts. About 15 Minutes after taking the tablett, i did feel better again, iam just so tired now and i feel weak. I wonder if the Cetrizin stopped working at around lunch time, because i took it the evening before? I dont know if i should take another one this evening (my doctor told me to try 5mg a day out and now i have already taken my 5mg). I cant get in touch with my doctor today. I am stuck and a little scared, i dont want to go into one of the real bad cycles again were something else in my body plays up and makes POTS and everything else uncontrollable. The last 2 years were bad but also good because i managed somehow, knowing how my body is reacting about 60% of the time. Now i feel as if iam helpless and my body hast its own life again. My appetit is gone, but i need to eat, so i eat and then my body reacts to it somehow. So my appetit goes away again and i feel my blood sugar dropping, then i eat again and my body reacts to it. I stopped carbs about 6 weeks ago, because i cant tolerate it in potatoes, rice and bread. The only carbs i eat is my whole grain breakfast. Its seems as if iam in this stupid cycle like in 2004 and 2007 again but this time i know so much more, about POTS. I just dont know about what else is happening to me at the moment. Do you guys know if i should take another 5mg of Cetrizin today? I also take a Betablocker 4 times a day, i hope these 2 medications go together. Sorry for this long post but i really need the input of all POTS experts here. Now i had to lay down because my HR spikes as soon as i move and i feel feverish but iam not. Thanks a lot for your help


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I take a Beta Blocker with Zyrtec & Zantac...plus the occasional Benadryl amongst other things.

Can you see or phone your doctor to talk about taking 10mg of Zyrtec? That's a common dose in the USA. That's what they sell over the counter here so I would ask as soon as possible if it's helping!

You can also ask about your Beta Blocker - but didn't your doctor look at your medication list first before prescribing? I always make sure my doctors know what I am on. Maybe you can call your doctor to see if the Beta Blocker you are taking is OK with Zyrtec.

I don't even get drowsy from 10mg of Zyrtec. I think it took about a week or so to adjust.

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Just a quick note to alert you that if you do try Benadryl as a back-up antihistamine that it can make you very drowsy. Not everyone reacts to it this way, some people can't tell a difference and some get hyper, but if I take one during the day, I'm fighting sleep for the next 4-5 hours. Other antihistamines can do this as well. I used to take Alegra-D so I wouldn't get so tired (those have a decongestant in them).

Hope you're feeling better!


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