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Silent Migraines


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Does anyone else experience extreme dizziness with silent migraines from POTS? I don't mean complete vertigo but the feeling that you're starting to spin but you're not. Or that you are dizzy on the inside but the room isn't moving. Happens in quick bursts and is often accompanied by extreme head pressure (not sinus) but no pain. It has been suggested to me these may be silent migraines and I'm looking for feedback from anyone else who may experience it.


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Yes, I get this when I'm having more POTS symptoms in general. Usually it's when I'm in a car or trying to have a conversation with someone. It feels like I'm spinning on the inside. It doesn't last more than a few seconds. I usually end up closing my eyes, as bright lights seem to make it worse too. I mentioned it to a cardiologist last summer and he said it was POTS and I shouldn't drive when I'm having more of these episodes. Duh.

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Guest tearose

Yes, I have these. The only time they trigger migraine pain if in the morning I am moving too fast, before my bp is up or compression on or if I am exposed to bight lights before bp is up. Otherwise, I usually get these when fatigued, when exposed to extreme in temperature changes or while standing then breaking into a walk. I try not to stand still much. I am forever twisting my legs or slightly swaying from leg to leg.


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Yes, I also get these. I think they're the worst when my BP is low. Sometimes I'll get really severe headaches that will wake me up in the morning. Then, I get really dizzy and shaky. I have to have someone help me down the stairs or I'd probably fall right on my rear.

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Thanks for your replies.....I'm not sure what's going on because when I take my bp it seems good. But, I have always been one to have orthostatic symptoms even if bp and heartrate are stable so it's hard to tell. I've been in a bad flare for about six weeks now so that could be why it's acting up....it's one of my worse symptoms though. Really put me down for the count..

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Yes I get it..usually when standing.

I always attributed it to MEDS!! Its one of the major side effects of pharmaceutials.

But I will pay attention to what you all notice as well.


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Guest tearose


Mayo clinic explained that the brain can sense changes in the smallest ways and if you can tune into these you may be able to avoid triggering a migraine.

For example, I have many many mini-bursts of awakenings during my sleep and they attribute this to my bp just starting to go to low and the body kicking in to bring it back up asap. I still wake up with very low bp but it goes even lower during sleep.

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Hi, I get this exact thing too. Only mine are short-lived; just a few seconds of the "internal" dizziness feeling, then the pressure in my head. I have never fainted before, so I wonder if this is the presyncope, but it seems different than I would expect. Also, my blood pressure is always normal too. Not really sure what is going on, but I do take beta blockers so that may contribute. Though, it has definitely happened when I haven't taken them too. My episodes come out of nowhere - I can't really put my finger on any trigger. I suppose I notice them more often when in stores with fluorescent lighting...

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Mayo clinic explained that the brain can sense changes in the smallest ways and if you can tune into these you may be able to avoid triggering a migraine.

Not all brains - specifically those who are prone to migraines. People who suffer migraines have an area of the brain that is easily over stimulated by certain triggers for unknown reasons - migraine patients have been found to be hyper-responsive to bright lights and visual stimuli in particular.

Strangely, POTS patients also all seem to have triggers - some of them quite odd.

As for migraines - POTS and particular hyperadrenergic POTS and migraines go hand in hand. I get silent migraines, I get persistant migraines without infarction (five days of migraine aural symptoms), visual snow, and I also occasionally get the most horrid migraines with aura I could imagine - total visual freakouts and numbness.

My POTS is always worse for the next few days after a migraine and usually better the few days before one. Figure that out... I have a theory that calcium channel ions may play a role in both migraine and POTS through increasing sympathetic drive.

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