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I Am So Hot!!

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Just wanted to vent to those who mighht understand. I am a single mom. My kids re 11 and 15. I was just getting a routine for me when school ended here in Florida.

My daughter (15) is a cheerleader. Cheerleading practice is from 2:30 - 4:30 twice a week. The school is 8 miles away. The car barely cools down from the 102 degress it was registering on the dash when I get all the way home. I want to be able to do this.....but the heat is so hard for me. I can't even think or talk once in the heat like this.

I am back to sitting on my couch now....with the ac on....and am telling them to please be queit....! I feel soo bad for my kids...they try to uinderstand but obviously they don't really get it. My head hurts....I told my 15 year old to fix dinner!


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I know what you mean..I'm actually thinking about getting a remote starter for my car so I can leave the ac on full blast and then turn it on before I have to get in it.

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I totally understand, and I don't even live in Florida! In fact, I don't think I could tolerate it. Even here in the north, I'm very challenged when it comes to going out during the day when it's hot. I've been quite happy the past week because we've had several days in which it seems to be in the 70's or so....and I can tolerate sitting outside, in the shade, in those temperatures. Won't last long, though..."real summer" is coming. Ugh.

A couple of years ago, our central air broke down. As always, this ONLY happens during a heat wave, right? It took us about a week to get a new unit, and I swear to God, I thought I was going to die. After about a day, I was almost completely bedridden. After a couple of days, I was needing oxygen. And ofcourse, the day after we got the new unit installed, the heat wave broke.

It's very difficult with kids, though. I can't drive and chauffer mine around any longer. Only the two youngest can't drive, and now, my strategy is to always have at least one kid at home who can do so. This works for awhile, while they are still very excited about driving. I've dealt with this for a long time, so my kids do understand, but the problem is that its been a long time, so they just accept this as "normal". "Normal" as in "ofcourse you feel bad"....hard to explain when "bad" is "worse", and frankly, I tire of trying.

My fourteen year old had to cook dinner last night. My husband will do so tonight.

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Hi Erika,

I can relate to this too. I have 3 kids. Driving in the summer is very hard for me.

I also feel bad about my brainfog where the kids are concerned. My youngest loves to talk. By suppertime, I am so foggy that I have difficulty processing all of the chatter - this is especially true in the warm weather. I feel really guilty about this.

My 15 year old also does lots of cooking. It really is hard.


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Do you have anywhere with a bit of shade that you could park the car? Have you tried putting sliver coloured "blinds" in all the windows (cardboard and tin foil works) to reflect the sun's heat away from the car?

When I need to drive I put the AC on full blast and then open the windows for a minute - sounds mad but it lets the AC blow out all the hot air before it really starts to cool the car down.


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Me TOO! My car temp read 102 today. I thought I was going to melt like the Wicked Witch of the West in Oz. ;) If I'm going somewhere with my family, I ask my husband or son to start the car before I get in. It really helps. My car is in the garage & the temp is bearable, but when I have to drive my son's (parked in the driveway) I HATE it! You are not alone.


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Hi Erika,

I have 3 girls and daughter #2 will be a college cheerleader this fall and has cheered since elementary school. (YAY GIRLS!!!!!!)

I know how you feel.....that 8 mile drive can feel like a 100 miles when it's hot. It doesn't usually get 102 degrees here in the mountains of Maryland but I can barely tolerate 80 degrees. I am thinking about getting a cooling vest so I can enjoy the outside again. Have you looked into one of them?

Best wishes for a cooler tomorrow...


Daughter #3 cooked dinner tonight at my house. ;)

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You guys are so great! It just helps to vent. I have such guilt over my kids...especially leaning on my daughter. But after driving in the heat etc. there is no way for me to cook much less anything else. It make me feel better to know there are others in my shoes.

Summer - yes..I feel so bad about the brain fog too...my son is starting to constantly chat...asking all sorts of questions...I don't even know what he is saying when I am having a real "sick" period....sometime he willl just look at me and say "oh, forget it".

I will try a shade for the car...never thought of that. I also think there is really something wrong with the car as it doesn't cool until it is actually moving. So I am going to get this looked into. (this way I can have it cool in the driveway). When we sat at a traffic ligt thru a series of 3 red lights..it got awfully hot and I got very nervous I wouldn't make it home. BUT even my healthy little boy (11) said...wow mom..I don't feel good its kind of hot.



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Honestly Erika, I don't know how you do it! Wow, I'm having a tough time here in Oregon where it's been 80. Mdcountrygirl asked if you've ever thought of getting a cooling vest. I just got my cooling vest today (CoolSport)!!! I originally was going to just wear it when I went on outings or for a walk, but as soon as those inserts were cold I put in on and haven't taken it off since 2pm (I got an extra set of inserts so I can change them out). I didn't know how badly the heat was affecting me til I finally got a little cool.

Even when the A/C is running in the car, the sun shining through onto me is still too warm. So many of you guys live in warmer areas of the country. I really don't know how you do it.

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As we say in Arizona, it's not the heat, it's the humidity ;) I don't mind heat but humidity really kills me.

I see on your list of diagnosis that you have a thyroid nodule... have you been correctly worked up for thyroid disease? Have you had your free T3 and free T4 and thyroid antibodies checked, as well as a saliva cortisol test? With a nodule and no appropriate T3 and T4 treatment it's very likely you're suffering needlessly. Please check out http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/ and then find a doctor who will order the right tests and don't just let him interpret your results, post them on a thyroid forum to be sure you are not actually out of whack with your hormones. http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewforum.php?f=14

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon-- and get that AC looked at!

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Another tip

BEFORE getting in the car open at least two doors wide open (I realize this means walking around car in parking lot if alone but when you get in, it helps heat dissapate than just getting in and running AC. Also rolling down windows is helpful but opening the doors BEFORE getting in car helps the most. LET a door on each side be open at least 10 seconds. You will feel the heat come out of the car.

If you have a hatchback, open the trunk/hatch area. THAT will allow the heat to escape first, too.

Also aluminum shields. Leave house with tall plastic glass of ice and it will melt into water. Good luck.

I try not to go out in the heat but the DEWPOINT is what gets to me. humidity is just PART of the deal. Dewpoints above 65 are tough and in 70's just too much.

also keep a white towel over steering wheel and seat if you have black interior, while out of the car.

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