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At Last! Dare I Say It! A Good Day!

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I dont know what it was? was it the bacon I had for breakfast, or the three mandarins I ate the night before, but from the moment I woke up this morning I was quitely confident. I was a little dizzy, but there was a level of energy there I havent had in a long while.

Lasted the whole day - 11am slump was a little difficult, had to fidget to keep from fainting, but the rest of the working day was uneventful. Thank god I finally had a good day - first in three weeks, and before that no good days for a long time... This has been my WORST crash by miles.

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{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{gentle hugs of congratulations}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

I must add that after almost 3 weeks to the day, this morning was also the first morning I was not completely bound by pain and high agitation. Same thing ... no idea why. (But I have been deeply grateful all morning for however long it lasts.) I pondered the same kind of things about what I may have eaten (or not eaten) yesterday. What I did last night before going to bed ;-) and a whole host of other possible "reasons". But I realize its unlikely I'll ever know.

But I felt good enough this morning, to walk downstairs. I even did some floor exercises (ab crunches, leg lifts) as well as sit peacefully by a window and listen to the birds.

I know this illness is a roller coaster ride ... and that everything changes (even the good times, alas.) However it is simply wonderful to have a morning where I could see the light around the bend.



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Awesome!!!! Let's hope for many more...

Every once in a while, I have a good day- no pain, boundless energy, etc. It feels so wonderful and foreign, like anything's possible. It's easy to envy healthy folks, but I remind myself, that we all carry burdens that others can't see.

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I'm so happy for you! Hoping for many more good ones for you too!! Oh....and from someone who recently had a good day, and overdid it, take it easy and enjoy it!


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I am so happy for you. Those little improvements are so precious, and few can appreciate them the way that we do. I hope that things continue to move in a positive direction for you :)!

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